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About hithere

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

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  1. No, your documentation is very clear, just stupid me not to read the readme.txt :-\ I just read through the step by step guide on the "Bootstrap Loader" page, and when that didn't work, I decided it had to be that my bootstrapper was to old, so I uploaded that as well. I guess you could put a note on the "Bootstrap Loader" page saying: "Don't try to upload the bootstrap loader through Mios Studio!, read the readme for info.." for the impatiently challenged people like me... ;D I found a JDM kit in my box from smash, so I will put that together and find some computer with a serial port to fix my PIC. Would it work with some kind of serial to USB converter plug? Thanks a bunch for the detailed reply!
  2. Hi. I have a core R3 board from smashtv and a PIC from him wich was programmed with bootloader V1_1a (if I read it correctly) Yesterday I got mios studio running and tried to upload the mios from mios_update_v1_9.zip/pic18f452/mios_v1_9_pic18f452.hex It started to upload all checksums where ok untill suddenly there was some address range error no. 5. After that the chip sent out 2 upload requests on every startup instead of just one. I then uploaded the new version of the bootstrapper the same way through mios studio and that upload worked fine without any errors, and after that the pic sent out an upload request every second, just like it did before. Then I uploaded "update_without_installed_mios.hex" or "update_with_old_mios.hex", I can't remember which one, but only one of them worked, and after that it still sent update requests every second. Then I again uploaded mios_v1_9_pic18f452.hex and everything went fine, all checksums where ok, and it uploaded successfully. But now there are no upload requests coming from the pic, and in fact no communication from it whatsoever. Not on startup, and not when I turn some pots that I connected to the analog inputs (afterwards, so they are not what caused this) Have I somehow ruined the bootstrap loader, or the flash? can I reset the chip and do it from scratch somehow, without a burner? Thanks for reading this long post! hithere
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