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Posts posted by shed

  1. The point is that if people buy a midibox knowing zilch about how it works or how a soldering iron works, etc. then a year down the line when it breaks down cos it was made by someone with less than brillant soldering skills comes back (here) and wants support for something someone else made money on. And thats just not quite fair.

    If people want to make money out of midi boxes, they could (i think), sell components and kits like smash and mike, do soldering classes etc, or offer support for people who have problems,  for example i have no problems with someone coming on the forum,and after lots of advice and trying someone saying put it in a jiffy bag and il fix it for a couple of quid or something

    but selling boxes kills the whole diy thing off and doesnt encorrage people to do stuff  for themselves. kits & support  etc make it more likely that people will give the diy thing a go.

  2. have a search round there are litraly hundreds of apps that are free / cheep and can do this, but most of them will be crap.

    for linux there is adour http://ardour.org/ witch seems to be fairly good.

    stuff is more lacking on windoze i think there may be something called multitrack studio that would be ok ish, the demo version suports 2 tracks of audio and 5 midi or something

    and on the mac, garage band (duh)


  3. well as far as i can tell from this page http://www.protools.com/compato/osx/mbox/midi.cfm protools 6.7 suports cm and hui has some stuff on the mios cm emulation witch seems to be the way to go with for pro tools stuff, and some spec stuff on the cm protocall is here http://www.cmlabs.net/MotorMix%20V%201.2%20Developer%20pkg3.pdf

    there is some interesting stuff here on controlling protools with a generic controller, however as the JL Cooper CS10 isnt on the properly suported list of controllers anymore it seems a bit dated



  4. Im looking for a uk source of header sockets like the kind that you get to connect up the power switch on pc cases?

    im thinking these would be a nice way connect up all the sil pins on my sid so i could possibly reuse the modules without lots of desoldering.  A maplin no would be good as they have 2 shops here in cambridge?


  5. its good to here that they are on there way, im gonna wait for a soldermask board to come out too, and get a new bit for my soldering iron before going anwhere near those chips!

    A while ago i had a bash at writing some sequencers for the BBC micro, you know step stuff, i was working on getting nice sounds from the sound hardware that was on that computer, i gave up after a while, mainly cos although the things you could do with the chip were well documented at the end of the day it sounded fairly dry and crap.

    a while ago i found this http://www.colinfraser.com/m5000/m5000.htm whitch looks faily cool. But i think that probibly short of finding a working UMI setup im gonna stick to a pc or mac for sequencing for the time being.

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