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Posts posted by domestic

  1. tnx for replys

    anyway it is not so big problem for me, I have analog/digital inputs and outputs on my roland mc909 groovebox or my dat recorder and I am also planing to buy digidesign 002 rack audio interface, which has analog and digital I/O....

    Btw. how do you do microphone recordings without A/D?

    I don't use microphones, just electronic instruments and vsts....

    have phun

  2. ello there

    tnx justin, you helped very much... I collected many informations and now I already ordered core with PIC18F452 (including bootloader) and SID module for 6581 from Mike's Midishop, cause I am from Slovenia (Europe) and he accept money payments... now I have two questions again:

    - is possible to build a digital audio output in to midibox sid? I prefer on digital audio outputs since I have audio interface with only digital I/O audio interface (RME HDSP 9652) in my computer

    - my sound chip 6581 from c64 has a mark R3 beside and I don't know what it means, is it important?

    that's all for now, tnx and have phun

  3. ello there

    I am newbie in this stuff and I decided to build my own midibox.... so far I found my old c64, which has 6581R3 chip ( I don't know what means R3 )... now I have few questions:

    - which parts I must buy and where to order them ( I want full midi controll with knobs and lcd display )

    - how much will cost that approximately

    - where to find informations about this parts and their functions

    I am not some expert in electronic stuff but I guess I know how to solder as I done it few times years ago... any informations, sugestions are most welcome

    tnx and have phun

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