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Posts posted by marcus77

  1. just played around with it and actually the matrix works fine, I guess this is a kind of animation on some presets or whatever, in ant case it works fine and the LEDS stopped flashing at one point so I guess i'll just have to tweak around (which is incredible fun ;D)

    Those other five LEDS that are not working are not a big deal as I see what's going on on the LCD... I just need to get that damn thing closed now(those of you who did this already know what I'm talking about, cables and cables... I will definitely get nightmares from it )

    Thanks for all the help in this forum, it was very useful.



  2. hello

    I just finished finally (after soldering cables for about 24 hours >:()my Control surface like Thorstens configuration.All buttons and encoders work fine, LCD too.The LEDS work except the following:

    1.On the OSC section:ENV , MISC , ASSIGN , SYNC , RING

    2.The matrix works this way:holding pressed down one of the 01PITCH, 02PITCH etc. buttons ,the actually active modulation LED stays steady and I can change it by pressing the relative Envelope or LFO button.

    But: no button being pressed down, I got flashing LEDS that run up and down on vertical line LFO3 LFO4 LFO5 LFO6 and a horizontal line doing the same on PW1 from LFO1 -LFO6.

    You could be optimistic and say that at least it's synchronized and it might bring in some disco feeling in a dark environment ;D, but I'd rather get it working right.

    Please give me any hints or tips to find the mistake.

    I checked back all the connections, the earthing and so on, and couldn't find any bad connection.

    thanks for the help


  3. Hello

    Thanks for the help.I understand so far the process, but unfortunately I am really having serious trouble now to edit the main.asm file with whether the MPLAB or the ULTRA EDIT.I suppose it has to be done in the DOS window (which gives me lots of trouble) as I tried to do it while running these applications standalone and just using the MPASM assembler, which gave me plenty of error reports when creating the final .hex file.I tried to follow stepwise http://www.ucapps.de/howto_tools_mpasm.html but I have trouble starting the editor via dos and that would be probably only the start. :-\(my DOS knowledge is really, really bad!).

    So I'm wondering actually if there is any possibility to download a ready .hex file somewhere(whithin the change_id) that consists already the ID change (I guess a lot of people need or use these files as everytime you change ID on a core you need it, so I would keep a backup all the time).

    Otherwise give me a couple more hints how to solve or approach this problem.Or maybe my SID will stay alone :-[...who knows.

    best regards


  4. Hi there.

    Building my MBSID everything went ok so far.The Master Core runs fine and the sound from the SID module is fine.Now I got to the point to connect the 2nd Core and SID.I put the PIC for the slave core in the Master Core and everything is ready for uploading.I felt actually like trying but then I thought it was better to check before I need to reprogram the PIC.

    My main confusion is at what upload stage you have to give the ID01 to the slave core:in the MIOS or later when uploading the SID application ?(I guess for both you have to change it, but it's better to check).And then how do you change the ID actually.If I understood right, you can change it in the main.asm file(from the SIDapplication) by opening it with a text editor and just saving it with the modifications made to it.Also do you have to change the "device ID" number in the hex upload window of MIOSStudio or isn't it necessary.

    My confusion at what point to define the ID of the PIC got kind of stronger as  with MIOS there's no ***.asm file in which I could change the ID like described before but then again with the change_id application it is present.

    Any comments or help much appreciated!

    Thanks, Marc

  5. I just connected the 14VDC to one of the pins of J1 on sidmodule.It doesn't matter which pin because the rectifier sits behind it.Now on the schematics of the optimized PSU it looks like there's no ground for this connection, but actually I guess it uses the ground from the 5V connection which you connect at J2 on SIDmodule.So it's very obvious that if the 7812 is missing, the voltages add themselves to somewhere around 17VDC.It wasn't just that obvious to me in the beginning ;D



  6. As none replied I figured out that it was quite a stupid question and in fact it was, as placing back the 7812 on the SIDmodule solved all problems.As a matter of fact right now I got the first sound out of the SID ;D.It's awesome!! and I'm rather happy I didn't have any trouble uploading MIOS and the SID application.Gonna stop for today.Tomorrow I will dive into the sound of the SID.

    Lots of thanks to the whole community and TK for this great project.

    long live the SID :D

  7. Hello

    My optimized PSU should be ok.I tested it again and again, the polarities must be ok.Here the test I did with the multimeter:holding the plus tester end to the 14V DC output:

    1.in combination with middle pin of the 7809 on the psu: +12.5VDC

    2.with -5VDC connection it gives +17.8 VDC (my 5V circuit proviedes actually 5.3)

    3.with +5VDC connection makes it +12.5VDC again

    These measurements should prove that the optimized PSU is working right.Please correct me here if I'm wrong.

    Now I tried already the COREmodule and all the voltages are right, inclusive the polarities (which makes me more sure about the right function of the PSU)

    So I connected the SID module like in the optimized PSU diagram:

    +5VDC connection(directly from the PSU) with J2:Vc

    -5VDC connection (directly from the PSU) with J2:Vs

    14VDC connection with J1:P1

    On mySID module I only left out the 7812 and bridged it.

    Now on IC2 and IC 3 everything is alright including the polarity, but IC1:Vdd(28) to IC1:Vss(14) deliver me an annoying 17.8VDC again.I know that if I would invert the polarities on the 5VDC input on the SIDmodule, it would probably show th 12.5VDC, but then the polarities on IC2 and IC3 would be inverted.So what the hell could I've been doing wrong again? >:(

    Please give me some advice of further testing


  8. Hi there

    I'm relatively new to MIOS so this problem might be quickly solved if it's just a stupid mistake of my own, I 'd rather preferred to solve it myself but I couldn't find any documentation about this problem on the net.

    Running OSX 1.4.7, I tried different versions of MIOS, namely 4.4/ 5.1/ 7.2

    They all work fine (JAVA version J2SE 5.0) but none can find a MIDI device, my soundcard being an EDIROL UA-20 or M-AUDIO FW1814.

    All in all it isn't such a big problem since I have it running perfectly on Windows XP with both soundcards, but my PB is much more "portable" than the PC ;D,so I'd rather like to use MIOSstudio on my mac.

    Thanks for the help and sorry if it might be to much of a noob question


  9. Hi there and thanks for the help.I checked both PSU's and seems like one is definitely broken and on the other one only the 5V is still alive.It's funny that one Commodore actually still works with the PSU, I guess it just needs the 9V connection for the SID inside, so probably there would be no sound if I try.

    I bought also a new Multimeter because the other one was actually broken.

    So I still have actually one mystery,IF my 5V supply works, I should be able to measure it on the outlet of my C64 power socket but it actually doesn't give me anything.At the LED connection and the 5V connection(of the optimized PSUversion) I also get a mysterious 0.40 VDC, is it possible that it comes from the Caps?..and!!.. is it possible to damage the C64 PSU by connecting it to a probably faulty "optimized version" construction?

    thanks again , I really need the help!

  10. Hi there

    Here I am back with some more problems and stupid questions, so excuse me but I want to get my Sid running and all I need to continue is to get the optimized PSU version done.

    Yesterday I got ambitious and soldered together the whole circuit for the optimized version.I felt really good because it seemed easier than I thought and all in all everything looked nice, logical and it fitted nice in the case.Then the problems started: I started testing with the C64 power supply.First I seemed to have some values but nothing seemed stable.Later on (after thinking about all the things that might have gone wrong),I tested the PSU with a spare C64 and turns out it does not work.Luckily I had a second C64 PSU with which the C64 actually works.Connected again, I got again weird results:The output for the C64Led and the output for the core seemed to deliver something like 2,5V and the 14V did not show anything.Meanwhile I thought about what could be wrong In the realization of the circuit and following things came to my mind:

    1.The power switch is connected wrongly (tried though different ways but doesn't change things really)

    2.The connections on the board are done by doing lines with solder.Does this work or should I better take cable?

    So late yesterday night I checked the forum and this morning I approached it different and measured the C64 Psu output pins.Here again I might do something wrong (sorry I'm a bloody newbie), but If I measure the +5V output (holding one of the testers from the multimeter against PIN2 and against PIN5) I actually get  5,1 V, so this seems to work at least. ;D

    But pin 6 and 7 which should both deliver 9V AC don't show anything ???, so those might be broken on the C64 PSU.Tell me how I should measure those because I do not trust my measuring capabilities.

    So any piece of advise is more than welcome, I could try out different things but I felt it was time to post here because I'm getting more and more confused and didn't wanted to desolder(yet) everything and start again.Sorry again for the noob questions but I appreciate any kind of help.



  11. Hi there

    As I'm quite a noob I have a bit of trouble realizing the "optimized" version of the PSU for the Sid.I was going to use the original PSU of the C64, but I got lucky and found a more recent PSU somewhere at home that seems actually perfect.It was used as a Psu on a TV/Lan modem (whatever that is, I can't figure out what that box actually did...) and delivers two voltages: 12VDC /1A and 5VDC/ 4A , all in a quite small box, less heavy than the C64 one.

    I might be wrong but if I understood well, the Sid requires 12V (I will have one 6581 and one 8580 running, so the 7809 should do it's work on the 8580 to convert to 9V, no?) and the Core needs 5V.

    So if that's right then I should be able just to connect everything to its right pins ... and bingo, no need to start soldering rectifiers and caps on a new board. ;D

    Here's also a link to a datasheet of this PSU:


    Tell me what you think of this (it's the model SC200)

    best regards, marcus

  12. Hello

    am currently building a Sid and popped into (another) problem (or maybe I'm getting confused after all the schematics reading and so on)

    The bridge from pin 15 of the 4th 74HC595 is supposed to go J6:D7, now that's not a problem, but taking a closer look at TK s soldering pictures and considering the schematics, the connection would be from pin 15 to J6:D0.On the quick view it looks so too.So is it just the numbers on the schematics that are inversed or should it actually be connected to J6:D0?

    Thanks for the help


  13. Hmmm.. I'm getting a bit more confused..

    Basically it is a question of parts for me because I got my main order to built the Sid and still it seems like I forgot to order some parts :(

    If i would go for the "optimized" version of the C64 Psu, I would still need a 2200uF /25V for the PSU itself, which I don't have.Then also I noticed that the rectifier X1 on my Sid module is actually a B80 C 1500 instead of the B40C800 like on the schematics.

    So now I ask myself two questions

    1.If I build the optimized Psu, will it work with a B80C1500 or does it require the B40C800?

      (knowing that I won't need another rectifier on the Sid module)

    2.Is the 2200uF behind the rectifier on the optimized Psu 25V or is 16V ok?

    sorry for the mess but I'm quite new to electronic components

    thanks for the help


  14. Hi there

    i'm currently building a MBSid and am soldering together the first core module.Unfortunately I had to discover that the TrimmPot 10 k (Reichelt nr. PIHER 10-S 10K) have to big feet and don't fit in the predrilled holes.Just wanted to know if the following work fine as a replacement (part numbers at Reichelt.de):

    1.76-40 10K

    2.75H 10K

    Thanks for the info


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