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Posts posted by dcreatorx

  1. Hello, I have returned to finally complete my MIDIBOX SID project that I started back on 2006 !! I have not much time to spend and I want to go straightforward. Do somebody know if I can buy a full parts kit or have a part list to make a case exactly like the wilba's one ? I know where I can get the black case but not the rest of component list. Please let me know if there is some info around to speed up the process for the parts stuff !

    Thank you !

  2. I don't want to contradict you, but with the DX-7 II synth ( the one I own ) I did some realtime changes with the built-in fader, and yes . . . the engine stop the sound for less than a second when you do a change, but that's enough for programming " faster ". Real time modification for live performances and so, it's impossible. Tha'ts true.

  3. Ok, just to clarify . . . I don't want to play the synth on real time, I want only to program it. Will that be impossible too ?

    I heard that the later DX-7 versions, DX-7 II, DX-7 II FD, have better MIDI specification. Yet not worth ?

    That commercial controller is really cool. Shame it's so expensive and discontinued.

  4. Hi guys ! The DX-7 it's a very famous synth cause it was cheaper and did great succes on its time. Nice FM sounds you can get from it. But it's very difficult to program ! So many FM operators and variables to operate only by a LCD screen and 1 slider !!! Do you know if it's possible to program the DX-7 with a knob control surface attached ?  ? I meant to assign each operator value to a knob to program it in a similar way of an analog synth. Thanks !

  5. I think that trying to solder the LCD I killed it. Now I t does not turn on anymore. I soldered/desoldered it about 3 times . . . well, I 've got another question. I'm connecting the SID module to the core, and I don't know what schematic I have to follow. I'm following the optimized PSU, but I found this page and now I don't know what to do :

    http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_sid_old.html.gen (I'm using a SID mudule R2) Thanks.

    How should I connect the core to the SID so ? Thanks a lot.

  6. Hi Thorsen ! ! In a moment of rage, I went to a friend's home and I took from him an spare Sound blaster Live!

    Now once installed, I can get to communicate finally ! I get the normal request and I  tryed to upload small applications and everything works ! But I have the LCD connected, and It does not show the copyright message when connected. I tried to upload MIOS and then I've got the following error at MIOS studio : Reveived error code 04: Write failed ( Verify error or invalid address) Aborting after 3 errors. Thank you this is a great step for me ! Now what can happen ? I will check everything arround the tutorials by now . . .

    Best regards. 

    Important : I see only the normal request that means that MIOS is already uploaded, not the continuous request.

  7. In one of your older posts I can see that you are using a MPU-401 MIDI interface. Is this part of your mainboard, or a soundcard? Did you check that the interface itself is working, e.g. with a direct loopback PC MIDI Out -> PC MIDI In?

    Just to ensure...

    If this is a gameport based interface, you could try a direct TTL connection over the MIDI Link port of the core w/o optocoupler. This maybe gives you some more input, what is working.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    Yes, when I do a loopback, it works. It is part of the mainboard, It does not come from a soundcard.

  8. Ok, I did the MIDI in debug again . .  I don't get any voltage there, and somethimes when I plug the core to the power I've got some sysex dump from midi out, that has the right voltage. What should I check if none of the LED MIDI in debug test are working ? Can you tell me how to check the polarity of the protection diode ? I'm following the  smash TV PCB drawing, but just to know how. Thanks a lot.

    (Question) : What voltage do I need at the MIDI IN port ? Thanks.

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