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Posts posted by havensole

  1. well, if you're in the US, go to allelectronics.com. on the right hand side, scroll down to "wire" when that page opens, click on "ribbon calbe" and grab the 20 conductor cable. it's only 2.80 for 10 feet and being as it's 20 conductor (20 wires) you can split it down the middle for 20 feet of 10 conductor, which is more than enough, and you can strip 4 wires off to get your 16 conductor. i bought 20ft. and it has been almosot neough to do 2 midibox sequencers and a midibox sid, i was short by around 2 feet, and alot of that was from rookie mistakes. well, my 2 cents.

  2. yeah, i found a posting from a guy who has the same lcd's and he says they need -2 volts for decent contrast. so on monday i get to go to the electronics store and get some diodes and zener diodes. hopefully that'll be the end of this thread. 1 other question to pose to the group. i was thinking about inverting the diplay (white on black vs. black on white). i've read a some site that say take the diplay apart and to use polorizing film on the glass. i would really prefer not to take it apart, so i was wondering if one could use an inverter chip (hex or binary) instead. thanks everyone.

  3. actually, i just de-soldered, and re-soldered all the pins 5 min. ago, and it works fine. contrast is crap though. i nkow someone said something about supplying -2 volts to it, but didn't explain where to supply it. thanks though.

  4. ok, well issue is slightly resolved. found a forum somewhere that said not to use pin 15 and 16 for the backlight led's, but to use the pads on the right hand side of the pcb instead, and guess what, i got backlight. only issue now is that i'm getting nothing else. tried using my lcd module for my sid and it all works. guessing i must have something pinned wrong.

  5. hey all. hoping someone out there can help me with this. i have a seiko l4042 (led backlight version) adn when i plug it in, nothing is displayed and the regulator gets really hot, and the voltages all over go down to almost zero. i've checked the pinouts in the datasheet and it looks like i have everything soldered right. was thinking it was a ground issue. thanks for you help guys.

    -have sole

  6. hey guys, it's been a reaaaaaaaalllly long time since i posted this question, and i am finally building my stuff. so anyway, a quick question on the 18lf452. i am building 2 midibox sequencers w/encoders. the question is whether or not i can power all of it with a 5v 1A psu. if not, oh well. it has a 12v .2mA output as well which i can always just do a power divider circuit. also have normal 18f452's, was just wanting to use these if possible. thanks, and hopefully someone will reply to this being as the post is sooooo old.

    -haven sole

  7. ok, the OSC section, instead of having the OSC env, misc, and assign layers, it will only have a traditional octave (pitchrange i assume), pitch (transpose i assume), pulse width, and fine tune. originally i wanted a mix (level adjustment) for each OSC, but i don't see that anywhere in the code.

    next thing is the ENV CTRL buttons where i will be adding another layer. a misc. layer (that at the moment will only be able to control arp rate and port rate).

    lastly is the LFO section where i'd like to split the 6 LFO's into 2 parts. having 2 control sections, 1 which controls LFO's 1,3,and 5,  the other controls LFO's 2,4, and 6.

    the code i posted before was from the "cs_menu_buttons.inc" file. and dealt with the code for osc ctrl function. the reason i asked for some explanation was that i was planning on getting rid of it, but it would explaain how to re-do the env ctrl section.

    sorry for all the confusion.


  8. ok, i think i need to simplify. my big issue is understanding how MIOS can tell when say, "ENC_ENTRY  3,  2,  MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 (code from the MIOS_TABLES.INC) is routed to "Osc attack/finetune/assign #2." i've been looking in the other files and can't seem to find something that defines the encoder input #2 going to a specific function, unless i am just missing something in front of my face. lastly, can someone please help explain the following code in idiot speak for me. "CS_MENU_BUTTON_Osc_Ctrl

    ;; do nothing if button has been depressed

    IFSET MIOS_PARAMETER2, 0, return

    ;; increment OSC Ctrl parameter (0x00-0x02)


    movlw 0x02+1


    movlw CS_MENU_OSC ; change to OSC menu

    rcall CS_MENU_BUTTON_Hlp_MenuChange

    ;; set page offset and cursor pos depending on selected layer


    bnz CS_MENU_BUTTON_Osc_Ctrl_Not0


    movlw 0x03

    rgoto CS_MENU_BUTTON_Osc_Ctrl_Cont




    movlw 0x09

    rgoto CS_MENU_BUTTON_Osc_Ctrl_Cont


    movlw 0x00





    goto CS_MENU_EXEC_Hlp_ChangeMenu ; deselect parameter"

    i can understand some of it, just not everything completely. thanks again in advance.


  9. Hi all, sorry for my ignorance, but i've checked around and can't find anything that really helps. I am trying to do my own design for the front panel of my SID and am having some issues figuring out how to add minor features and take away others, as well as figuring out how to fully edit encoder features. I am attaching the rough design for the frontpanel (mind you the picture is split so it'll fit on a standard sheet of paper). The vertical boxes are for the encoders, the larger circles are the LED's, and the smaller ones are the buttons. The main issue I need help with are the redifining of the OSC encoder section, the addition of a second LFO section, and the different options in the ENV section. Thanks in advance for your help guys. If I am asking too much, please just point me to where I can learn how to tweek these things.


  10. hi all, sorry if i am writing this in the wrong place thorsten. i am just starting my actually basic basic basic programming courses at school, and am actually really depressed at how generic it has been. i can turn an LED on and off already. anyway, i was hoping someone might know of a page or something that can explain writing midi code (for hardware, not pc) with c++ or some other language. and also someplace that can explain (in depth) writing synthesis code for the same things. i really want to make things like the mbsid and mbfm, as well as take off into the extremes of the virus and the likes.  any help is appreciated. thanks everyone, especially thorsten for his great ideas that have kept me up nights thinking about the crazy things one could do.


  11. hey, i know it's been posted before, but i get out of it what i was hoping, so here it goes again (sorry if it's redundant).  my idea is to use digital pots on various real analog vco's, vcf's, vca, etc. and have them controlled by mios.  the question i have is which dgital pots to use and how to connect them to which modules. any info is appreciated. thanks


  12. don't know how many spaces you are looking for, but here are some middle atlantic (really good rack supplies) stuff.. http://www.electroniccity.com/brands/39.asp

    i know the small diy electronic shop down the road rom me sells blank  frontpanels from 1sp-8sp and a very limited supply of back casings. the frontpanels usually range from 5-50$ and the back casings are around the same, so going with one of the mid atlantic ones is what i'm going for. hope that helps some.

  13. hello all. i'm pretty new to this, but an decently electronicly inclined and am just wondering if anyone can give me a had trying to hook an old, non midi, casio keyboard up to a midisid setup.

    i like the midisid setup as a module, but i want to try and take it to that next level. i basically want to just rip the tone generating guts out of the casio and use the remaing keyboard. is this possible? where would i need to hook it up? thanks in advance.

    -haven sole

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