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Posts posted by gabz

  1. Yes this is a FSR (As whitfield said to me) I forgot to tell about

    Obviously, yes it's really reactive to pressure, not to temperature ...

    I found my solution to power the system : I found an old ATX alimentation ... that provides -12 + 12 - 5 + 5 I will power the whole midi box with it ...

    I don't even need to make a schematic since it is the most basic thing :


    An inverting amplifier, You just have to solder it like this, And Take R1 = 2 R2 , So you get max 5V instead of max 10V

    I didnt tried it but It should work ...

  2. Hello ALL !

    Replying to this old thread !

    I used the stabilisated alimentation at work to test the BC3


    So definitively : -12V on the TIP

                          +5 on the Sleeve

                          Various voltage on the ring

    The BC3 is REALLY reactive, It goes very fast to saturation  : -10V

    The more you breath, the more you go to -10V

    Hope this will help other persons, I'm making a little mountage with Amplifier to make the tension output from 0V to 5V ... I'll post the schematic if i ve got the time

    I hope it will work on the midi box ... this thing is simply Fabulous ...

    I'm thinking for the alimentation ... Now I need +15V , -12V , and obviously +5V that I already have ... The most difficult will be the -12V ... I'll also post the schematic

    Thanks all, thanks UCAPPS !

  3. the guy from midi solution confirm me that the BC3 gives a voltage as a function of the breath ...

    So, It surely can go in an AIN module ... Must just know the pinnout and tension supply

    I couldn't get yamaha today, tomorrow morning, I swear !!!

    I don't really understand what does the upper part of the schematic, if the BC3 gives a voltage, why does J.Haake  modify it ? It's surely because he works directly with audio, in our case, I don't think it's usefull

    thanks for the help

  4. Quote

    qu'est ce que c'est. J'ai essayer de chercher mais sans resultat

    salut doub, en fait ya des modèles de midibox déjà toutes faites, la midi box 64 c'est 64 potards analogiques, et la 64e c'est des encoders (potards numériques on va dire)

    pour ton projet encore faut t'il trouver des pédales résistantes pour le pied, moi aussi j'aimerai bien me faire un bon petit footswitch pour controller mon multi effet (moi aussi yen a etre guitariste), le footswitch analogique que j'ai me suffit pas ...

    Sinon moxi, je crois pas qu'il veuille incrémenter ou décrémenter, il veut juste des trucs de type on/off en mode Toggle, c'est à dire un coup t'appuie, c'est 127, un autre coup t'appuie c'est 0

    c'est pas dur à faire en programmation ca, vraiment aps dur, par contre faut trouver les footswitch ... et ca si quelqu'un trouve, je veux bien qu'il balance le plan !!!

  5. bas écoute chapo moxi, vraiment j'aurai été heureux de vous faire des PCB à la fac si j'avais su avant ...

    C'est bien de constituer une communauté francophone autour de la midibox, bon ca reste du gadget le midi pour moi meme si ca ouvre quand meme des possibilités plutot sympatique pour un guitariste électrique ... Donc effectivement l'interet d'une communautée midibox c'est aussi d'échanger musicallement je pense (j'espère)


    ca me fait HALLUCINER comment zetes motivés

    8) exactement !!

    Je suis d'ailleurs en train de voir une solution pour adapter un breath controller sur la midi box ... Poru se passer d'acheter le boitier "midisolutions" à 200$$$$$$ ...

    Jvous souhaite bonne chance (pour le moment j'ai vraiment pas les moyens de vous aider, jvien de tout claquer, putain tout ...) et j'espère participer à l'atelier un de ces jours ... (c'est pas tout prèt d'chez ouam...)

    En tout cas, remercions tous grand maitre thorsten pour tout ck'il à fait ...

  6. Sorry I'm Not very good at english, I didn't understand all you could say to me

    Why - Oh Why, people want "Keep pushing against the flow"?


    IF you simply don't know the innards of the thing and there's already a working schematic that spits out nearly the voltages needed for AIN..

    I tried to make you understand in an earlier post : How do you know that this schematic is made for the Yamaha BC3 controller ? it is NOT made for it ... This schematic is made by MrJ Haake (the brother of drummer of meshuggah ...)  for F.thordendhal (guitarist of meshuggah) , and the whole thing is designed for the home made breath controller of J Haake, made out of Joysticks ...

    If you're sure that it is NECESSARY to get such circuit after the BC3, I 'll Made it, but it's a lot of work and I 'm nearly sure that we can plug the BC3 directly into the AIN module ...

    P.S. By the way, the schematic shows BC being fed with Negative voltage to power - Yours might already be in Breath Controller Heaven  Grin

    So you understand Why I fear to test all this without getting the pinnout ?

    I didnt succes to telephone to yamaha today ... Tommorrow will be the day I hope

    stryd_one : I don't really understand the schematics, I see some integrator amplified montage with a low pass filter , but I don't know what's the fonction of the U5, nor whats CV1 and CV2 in the M5283

    And what the "IN1" and "IN2" ??

    Thanks for all

  7. ca me fait HALLUCINER comment zetes motivés  :D :o

    Nan sérieux j'ai l'impréssion que vous revez carrément (faire un bouquin la midi box pour les nuls, comme si la midi box était une sorte de passion nationale ...) ou faire des séssions/stages maison d'hote ???

    Nan sérieux moxi comment tu trouve le temps de faire tout ca ??

    Mais bon au final c'est cool, jvous encourage à donf, moi j'ai eut la chance de pouvoir faire mes PCB directement a la fac en prétextant que c'était mon projet de fin d'année ... C'est un bon plan, jvous aurai connnu plus tot j'aurai ptet pu vous en faire quelques uns ... Mais la c'est fini je suis plus à la fac ... Essayez de vous trouver un étudiant en électronique ;)

    A propos : On peut aussi, en dernier recours acheter les PCB tout fait sur SmashTV ... ils sont archi nickel, vraiment fait d'une main de maitre.... et pas très cher

  8. hello stryd_one

    You, you are exited  ;)

    So, Normaly if what my friend told me is true, the BC3 uses a variable temperature resistor which is cooled by the breath..

    So, it's all like a passive potentiometer (maybe there's some amplifier part as ther is a button nammed "offset" and one named "gain")

    It's just a variable output tension ...

    I tried to mesure it ... With 0-5V But it found nothing

    With 12V nothing more

    I didnt tried a long time because I fear to break the composants with bad reverse tensions ...

    I MUST get the Pinnout ...

    thanks , really for all your participation, I hope it will be usefull for you and other people

    Tomorrow I call Yamaha france


  9. hello, I also want to Midify the BC3 (I'm already constructing my own midibox ...)

    Why do we have to use this circuit ??? the BC3 already Gives a tension that can be reguled with an offset and gain ...

    I know this schematic, it's one of Johan Haake who made his own breath controller with joysticks (breath on the axis) for meshuggah

    But I don't think we need this circuit for the BC3 ?

    BUT !! The thing I would Be VERY VERY VERY glad to know, is the Pinning of the BC3 ... I couldn't find It anywhere

    At least here it has a negative input voltage. Or Tip (2) -8VDC, Ring (1) Signal, Sleeve (3) Ground.

    I think You'll anyway need a bipolar supply for OPAMPs to (full) scale it's output correctly for 0-5V inputs MB64 wants.

    I should try it on my BC3

  10. I cannot recommend linearizing: it really reduces the resolution of the sensor dramatically. While on the other hand, I can really live with the response time... Waving your hands in the air isn't that precise anyway, for weeping some sounds away it's perfect!


    I agree with you, but why linearizing reduce resolution ??  ???

    I don't really understand what you are doing with "tiny resistors" ? Where do you place them and for what ?

    Do you use a AIN module or do you directly solder on the Core ?

    thanks !

  11. Ok thanks for the informations

    Mines are Motorola I think (little M inside a circle?)

    I should test with HC, but i think my problem is a short on the board , I don't see what it can be otherwise because it worked the first time ...

    Thorsten, If it's really the fault of the LS chips (when i'll test with HC) I'll send you some


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