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Posts posted by rattleandhum

  1. Hi there!

    I have just finished my box...to which I am VERY happy to finally have it done (Midibox by Kurt in the Midibox of the week section)

    The box actually works great.  No complaints there.

    However, I am finding that there is one note on the keyboard (D above middle C) on my kurtzweil pc88mx that when I have midiOX running and and have my midibox connected, it sends an F instead to the computer. 

    I have mapped out the midibox, seeing as how everything was comming in on channels 7, 16, 14, 12, 11, and a couple others.  I thought that I was only mapping CC values, and that it has nothing to do with Note On, NOte off signals.  Could I have messed up the keyboard mapping somehow?


  2. Hey everyone,

    My current brain child is to build a LC midibox 64 with a little change.  Instead of having 32 analog inputs and 32 digital buttons, I need

    28 pots

    29 faders

    7 analog "rocker" switches (to be used by attaching a low volt source to the bottom (under 5V) so that the AIN sees on/off

    My proposed system will include only:

    core module

    2 AINx4's

    Does this sound possible? 


  3. Hey everyone,

    I was very suprised to see such a community centered around the very thing I was trying to create!

    Im using Native Instrument's B4 (b3 organ clone) and am wanting to make a controller with 24 faders, 8 buttons (less if I need to) and preferrably an lcd display so I know where the faders are at for every preset that comes up.

    SO...since I am new here..(and know nothing yet about PIC, MIOS, or anything), should I be building three midibox's of the old design, a midibox64?  Or should I be doing the MIDIbox64 LC?  I am definately a little confused.  I dont mind doing my own research, but a little help in pointing me in the right direction would be very helpful, as I dont understand really any of the common language around here yet.

    And...does anyone have any *general* idea what I'm going to spend to do all this (I realize that pots and switch costs vary from place to place)

    I would appreicate any help.  Many many thanks to anyone who responds...


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