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Posts posted by andrea

  1. Ok bill, you are great!!

    The most important is curve 1 (that is curve that I usually use).

    I can draw more curves, but I need  time to set up my feeling with the dynamics. I think that you can edit random curve 2, curve 3..(just putting random values or leave linear relation:000---000, 001---001... 027---027 etc...) and you can show me how I can modify by my self the conversion table of these curve.( I think 4 or 5 curve will be more than enought). In this way I can edit and correct the values any time I need without disturb you...are you agree??

    Do you think that it is possible to see on LCD which curve I am using??and if the unit is working of no?

    Thank you again for your time!!!!

    This is my curve 1.

    const char curve1[127] = {

    //out // in

    0, // 0

    2, // 1

    3, // 2

    5, // 3

    7, // 4

    8, // 5

              10,          // 6

              12,          // 7

              14,          // 8

    15, // 9

    17, // 10

    19, // 11

    20, // 12

    22, // 13

    24, // 14

    25, // 15

    27, // 16

    29, // 17

    30, // 18

    32, // 19

    34, // 20

    36, // 21

    37, // 22

    39, // 23

    41, // 24

    42, // 25

    44, // 26

    45, // 27

    46, // 28

    48, // 29

    49, // 30

    50, // 31

    51, // 32

    52, // 33

    53, // 34

    55, // 35

    56, // 36

    57, // 37

    58, // 38

    59, // 39

    61, // 40

    63, // 42

    64, // 43

    65, // 44

    67, // 45

    68, // 46

    70, // 48

    72, // 49

    73, // 50

    74, // 51

    75, // 52

    77, // 53

    78, // 54

    79, // 55

    80, // 56

    81, // 57

    82, // 58

    83, // 59

    84, // 60

    85, // 61

    86, // 62

    86, // 63

    87, // 64

    88, // 65

    89, // 66

    90, // 67

    91, // 68

    92, // 69

    93, // 70

    94, // 71

    95, // 72

    96, // 73

    96, // 74

    97, // 75

    98, // 76

    99, // 77

    100, // 78

    101, // 79

    101, // 80

    102, // 81

    103, // 82

    104, // 83

    105, // 84

    106, // 85

    106, // 86

    107, // 87

    108, // 88

    109, // 89

                110,      // 90

    110, // 91

    111, // 92

    112, // 93

    113, // 94

    114, // 95

    114, // 96

    115, // 97

    116, // 98

    117, // 99

    117, // 100

    118, // 101

    118, // 102

    119, // 103

    120, // 105

    121, // 106

    121, // 107

    122, // 108

    122, // 109

    123, // 110

    123, // 111

    124, // 112

    124, // 113

    124, // 114

    125, // 115

    125, // 116

    125, // 117

    125, // 118

    125, // 119

    126 // 120

    126, // 121

    126, // 122

    126, // 123

    126, // 124

    127, // 125

    127, // 126

    127, // 127


  2. Hi,

    you are right bill, I don't need a unit with curves editable from a control surface but I am interested to have just  a fixed and precalculated conversion between velocity in input and velocity in output.

    I mean, using Midi Velocity Changer, I found the suitable conversion curve that I need to adapt my keyboard to the expander.This program is able to display the change between in and out and so I have a table of conversion of vel. in to vel. out

    Here I reported a piece of that table for example:

    In        OUt

    000  -->  000

    001  -->  002

    002  -->  003

    004  -->  007

    005          008




    103        119

    104        119



    125        127

    126        127

    127        127

    I need just a unit that apply this fixed conversion between midi velocity in Input and midi velocity in output.

    Eventually it could be interesting the possibility of choosing diffrent conversion table (precalculated with Velocity Changer) from the control surface...but it is not necessary. I will be very happy to have just a single conversion table.

    with this unit I will be able to play live my keybord and my expander without a computer with Velocity changer.

    Thank you bill!!!!


  3. Thank you Bill, you are wery kind.

    The converter that I am talking about is similar to Velocity Converter from Midi Solutions but a more simple one could be usefull.

    The converter is able to transorm a velocity value of an incoming midi message into another value. In this way you are able to change the velocity curve for your MIDI keyboard.

    It means that it let's you remap the function which maps the strength you hit the key to the volume the note plays.

    The problem is that my keyboard doesn't have a function to customize the velocity curve. When I use it with a external sound module the dynamic response is completely different. For example, you have to hit wery strongly (I mean very!!) if you want to send a velocity level of 127 to the expander.

    There is a freeware software that allow you to change velocity curve : Midi velocity curve changer (Trombettworks Software)


    but I am looking for something that works without pc.

    I am sure that this can accomplished with MIDIBOX, but unfortunately I am just a piano player and I don't have any programming skill.

    This can be an additional use of mIDIBOX that can solve a lot of problem in a simple way.



  4. Thank you MTE!

    I have PIC16F877-20/P and I red in this forum that it can be used for this project in place of PIC16F874.

    Do I have to change something in the firmware or I can load floorboard_v1001.hex file without any change?

    I'm sorry for these stupid question but I'm new!

  5. Hi,

    I am planning to build a simple controller tha sends program change message when you push a button. I think that the old foorboard project suit perfectly my need.

    It would be great if someone would show me where I can find the PCB.

    Meanwhile I was wandering that I can build a simple midibox64, connecting only few push button and few pot( for example 32 button and 32 put) In this case I have a question:

    can I load the complete midibox64_v2.4 in the pic or I have to program a new application.

    Thank you very much for you kind attention.


  6. Hello..

    I'am new here, and I am really impressed about the great projects present in this site.

    I need a controller that could send a program change and simultaneously control a relay controller swich jack for amp selector, just pressing a button.

    I was wandering if I could build a simple controller like that and It would be great if someone could tell me if it is possible with MBHP project or no.

    Is is a tipical application of a midi floorboard for guitar; for example the FCB1010 (behringer). This floorboard allows to trasmit simultaneously  5  program change and two MIDI controller commands per preset and control a relay swich with a note-on signal ( I think).

    Thanks a lot

    Bye bye


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