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Blog Comments posted by Digineural

  1. Good to see another meeblip.<img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":thumbsup:" src="http://midibox.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.png">&nbsp; <br><br>I got a micro, which is a ton of fun to use with FLStudio, but I'm less than impressed with the lack of storage and using potentiometers so I'm boxing mine with a MB64e (or maybe something more dedicated) so that I can do patch saving and recalls.&nbsp; Just finished the 2u panel layout last night. Its nice to see them with a custom enclosure.<br>

  2. I don't want to get ahead of myself on this blog her, but this is what I've decided.

    1. I don't need a MIDI IN via a DIN5 jack. I can use MIDI over USB from a GM5 or a PIC18F2550 ( I happen to have a number of spares from sample requests)

    2. I will need a MIDI OUT to trigger the drum machine

    3. I will only have 1 EEPROM on board

    4. Unused ports like AIN and J6/J7 are intentionally left out

    Therefore, I've been considering emulating the Arduino power supply via USB or the one from MeeBlip. I have some fear about using the 5v from USB directly. But USB affords me from having a massive 2200uf 16v capacitor.

    From a design standpoint, I'm using .008" (8 thou) traces whenever space is at a premium and so far I have a DINx5 and a DOUTx6 on the PCB.


    While the CORE, DIN and DOUT wont change much except for spacing the USB section will change a ton the DIN SIL resistors will be mounted at 90 deg on the underside. This happens to be the PIC182550 version. I don't have a 16mHz crystal, so the GM5 version is scrapped for now. I also have enough DOUTs in this version to add the BPM display so that's awesome!

    But I'm also considering where I will put an expansion port. I'm also considering the 4x16 led matrix on its own PSU in a matching case.

    From a fabrication standpoint, I will make this myself. I'm using the pulsar toner transfer which works surprisingly well.

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