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Posts posted by visionx

  1. great!  :-\

    I'm a little worried now that I possibly mixed up my ceramic caps.

    C1 and C2 = two dark orange caps written 33 on them

    c3 = light orange cap with 104

    C6 = mustard yellow cap written 334 (it also has K5M written on the other side)

    now I have this extra blue one left in the same shape as the one I put in C6 with as well 334 on it. but has an extra M5E written underneath.

    Also as I've been soldering I've noticed sometimes some white film deposit on the board appear. Can this create problems later on.

    Lastly, I've struggled with a few solders. I noticed that the SIL headers got really hot super fast so I'm supposing its the same for the other components. I'm afraid I may have damaged a few of them accidentally. I suppose I should test the board some time soon to make sure. is there any idencations somewhere on how to test your version of the core module?

    wow, basic electronic class back in sound school seems so far far away! well I did learn how to make a kick ass pumpkin pie througout the years so I'm not a complete loss!  ;D


  2. Ok is it normal that I am left with an extra blue ceramic cap 334.  How about for the D1 diode does the direction of it matter? I see that one side is identified with red tape.. And finally for the SIL headers.. long side up or down facing into the circuit?

    Sorry alot of these question may seem basic by although I can solder (well sorta) I'm still an electronics dummy!

  3. Ok cool I thought it would be something like that.. follow the dotted line huh?.. should have figured that one out! lol!

    Guess I'll be staying up all night trying to get to the next level of consciousness in the realm of SID. Perhaps shall I too be able to raise my hands to the ligthning filled sky one day looking down at my ex c64 reanimation project and say "Its ALIVE! its ALIVE!" **here an eerie c64 chord is played as thunder and lighning crash in backround.. all in 8 bit resolution of course!  :P**

    I'll keep you posted on my development.. I'm surely going to have other questions!


  4. Hi,

    OK I just received my core kit and SID module from smash tv. I'm going for the simple SID module for starters with only one unit using the 6581. Later on, when I'll feel more secure and knowledgeable  I'll go for a 2 unit full control system.  :o

    I've started at step one of the core module with the soldering of the 5 bridges and I already have a few problems in the sense that there are many discrepancies beetween the circuit board show on http://www.ucapps.de/ and the one I received from smash tv. I have found only two on 5 of the bridges to be set on the circuit board.

    Oh where, oh where have my 3 missing bridges have gone?  ???


  5. strangest things.. looks like c64's found me. On my way to work about 10 feet from my place a neighboor was having a garage sale and at the corner of my eye as I passed by I seen a c64. Turns out he had a box with 4 of them. 1 with the 6581 chip and 3 with the 8580!!! I'm also got one from ebay that has the 6581 in it. So I got quite a collection now.

  6. great! well I'll be on the prowl for more C64's so I can... eat their brains!  :D

    How can I tell if I'm going to get the 6581 or 8580 SID from C-64... or is it like a surprise everytime you gut a C-64 like fiding pearls?


  7. Hey,

    I'm like super new at this whole thing and I'm in the process of starting my very own midibox SID. So is there anyone who can tell me how realistic it is to just make the SID module from scratch or do I absolutely have to canibalize 4 c-64's?

    For now I have 1 commodore 64 I got from ebay but I would like to have the complete 4 Sid module project. Off ebay it gets to be real expensive.. is there any cheaper way of getting that component?



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