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Posts posted by inteliko

  1. I got an old DJ mixer collecting dust in my closet. One of the channels is dead unless you really press hard on the channel slider and the other channel sorta same issue but sound comes out on left side only unless you press hard on the channel slider as well. Is this as easy as replaceing a cross-fader? Im assuming all i have to do is replace the old channel slider with a new one, or am I wrong, thanks in advance for advice.

  2. I pray to God on my hands and knees tonight after messing with an M-audio product trying to get it to work for my whole evening , that they along with their tech support ppl be sodomized in hell forever for having such crappy incompatible drivers.

    Write some drivers that work a**holes! You wont listen when emailed and your numbnut tech support is a joke! Maybe you'll get the hint if enough ppl bitch on the most read blogs where beginners who dont know how f**ked up your products are turn to members for advice. I say ya get what ya pay for..cheap aint good and good aint cheap!!! But guess what, with M-audio the product might not only act poorly you may have to upgrade the f+ck out of your lappy because someone dont know how to write good drivers... All the money your GONNA spend to finally get the thing to work, you can get yourself a TC konnekt, or a Liquid mix..both come with REAL software.., really good reverbs, EQ, and compression, not no BS trial ware.


    Get on the f+ckin ball with them drivers you scrubs...

  3. Even with the midi mod it sends cv-gate out and has 8 ch of it, if possible to upload samples why not, but they wouldn't be too editable i bet. Contacting this guy is hard, there is  a contact link on one of his pages that is all Japanese, not easy searching for it through Google translate. I used that contact page about a week ago with no reply but mysteroiusly on google translate his blog does show some updates, anyone speak/ write good japanese??

  4. I got one NIB about a year ago, w/ the software, just need an Apple IIe to copy it and I'll hook yall up, and yes I prefer to Midify it. Matrixsynth posted that jap link a while back also, I wouldnt even have the slightest clue on how to start, I'm just barely understanding on building the MB-Seq. I think I contacted Radio Junk box correctly but he probably just got an email that said ? ? 304008232_546ee0571b_b.jpg







  5. Thinking of building a Seq, I'd like to use the 4 midi outs to plug into different instruments. Hope yall understand where im going with this. Wanna seq a 303 clone like a Doepfer ms-404 and other gear, maybe a Novation d-station, evolver, pulse..etc, all playing different sequences with the sequences coming from the MB-Seq. Can the individual or selected sequences be assigned to different midi outs?

  6. If anyone knows where i can pick up some of those backlit rubbery thingies used on the electribe sequencers and Mc 909 sequencers,or the rubbery pads on a korg microcontrol that light up would be great..looking to add mpc pads to the mix on my upcoming project...the new korg one seems to be bang for te buck..but im really up for building something to my own specs...TY in advance for the links if anyone knows on where to order would be greatly appreciated..

  7.   Hello,

      After months of researching this site,I feel it is time to start the soldering and get myself a midibox going.Im getting ready to order my parts this weekend from smash tv ,but before I order ,I have to admit that the pic id value calculator is the only bit im not understanding.Im just looking to build a box with 64 endless knobs.Not sure if Im going to add an LCD yet,if I do the only thing id really like it to display is the assigned channel #,the cc# and the value of the knob while be twisted(ie:0-127).TY in advance for all help.

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