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nathan vain

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Posts posted by nathan vain

  1. First off I'm now in love with MidiBox

    I'm posting my first post in this forum because I actually found the MidiBox website while researching information on how to make my own MIdi controller for Ableton.

    As a DJ who is wanting to open up my 'possibilities' I've found that Ableton is a great tool. I've wanted to incorporate Live into my regular setup and after seeing *gasp* Sasha using it. (Actually at the same event as the above photo link;) I was convinced of it's possibilities for 'on the fly' "remixing" and/or "mixing". 

    I just wanted to have something more along the lines of a DJ mixer design but didn't want to have to donate a kidney for an Allen & Heath Xone 92 which I think doesn't actually have Midi on every control and as some might have noticed some other midi contollers lack of substance or presence. The UC 33 is a nice controller for Live but just isn't tough enough for me not to mention only has 3 knobs above the channel. (I prefer 4 channel EQ's) and the X session would be nice with some sliders.

    I'm proud to say that I found MidiBox and it's great world here all on my own. I've looked through the gallery and have read some great tips and I'm actually planning on trying to build my own mavenish Ableton controller.

    Hopefully those people over at Maven and other companies aren't going to run off to the factory and mass produce some MidiBox gear. I'd hate to see a good community of electronic artists be exploited and not even given a mention along the way.

    My 2 cents.



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