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Everything posted by jeb

  1. hello, no the brackets solution doesn't work ! the problem is maybe that i want to redefine the values of an array which has already been defined. should i use pointers ? for example if i have a global variable : //// unsigned char test [3]; the use of this, in a function : //// test = {8, 8, 8}; gives : syntax error: token -> '{' ; column 9 thanx in advance!
  2. hello, i have a c question : i have a global array : unsigned char test[2][2]; each time a certain button is pressed, i want to reset my array to the default array {{1,2},{2,2}} (this is just a 2*2 example, the array in my code is much bigger). int this case the following line doesn't work : test = {{1,2},{2,2}}; i don't want to use a loop for this ! do i have to use pointers ? thanx jeb
  3. hello, i have a unsigned int that i want to put on the LCD like this : 500 -> "5.00" 1253 -> "12.53" 12 -> "0.12" how to do this ? with the dot as a character... i don't want to use any div 100 or modulo 100 because it doesn't work (i can't do _mulint work, etc. because even if i include this file, the problem is "__gptrget1 or something like that) i don't manage to use the classical C sprintf / printf functions that would be useful here ! (i have put the include stdio.h) when linking, the linker says : missing definition for symbol "_sprintf" required by.... thanx in advance, jeb
  4. hello, are there some projects that would make a Midibox FM (with OPL module) and Midibox SEQ in one box (so just one core, one front panel, one 19'' rack, same buttons, so lower price !!!) is this possible and ergonomic ? have you tried Torsten ? thanks
  5. hello, is this 2*16 char LCD Ok for MIDIBOX or will I have to code a new driver ? http://www.selectronic.fr/article.asp?article_ref_entier=70.6728-9999 technical specs : http://www.selectronic.fr/upload/produit/fichetechnique/6728.pdf thanks in advance ! jeb
  6. hello, i want to do a very small midibox (just a few pots and a small 1 line LCD) : is it possible to take a 9v battery (accu) instead of a transformer ? how long will such a battery last ? thanx jeb
  7. in fact there are two problems : * the jittering : and this has nothing to do with the curve of the pot, it has to do with the value of the pot : 100k is too much ! * the curve : the pot has a log curve, and if i add a resistor (in order to solve the first point : in order to have a lower resistor value for the pot !) the "log" curve that the pot already has is amplified....... so i wonder if it is possible to solve both problems in one : to add a (or several) resistors to reduce the 100k (too high !) value of the pot AND to modify the curve in order to 1) if possible reduce the log curve to linear 2) if not possible, at least not amplify the log curve with the added resistor ! thanx in advance ! jeb
  8. hello, thanks a lot ! a resistor bewteen 0v and the middle pin of the pot ? or between 5v and 0v ? i think it is the first solution ? i tried, and it seems to work ! by the way, as the pots are "A100K" (logarithmic). is there a mean (by choosing a well adapted resistor value) to get a "linear curve" ?? (i saw it is possible to have a log curve with a linear one by adding a resistor, the converse may be true too, is it ?) thanx ! jeb
  9. hello, i use 10k pots that are working fine ! the 100k pots are jittering (it's not a soldering problem). the "U = R I" law implies that I is too small to give accurate voltage ! i understand, but now I have to deal with these pots ! about the jittering : around of 0 no problem, aroud of 127 no problem, but in the middle : it does for exemple 56 67 56 55 57 56 55 56 (approx 4 messages sent per second). is there another solution than changing the pots ??? (i don't want to replace all these 20 pots ! it's an expensive model !) putting some capacitor ? some other solution ? thanx in advance ! jeb
  10. hello, it would be good if we could do a (single side) PCB for AIN that uses a 2*16 pin header instead of 1*32, so we could use a standard IDE (hard disk) 40 pins ribbon cable ! instead of soldering the ribbon cable on the AIN ! smashtv pcb provides 4* small 2*5 pin headers ! it would be better with a single 2*32 header ! has somebody tried yet ? or better (my dream, lol) would be to do single side PCB for 2 * AIN4 so a single PCB for the 64 pots, with two connectors 2*16. so we could connect the 64 pots with 2 IDE hard disk cable ! if somebody has an Eagle file, it would be great ! thanks in advance, joeb
  11. hello, maybe i should try stripboard but just a question : let 1 2 3 represent the 3 pins of the pot, and --- the strip. should i do : --------- 1 2 3 ---------- 1 2 3 ------------ 1 2 3 then the pots are in serial !! and on pin #2 i can't get the 0v-5v range !! shouldn't i do this ? |-------------------|-------------------------------- |----- 1 2 3 --| | 1 2 3 | |------------ |------------------------ with the first line (0v) connected to each pin #1 and the third line (5v) connected to each pin #3 thanks in advance, or maybe could you send me a photo of such a "stripboard pot board" ! jeb
  12. hello, i'm building a very simple midibox sequencer. is there a version of the sequencer in C langage ? i just need : * a midi synchronised 16 steps (with maybe the possibility to do 32 steps by looping two patterns, but not more than this : no memory, no banks, etc.) loop that enlights 16 leds... (the point is : how to create a loop in the code (in C) that does something (sending midi notes) in a regular time interval)... * the rest of the coding (sending of midi notes on/off) will be rather easy, quite similar to the programmation of the midibox 64 i did a few monts ago... have someone coded something like that ? thanks in advance, jeb
  13. hello, i'm building a unit with 2 lines of 16 pots... so there is a lots of wires ! has somebody tried to design a pot board (single-side pcb...) with as few wires as possible, and just a pin header in order to connect something that looks like a 40pins IDE (hard disk) cable... ? thanks in advance for any idea or photos ! jeb
  14. hello everybody ! is it possible to have more than 64 pots with just 1 core ??? i would need approx 70 pots/faders (no rot encoders)... thanks in advance ! jeb
  15. Hello, I want to build the most simple MIDISeq possible... No memory/bank storage (or just 2 patterns, to be able to loop 32 steps instead of 16 steps : is it possible without any BankStick ? ) : so no bankstick. The smallest LCD possible (1* 16 char) or even no LCD. Just 16 leds for the steps 16 pots (no encoders ! ?) to change the notes 16 pots to change the volume of the step (so no button is needed : pot on 0 makes the step off, pot on 01-128 : step on). is it possible ? maybe one or two pots / buttons for : bpm speed / start / stop ... what do you think about it ? one last question : on the photos, there is just 1 series of encoder/pots. is it for the note or for the volume of the step ? anyway, having just 1 series of 16 pots/encoders doesn't allow to change quickly Notes and Volume in the same time ! why ? thanks in advance... jeb
  16. hello, i have finished my midibox ; it works fine... but just a question : when i load my vst instrument, it doesn't remember the last position of the pots... so the pots aren't at the position they are on the software... so i would like to : - when i switch on the midibox (or when i turn the first pots of the session since i switched on), the midibox should send midi messages corresponding to the position of "all" pots... is it possible ? ps : i have a midibox with AIN for pots (analog) and DIN (for switch buttons), no LCD thanx in advance, jeb
  17. merci pour la réponse, mais je pense que c'est pas ça. ce n'est pas du tout un probleme matériel puisque tout fonctionne (vraiment tout, sans erreurs) avec l'appli "ain64_din128_dout128". par contre je n'arrive pas à charger correctement l'appli midibox64. faut il nécessairement la recompiler soi meme ? a propos des scripts et du logiciel vmidibox de serge, est ce que ce logiciel est sensé envoyer : * l'appli complete "midibox64" en sysex plus les banks/patchs * juste les banks/patchs en bref faut il charger auparavant l'appli ? ou vmidibox s'en charge ? avec quel logiciel ?
  18. merci déjà pour la réponse, non, j'ai rien édité... car de toutes manieres, il faudrait tout recompiler et je n'ai que du bas débit, donc j'essaie de tout faire pour éviter plus de 20Mo de téléchargement de compilateurs... mais meme non édité, le programme devrait quand meme marcher non ? (éventuellement avec des fausses valeurs, etc.) mais pas ne "rien" faire ou planter .... si ? sinon, y aurait il une version .hex ou .syx toute prete adaptée à 1 core + 2*AIN + 1 * DIN, sans LCD ni touches de navigation..... ? merci d'avance pour les réponses...
  19. > tes entrées din n'ont pas à être à la masse pour l'appli 64, sinon c'est comme si tous les pins à la masse > étaient des boutons enfoncés! oui bien sur, j'ai écrit trop rapidement. ce sont les entrées AIN inutilisées qui sont à la masse. mais ça ne résoud pas le probleme d'ordre général : l'appli toute simple "ain64_din128_dout128" fonctionne alors que l'appli "midibox64" ne marche pas... (je précise que je n'ai ni LCD, ni boutons de navigation, etc. ça peut venir de ça ?) s'il faut absolument garder "ain64_din128_dout128", je veux bien pour que ça marche :) mais peut on avec cette appli éditer sa configuration : modifier le numéro de chaque entrée AIN, affecter un Controller Change au lieu d'un Note ON/Note Off aux entrées DIN ?
  20. bonjour tout le monde, quand j'upload l'appli "ain64_din128_dout128" en hex ou en syx, ça fonctionne (le "ça" désigne un CORE, deux AIN, un DIN, et c'est tout : pas de LCD) : tous mes boutons et pots fonctionnent... cependant quand j'upload l'appli "midibox64" (version 18F)... ça bug : pleins de messages aléatoires et meme de redémarrage de la midibox (j'ai l'impression vu les messages)... (tous les entrées inutilisées des AIN et DIN sont sur le ground, ça marche correctement avec ain64_din128_dout128)... comment faire pour faire marcher l'appli midibox64 ? ça ne me dérangerait pas de garder l'appli "ain64_din128_dout128", mais le probleme est que les boutons envoient des Note On/Note Off, ce que je voudrais changer... mais ça me semble difficile avec "ain64_din128_dout128".... A bientot ! j.
  21. bonsoir, > pour les boutons ,il te faut des boutons de type "momentané" , que tu pourra configurer > via l'application pour qu'ils aient un, comportement "on-off" c'est bien mon probleme : je ne veux pas de boutons poussoirs (ou "momentanés", si c'est ça que tu veux dire : qui ne reste que momentanément enfoncé), je veux utiliser des switchs du genre l'image ci jointe, qui bascule en ON/OFF. en fait je veux commander avec de tels vrais switchs (comme sur l'image) les switchs qui ressemblent à ceux ci qui sont dans différents plugins, genre Arturia Minimoog... mais je me demande si cela marchera avec un module DIN.... le module DIN gèrera les boutons non momentanés ? merci d'avance, j
  22. hello, thanks for your answer. imagine I use a switch ON/OFF (http://www.gotronic.fr/commut-opt/07000-opt.jpg) with DINX. when I switch the button, will midibox send just a message of : * position-change (the box doesn't know if it's ON or OFF, but there is a change of state) * the box sends ON/OFF if I switch to ON/OFF ? do you understand what I mean ? I want to command a ON/OFF switch for Minimoog plugin with my switch (http://www.gotronic.fr/commut-opt/07000-opt.jpg). If the box just sends a position-change message, it will depend on the position the switch had at the beginning (like an encoder....). To sum up, my question is : I don't want my switch ON/OFF to depend on the state at the beginning. When I switch to OFF, I want my plugin switch to be OFF. J
  23. hello, maybe you could help me... i've posted a message in french about what do we call a button ? does AIN command * push-button ? like a key of a keyboard ? * switches : (http://www.gotronic.fr/catalog/commut/inverseur1.htm) * both ? does DIN command * push-button ? like a key of a keyboard ? * switches : (http://www.gotronic.fr/catalog/commut/inverseur1.htm) * both ? thanks in advance, j
  24. bonjour, je comptais utiliser 3 * AINX, pour y brancher des potentiometres et des boutons (que je considérais moralement comme un pot ouvert/fermé) du genre ON/OFF. comme ce n'est pas faisable avec un seul CORE (3*AINX pas possible), je me rabat sur 2*AINX pour les pots, et 1*DINX pour les boutons (ça normalement je peux brancher sur un seul CORE). mais quels types de boutons peut on contrôler avec un DINX ? un inverseur ON/OFF ? ou un bouton poussoir qui ne reste pas enfoncé, du genre une touche de clavier.... ou les deux ? j'aimerais pouvoir contrôler un switch ON/OFF (http://www.gotronic.fr/catalog/commut/inverseur1.htm) avec mon DINX, c'est possible ? faudrait savoir ce qu'on appelle bouton ! j.
  25. Thanks for these answers. Is it possible to connect : 2*AINX ( = 64 inputs) and 1*DINX ( = 32 inputs ) on only one CORE module ? j.
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