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Posts posted by F1LT3R

  1. Hi I'm F1LT3R  ;D

    I just got a business loan and was I was looking for a MIDI Arpediator to purchase for my new studio... when I found this site. I must admit, this whole scene is a HUGE shock :o to me. I'm very excited but don't know where to begin  :'(. I dreamed of doing this kinda stuff as a kid, but I only got as far as making security alarms etc.  :P Actually that's a lie... I destroyed many keyboards trying to invent addative synthesis, but i only created acrid smoke. :D

    I've been writing electonic music for about 7 years... I think. My website is: http://www.doctorfilter.com but I havn't update it in over a year now, but check it out and let me know what you think of my music anyway. My friend holds festivals here in the UK, so if you guys wanted to have a MidiBox tent, that could be certainly be arranged. It could be a cool way to drive the community forward and create a place where we could all meet up and play with the worlds coolest toys.

    I'd love to beomce a member of this community and get to work on building some kind of step sequencer/midi arpedgiator if you guys are cool with that?

    I guess my big question is... WHERE DO I START?!  ::)



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