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Posts posted by ZiggY!!

  1. I would prefer to ship these to a single person. They were purchased

    form Wilba in the last mega/group buy. They are still in the original

    packaging and haven't to touched. I was hoping to get to the MB-6582

    project but unfortunately I have too much on my plate and would

    just prefer to get on with making music... not music equipment in my

    space time.  :)

    $300aus including registered shipping for all 10 chips within Australia.

    - Nath.

  2. Im in a similar position. I have a Soundtracs IL3632 with VCA automation but the tracmix automation computer bit the dust and isn't even remotely worth fixing or replacing. I don't use automation very much anyway but even still, the computer is old, they want $1500 for a replacement and the automation it provides is pretty clunky anyway.

    Since all the channels have their VCA cards still intacted I figure it is probably possible to use MIOS as a method of controlling it. That way I can use the automation function within the daw (whilst sending audio to the console from a prefader send in the daw).

    I'm in the process of reverse engineering the VCA cards so it should become pretty clear if this will work or not. I don't know about scrapping a working automation system though... I always thought Optifile was pretty good. It might almost be worthwhile to sell your Optifile automation setup and jump in with Safe as Milk and the gang at the lab. Like you said, the Optifile setup wasn't exactly cheap.

  3. Hi,

    Sorry, if I don't use the right english terms now (not native english):

    It's the Ohm law  R= U/I that says how much current a device will get.

    Having a 500mA limit does not mean, that you "blow" 500mA through the device!

    It's the other way. The device need as much current as the resistor allows.

    Just calculate it for yourself.

    It doesn't matter if your power supply delivers 500mA or 10A. It should be enough to drive any device that is connected to it.

    Back to your resistor-limiting-thing.

    If you connect a resistor, the overall current gets lower ... look at R=U/I or I=U/R . So: The higher the resistor is, the lower the current. Get it?



    Hey Doc, just thought I'd add something (for the sake of clarity).

    I guess it depends where you come from, Ohms law is always the same but the symbols for each units will differ.

    Some equations relating to ohms law include:

    P=I/V - Power (P) in watts equals current (I) divided by voltage (V).

    V=IxR - Voltage (V) equals Current (I) multipled by Resistance ®.

    There is the Ohms Law pie chart that outlines a series of equations for working out voltage, power, current and resistance.

    Note that depending where you are or where you were taught, some symbols are different. For example voltage can be depicted by the symbol (V) as well as (E). Power can use the symbol (P) or (W) for watts. Resistance is always ® which is given in Ohms. Current can use (I) or (A) for amperes.

  4. I think it's wrong if you pay some profiteering person money to do a slight change to an open-source program that other people have worked hard on.  For example, if you paid someone to make a minor change to a midibox application, they just profited on what is around 99% (or probably higher) the work of Thorsten - who just happens to be cool enough to make the code open source.

    I hear what you are saying. If I asked someone to give me a hand to do something and they responded "its going to cost you" I certianly wouldn't be comfortable with it.  That is definately profiteering.

    But what if someone has given me a hand to do something and as an expression of my appreciation I offered them a small reward - IE. Lunch and a few beers if they came to my place to give me a hand or if proximity is an issue, sending them a few parts or some money for parts or beer to help with their next midibox project.

    Like has been mentioned, even TK and TwinX are open to expressions of appreciation

  5. Well? Coding isn't a particularly quick skill to learn. Do you think its uncouth if someone who doesn't know how to code offers a little reward to the person who takes the time to do it? Obviously, once the code is complete it will be offered as open source for anyone to use as they wish. The project it is being used in won't be anything other than a one-off for personal use.

    Don't get me wrong, I haven't does this... but i have considered it. At the same time however, I don't want to step on anyone's toes. Do you think it is immoral to offer beer money in exchange for a helping hand?

  6. Hi there! I'm trying to find a solution to an idea I have.

    My objective is to trigger a relay in a random way, yet in time with MTC. I would like it timed via midi so I can keep it in time with the music. Is it possible to add a control to multiply or divide the speed of the clocking signal (like within the clockbox for example)? Kind of like how you can adjust the speed within an arpgeggiator to generate whole notes (dividing the BPM by 4) through to sixteenth notes (multiplying the BPM by 4).

    Once the clock is sorted out, how could I use this to randomly trigger a relay (5v or maybe 9v). Here is what I was thinking, is it possible to randomly generate midi notes (0-127) within MIOS? How about following it with a simple boolean-like function to break this down into just two output notes (since a relay only has on and off).

    for example, if the generated number is less than or equal to 64 it outputs a 0 midi note. If the number generated is equal to or more than 65 it outputs a 12 midi note. 0 and 12 being an octave, I could then run this through a midi to CV converter and use the control voltage to turn the relay on and off.

    Possible, or crazytown?

  7. would it be hard to add a decoder to control a divider/multipler of the BPM per clock output? I guess it doesn't have to go that far, perhaps x4 each way to get turn one beat into a whole note in one direction, and to turn a quarter note into a sixteenth note in the other direction?

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