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Posts posted by grexA_178

  1. :frantics: IT WORKS

    Except the fourth channel and some little bugs. But sounds perfect with all 4 operators.

    On the channel no 4 I hear the test tone but very low, seems to me like there was no ground connected or is not amplified, I dont know.

    And sometimes when I power it on makes only that "DWUUM" sound and there is some crunchy audio as written above... but on the next power on everything works fine.

  2. So, this week was hard for me. After 100 times checked pins and traces I decided to build new OPL pcb (cannibalized another sound cards). Result is that is not working too. First what i got from the second board was very low and crunchy audio signal but from all four channels, then I changed whole core board which i had prepared for sequencer and to my surprise it worked well but without audio on first channel. What i observed was that OP1 has no function as before the OP3 and OP4 when i had no audio on channels 3 and 4 (they worked now). So i think that must be there something between No of OP and No of Channel...

    YES I am trying not to heat them up too much, my solder station is set to 250`C and heating pin last about one second.

    In next days i will try that improved layout for OPL and also try to improve my soldering skills. No drunken monkey anymore!

  3. Hi to all. I have also problems with that outputs #3 and #4. When playing there is no sound on those channels.

    As first shorten my cables between core and OPL module to 15cm - NO SOUND

    Tested voltages with mbfm_interconnection_test_v2 - OK

    Tested audio with mbfm_testtone_v1c - OK all channels played 1kHz testsound (but only after upload and restart, not by switch off and then on)

    then uploaded again midibox_fm_v1_1d but NO SOUND again on those channels.

    So I tried to route instrument sound from mainmenu OP12 and OP34 to various audio channels but without change, still played only channel #1 and #2 even if there was Audio on frontpage set to ---- nothing.

    Is there maybe bug in a chip? my OPL is YMF262-M 9514 FAKC or something else? I was trying it at two PIC18F452 - all the same.

    Any ideas?

    And one thing is to me yet unclear, how do the Operators 3 and 4 affect the sound of instrument. Because when I am turning the knobs - change wave or volume ... there is no change on the sound played.

    Many thanks for the replies.

  4. Hi, is it possible to use some Atmega8 or Atmega168 instead of SID ? I think that I saw it here somewhere around midibox, but I cant find it now.

    Will it be critical for the MIDIbox SID V2 to use more "emulated" atmegas instead of SIDs?

    Thanks for the links and answers...

    and sorry for my bad english

  5. :) no caute ludia aj ja som jeden taky, uz mam prestudovane cele ucapps.de a idem stavat midibox FM. Nemam sice velke skusenosti s elektotechnikou (nechodil som do takej skoly) ale bvi ma to, hlavne hudba. Pozeral som na tie komponenty a niektore su teda pekne mastne  >:(

    Najprv si este ale musim postavit mikrospajku  :)

    Idem do toho teda... Nemate nahodou niekto to LDCcko 2x40? sakra

    8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

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