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Posts posted by 0800nacho

  1. Well here it goes and update on my project.

    I've ordered, received and already mounted the core and the din modules (thanks smashtv ; really great great service)

    I uploaded de MIOS and the MIDI128. However, they still give me default MIDI signals.

    I'm working now on finishing the pedalboard (I have disassembled all the pedalboard to restore it to what it was 40 years ago). I have to get the reed switches and after that program the .ini of the MIDI128.

    However, I'm not quite sure of how to make this. I guess I would need more help.

    I've been checking the default messages encoded by the MIDI128 application: They are note on, note off signals (which is what I need) but they start at C3 (channel 1) and I would like to it start at C2 (channel 4), only note on-note off events.

    Where should I read on how to customize the .ini

    Thanks a lot for your help.

  2. Well, thanks a lot for the help.

    I already placed the order, so the projet officially started.

    I ordered:

    1) Core Module Kit + PIC with Boot loader installed

    2) One DIN module KIT.

    That should be OK to encode a 32 pedal pedalboard, isn't it?.

    Now, I've been carefully reading the instructions to upload the sysex and if I did not understand it wrong, even if I upload a wrong configured sysex file, I will have the option to erase that program and upload another one without ruin the PIC.

    Also, should I have to configure the MIDI OUT sections even if there won't be a DOUT module?

    And the last question, for what I read it seems that only NOTE ON messages are configured, what about NOTE OFF?

    Thanks again


  3. Hi there,

    I'm following Jimhenry's advice and will order de PIC already with the bootloader. Here's another question and doubt. I notice that in:


    When you have to check the loaded PIC it asks for a "PIC ID header". I understand (basically) what this means, however I'm not sure of what should I put there. My idea is encode the pedalboard. That is only one Core module and only one DIN module. I will encode the manuals in the future, for now I will use two el-cheapo MIDI keyboards.

    Jim, you also said it's better to have an LCD. Is it really necessary?

    And the last question would be I notice that there are other MIDIfy DIY proyects on the web, but they seem much more complicated when wiring the pedals as almost all of them need diodes and switches. Does MIDIbox need diodes too?

    Thanks and sorry for being pain.



  4. Hi, I have and old 51 key & 25 pedal harmonium.

    The sound it's really crapy, the reeds are not really in a good state and belows are in poor condition. Besides, it's not a really good instrument so I've decided I would use it to build sort of an italian organ console (which typically have only one manual and limited pedals).

    Now, of course I need to MIDIfy this console in order to use it with either Hauptwerk or Myorgan.

    But...I'm complete lost.

    I want to do this all by me, not because I have lots of spare time, but for the fact that were I live (Argentina) we don't have MIDI kits available at reasonable costs and also import some kit would be really expensive (think 3x the value of the kit due to shipping costs and customs). Therefore, I will have to do it by me.

    I don't know really where to start. But I already have some questions:

    a) What would be the ideal controller to use?

    b) what about the switches that encode the note-on and note-off events of the manual and pedalboard?

    Any help would be really apreciated.

    Thanks in advance.


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