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Posts posted by moogah

  1. Hola! I'm doing some spring cleaning and there is a SPI (not usb) button/led pad from sparkfun that I don't need anymore. This is one of the fully assembled ones and I've got the rubber pads to go with it. 60$ worth of stuff new, take it for 30$ + shipping :ahappy:

    I've also been pondering selling one of my Shruthi-1's with the roland filter. 400$ I'll consider offers.

  2. The bassline sequencer is up&running! :smile:


    • each CV channel has a dedicated sequencer (-> 8 bassline sequencers are running in parallel)
    • typical 303ish entry with Key/Octave/Gate/Glide/Accent
    • optionally sequenced values can be entered directly (fader at the left side) for direct CV modulation independent from note values
    • 8 sequences per channel, each sequence has 32 steps
    • EnvMod and Accent are forwarded to the modulation matrix
    • selectable resolutions (e.g. 96th, 48th, 32th, 16th... but also triple and dotted measures)
    • selectable gatelength (used for all steps)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.


  3. This project is a dream come true :)

    I think you are on the right track with the features, I'm excited about the prospect of using this to retrofit my monosynths and be the brain of my modular!

    I do have two things to request, but I'd understand if they fall outside the scope of work :)

    1.) If this could support the SHx8 module I'll be _thrilled_. 8 CV's isn't enough for the architecture of modular I've been building all these years and I'm one of the lucky ones who has plenty of the parts around :whistle:

    2.) Add a clock-synched option to the multi-stage envelopes (yes, this gets close to sequencing). In this mode, instead of choosing a time period to elapse between stages the stage increments based on a clock divider. The ideal operation for this mode would include a start and end value for each stage and a curve parameter which selects between log, lin and rev. log. When the last stage has finished the envelope can either start a release stage or loop back to a loop point.

    I'd suggest giving this some thought, it's not exactly the same thing as sequencing and, particularly for the creation of pads, the ability to sync envelope stages to a clock divider can achieve some really neat effects when there are multiples of these envelopes working together on different parameters! Imagine a filter sweep that starts out as a slow linear rise for a bar and then becomes a 1/8 note saw wave 'LFO' at the end by using the loop points. Sounds neat to me!

    The clock divider time could probably be independent per stage too (ie: 1 bar for the first stage, 1/8 for the second stage), perhaps by having each stage responsible for triggering the next once it's time is up.. not too sure about this, I've only coded it mentally.. but it seems that each stage should be able to notify the main process that it's about to complete and the next stage should be queued up.

    Thanks again for all your hard work on this TK, this will compete with the SEQ for my favorite MB project :thumbsup:


    By syncing ENV2 to MIDI clock, you can even "draw your rhythms" :)

    Missed this the first read-through! TK you have once again outdone yourself! :sorcerer:

  4. Hey moogah, there are chips such as the MAX3107 and MAX3100 (or NXP has some dual channel ones which are more economical but slightly more elaborate to program). These allow you to "bit bang" serial UART communication (in this case each MAX310* ==> 1 x bidirectional MIDI In/Out). Part of what makes this possible is the built-in FIFOs on these UART chips. It means you don't need to use up dedicated UART peripherals in the MIDIBox hardware... of course you would have to write some custom code to drive these chips, but once that's done, it would be really easy to add many ports (probably even more than 16!) since MIDI is relatively slow compared to the LPC17 MIDIBox.

    As TK also mentioned, this could also be done purely in software of the LPC17 MIDIBox (without even using those UART chips) by cleverly writing an app for MIDIBox (again because LPC17 MIDIBox is fast and MIDI is slow), but the success of such a method will probably depend much more on clever programming (streaming approach, sampling-strategy for the the incoming serial) and might not be feasible (read: fast enough) if you're "super-router" has to do something more than a very basic routing of MIDI events.

    The UART chips can ease the processing burden to allow your app to spend more CPU calculating your MIDI routes instead of merely handling the raw serial communication.

    Either way, you'd need to write some code that I believe currently doesn't exist for MIDIBox.

    Hope this helps...

    Oh yea, that helps a lot! Bit-bang? LOL I need to get my mind out of the gutter :whistle:

  5. Pardon the 'double post' but this thread really addresses something I've been pondering for a while now:

    I want a *hardware* midi router that has an arbitrary number of IO ports. 16 will be enough for my setup at the moment, but in the future I could easily expand to more.

    By routing I meant the basic stuff like routing all midi events from port 1 to port 2 along with much more sophisticated patches like:

    port 1 channel 1 => port 2 channel 3


    Note on/off and velocity from port 1 channel => port 2 channel 1 and port 3 channel 2


    Mod wheel from port 1 channel 1 => CC#12 on port 2 channel [1, 2] && CC#14 on port 3 channel 4 (scaled to values 32-64)

    Now I would also want this to act as a 'standard' midi interface (perhaps with the patching abstraction applied here too) but I *don't* want any routing or patching to be done on the computer side! The latency or rather the inconsistency of latency introduced when signals hit the silicon metropolis of a modern desktop computer is unacceptable to me :) I certainly don't want midi events to need to be piped across a variety of busses, protocols and driver code before they are parsed and routed. Even working with Ableton and 2 Gm5x5x5's I sometimes find myself needing to accommodate 20+ milliseconds of lag :(

    Now, writing the code and drivers isn't a problem for me.. but at the moment I'm a bit lost regarding how to accomplish an 'arbitrary' number of midi IO's in hardware.. I see that the Gm5 supports 5... but why not more? Do we need to have an IIC chip for each or is there something simpler? .. how much of a noob do I sound like now? :rolleyes:

    Yes' date=' from a hardware perspective, expanding to very many UART peripherals is easy enough with added ICs from Maxim or NXP...[/quote']

    Can you elaborate?

  6. What a fantastic build! And very good sound too! It always surprises me how each new MB808 has a slightly different personality, none sound quite identical.

    It is a shame that the eight-oh-eight forum is still down, I think I'm going to look into getting back up and running since it's such a good resource for information about both the MB808 and the original 808 as well.

    Regarding build documentation, specifically schematics and layout documents: it's a bit tricky for me to make these avilable to the public at large, but I hope everyone with a MB808 kit knows that they can contact me anytime at my gmail address (moogah,gmail,com) and I'm very happy to help you and provide documents you need :thumbsup:

  7. I swear I'd already shared this on the forum, but the search disagrees. These chips are not going to be a big deal to most of you, but I'm going to bet there is at least one person who really wants to get their hands on some of these.. and you'll have to really want it too because they cost about 15$ USD each! Still, for ~120$ for a SHX8 module it's still much cheaper than using an array of DACs!


  8. Figured it was long overdue that I shared some links to moosiks made with the MB808.

    The Carrier Wave - Orion Busted (the carrier wave's new belt remix)

    Be sure to listen to his other tracks while you're there. If you hear 808, it's the MB808. Post-processing provided by Ableton and a big stack o' Euro modules.

    MB808 through a CGS Wasp filter + JH 4069 Distortion

    This is a one-take demo (maybe skip the first 1:45 or so) I recorded to show off the same MB808 heard above. While repairing it I added in a CGS filter+distortion circuit to use up the additional pots left on the side of the PCB. This is a great example of using the A/B/C/D buttons to create a very diverse set of rhythms from a single 4-bar pattern! In real time!

    edit: to be clear, the carrier wave is not me :)

  9. Ok, so my bad on eight-oh-eight.org :whistle: but I've fixed the payment information and the site should be back up in a day or so. I'll post here when I've confirmed it's available again!

    I also support the idea of folding the MB-808 forum into midibox.org. I started a separate forum back in the day because I was thinking that all the SynthDIY type topics would clutter up the midibox conversations, but we've grown much larger as a community since then and I think there is plenty of room for the boom around here :afro:

  10. Cheers mate. Glad to hear your rockin that mb808 again!

    p.s. Any idea where we're at with batch 3 of the mb 808. I noticed people are starting to get itchy feet about it...

    I'm not leading the project anymore so I can't say anything for sure.. but there has been some good rumors about batch 3 lately..

  11. I'm in for two black cases :)

    I'd like to know more about those extruded rails in there too, it looks like they can flex to accommodate different angles?

    I'm wondering if rails like that can be ordered from McMaster.com or somesuch.. with access to them we can make arbitrary-sized cases out of flat panels from Shaffer

  12. I just ordered some stuff from sparkfun earlier this week.. been wondering about this very thing.  If I understand the situation the SD card spec will read the same for microSD and the other formats (I got a microSD).

    The push/push or push/pull just refers to the mechanical action of inserting and removing the card.  I got a push/push cause it seemed fun.

    I don't know what the difference between standard/reverse mounting is, but sparkfun sells little breakout boards which probably mean we don't really have to worry about that.

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