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Posts posted by spyromus

  1. Tut vse dovol'no prosto. Ya obnaruzhil chto na 18F452 (ne vizhu prichin pochemu i ne na ostal'nyh) nekorrectno rabotaet obrabotchik preryvaniya (0x408  sm. mios_isr.inc) -- on portit WREG. T.o. programma preryvaetsya v proizvol'nom meste, obrabotchik shamanit, i upravlenie vozvrashaetsya s isporchenym WREG. Ne znayu kak eto rabotalo do sih por, chestno govorya. Ya mnogo raz slyshal ot muzykantov, chto rabota ves'ma nestabil'naya. Veroyatno eto byla odna iz prichin.

    Izmeneniya takie:

    Chunk #1  mios_isr.inc


    ;; note: bootloader jumps to 0x0408 on interrupts

    org 0x0408




    Chunk #2  mios_isr.inc


    ;; restore FSR2[LH], especially saved for SDCC

    movff MIOS_IRQ_FSR2L, FSR2L

    movff MIOS_IRQ_FSR2H, FSR2H


            retfie FAST


    Chunk #3  mios_defines.h


    MIOS_IRQ_FSR2L EQU 0x5c1 ; new for SDCC

    MIOS_IRQ_FSR2H EQU 0x5c2



    Uveren, mnogim budet polezno. Udachi!

  2. This morning instead of the reply to my angry letter I've got the shipping confirmation, which is way better than the chain of explanations and finger-pointing. It looks like the CC number was correct as well as there was enough cash on account. They took the expected sum, and according to FedEx tracker, my package is in Indianapolis right now. Life is good again. :)

    One strange thing. They promised 3 days delivery world-wide and FedEx says 3 weeks. I realize that 3 days is way too fast for the across-the-pond postage, but 3 weeks is even slower than the regular USPS. What's the meaning of the "priority package" term then? :)

  3. Be VERY careful with this. I've been ripped off by newark on shipping :(

    Yeah, in fact I requested it after they said there's not enough money on my CC to pay for the purchase. I used the shipping calculator on their site to learn what the cost may be for my country and put the exact amount on my shopping card, so that they aren't able to get more than I expect to spend. That saved my account. :) We'll see what they send...

  4. Hey! Privet s Ukrainy. :)

    Zamorachivayus' s Midibox uzhe neskol'ko mesyacev. Sobiraem s otcom. On po shematike i zhelezkam, ya programmiruyu, sobirayu komponenty i budu ispol'zovat'. Delo vstalo na poslednih komponentah v spiske. Mozhet kto podskazhet?


    * 8 horoshih metallicheskih fader'ov (slider'ov) - 10k, lin, 60mm + golovy (bridge) k nim

    * 30-40 knopok s podsvetkoj (pryamougol'nye ili kvadratnye gdeto 16mm, 4-5v na LED)

    Uparilsya uzhe iskat'. 3 nedeli tykayus' po magazinam v seti. To tol'ko opt, to pochtovyj index ne ponimayut nash... Erunda kakaya-to. Uzhe blizok k tomu, chto by postavit' sovkovye polzunki, no chuvstvuyu, chto proekt mozhno zagubit' tak na raz.

    Kstati, nashel v Midibox OS 1.9 ser'eznuyu oshibku v obrabotchike preryvaniya. Poka ne pofiksil, rabotat' ne hotelo nichego. Mozhet komu budet interesno.

  5. OK, we are getting somewhere!

    Thanks for the link! Unfortunately I wasn't able to find sliders at all (scanned through every electronic components branch as I don't understand German), and they have very few buttons the specifications of which don't fit my requirements. I love German stores though. Most of the European stores I dealt with are German and they were always very responsive and ready to help. Will continue looking for the options. If you or someone else have other ideas, please share them with me.



  6. I'm in Ukraine, but I normally get parcels from almost everywhere in the world. Preferably, it's Europe of course. Thence it shouldn't be a big deal if someone suggested a good store with something / all I need for the project. The only road block is that I can't use Paypal (it just doesn't work here), but I doubt any serious stores use it anyway.

    So please shot me with the suggestions! It's greatly appreciated.



  7. Hi Guys!

    I'm in the middle of my first MIDIBOX. The schematics and programming are finished and it's time to find the components. This is where I'm stuck. Here's the list of what I need, and maybe someone could help me with finding a store to buy all / any of these.

    * Sliders / faders: Metal, mono, linear, 4.7-10k, 55-60mm, >30K moves

    * Caps for sliders

    * Push buttons: square 10-13mm, multi-colored (red, green, yellow, blue, or minimum 2 colors)

    * Illuminated Push buttons: square 10-13mm, green, 5v LED

    It looks like Bourns have nice sliders, but I can't find any stores. Any recommendations / comments are welcome.

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