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Posts posted by vedge

  1. Thanks Lemonhorse,

    I want to implement cc switches for enable/disable the VELOCITY and ENVELOPE mode. Sorry, for now You'll need the Keyboard/LCD.

    OK! Just wanted to check if the behavior i was experiencing wasn't due to bad wiring/components first.

    If it can be explained by the current requirement for the C64kb in 0004, i know where to look next.

    More progress reports! soon...

  2. Hi, and thanks for the spec/code.

    Just filled myself a breadboard with a spare 8910, and uploaded 0004.

    (im not using the menu or c64 kb, just bare MIDI)

    CCs seem to work, but volume is odd.  I sampled and analyzed the signal using my audio interface


    All notes sound @ -22dBFS until i mess with CC7

    and when it hits the val=54-55 range the volume jumps to -7dBFS (much more acceptable)

    But only for the length of the current note.

    I feel like some values are getting overwritten somehow, but i cant figure it out from the code.

    The envelope CCs dont do a thing, but Noise and tones can be turned on and off ok, and the tuning is alright

    so im a bit puzzled.

    I took the 8910/8912 sheets and im pullup'ing more things than 8912 (since theres more on the 8910)

    But before i go on i just wanted to ask if you had an idea of what i should check first...



  3. Hi All

    Tried the editor brifley and quite thrilled by it.

    Just one question though, am i missing something really obvious in the menus or theres no way to set up a "master keyboard" port?  How does one hear/play their patch modifications then?

  4. I guess if you're just playing around and not releasing stuff on a record/live gig/etc there's no harm in 'just letting go', but my personal opinion is that if you're going to present to the public you should take your music very seriously. Again, that's just my personal opinion, and I should keep it to myself, so I'm not trying to be pushy, just saying... I still will continue to try and encourage people to take it seriously, but if I can tell that we are coming from different places, I should let it go.

    I do agree with you, in fact i take my own music so seriously that i dont ever release anything :)

    And our products are often in "perpetual beta" .. so yeah we are way too perfectionist to claim its finished in any way ;)

    I'm just mad at all the half-*ssed 'producers' around these days (sooo many of them!) who just throw randomly found cool sounds together loosely and add a filtersweep or three until a tune falls out the other end... Now we've had a chat I know that I was mistaken in thinking that was your intention.

    And you had no way to know otherwise.  Especially when I was acting like a whiny bitch wanting presets .. LOL.

    I made quite a few presets for my MBSID, muting voices in sidplay, then sound editing and evaluating periods and wavetable changes.

    Had fun doing Chimera/Master of magic -LIKE - sounds, and some others from Maniac Mansion, which to be are the definition of what SID music

    was so different.  I also duplicated most of my patches legato and others poly, so that depending on what i need i have less "SID residual noise'

    But ive mentally came to a point where i feel ive spent too much time on the FM already , just making the -12;+12 power supply with my very lame electronic abilities (altHough my sense of logic is not gone, and i helped finding an error in TK's schematic)  see


    Time to get reward.... So back on topic.... Who wants to contribute to a nice FM presets list?

    I promise i will contribute :)

  5. Im not offenced, :)

    I'd recommend you spend some time with a modular synth and see how your current method flies ;) Keep in mind that when you say 'tweaking is like making your own', you're not just bumping your skills up a level, you're also depreciating the value of the efforts of people who really do make their stuff from scratch.

    Dont you agree that each synth/app has its own degree of difficulty?

    Creating one MBFM patch is not the same as coming up with a stochastic note generator, cellular automaton modular patch.

    And yes, i had the most fun just sending CCs to the default GM bank, because sometimes you need to just let it go.

    I design and program audio apps (and, what a coincidence a modular app) for a living.

    For me  MIDIBox is a hobby (im a total electronics newbie and like to learn the "other side" of the trade),

    and idd like to try the presets the others did, like i like trying out presets of my collegue's VSTis,

    when i just want to play music and let the right brain sleep.

    Its not because i couldnt be able to do "some" of them myself.  Its because i want to appreciate the work people have done.

    The goal is in no way "claim you made them" (although again, lets agree on the difficulty level here), or diss the

    hard work some have done.  Its the same thing with DJs vs Song Writers.  for me the real star here, is TK for his code.

    That requires effort.

    Yeah my post disapeared, because my i tought i had a better ansewer

    original post for the curious;

    But sometimes i just feel like i have a left brain left that just wants to noodle with presets!

    (especially after a few drinks, i cant even understand my own apps :)

    I dont mean that you can do a cellular automaton, a stochastic note generators placing random modules in a patchbay. But the parameter list of MBFM is so small, heck even with a random script you can generate pretty damn cool stuff, and with FM, by experience, its either youre a fraud (and say you analysed the maths behind all the harmonics required for a sound, then you placed the exact params, or you admit that you just random NOODLED with the thing :) 

    Im not an FM expert by any means, but our modular app has a 2 op example FM patch bundled. 

    Yes there are some that take the time to do proper FM presets (ENO) (and think about what they do), and thats why i asked in the first place. For me the MIDIBox stuff is a hobby. (even if i built and coded a MIDIBox to drive a SN76489 chip - that i hope to release soon after my zillions of other things). Somtimes i just feel like playing and not thinking (that also includes being a whiny bitch using a pseudoname) ...

    Doenst that occur to anyone else?

  6. The most impressive stuff that we know can be done comes from the example mp3's.

    I just wonder why some of these didnt become presets and thats all.

    I did a few cool patches of my own, but there doesnt seem to be a single post where

    people talk about making a default bank like the one for the SID.

    I know there are probably only the tenth of MBFM vs MBSID users here though im not dumb :)

    Should we start thread and and collectively make one?

    A good set of presets is very important for a synth, but that seems like a taboo thing, since so many people despise "preset" lusers.

    And editing a pre made patch that has 20 or so parameters is for me like making your own.

    You can totally destroy a patch especially changing the FM algo. with one or two edits

    Its not like it takes month and tons of research to create a FM patch, like a complex NKI or SFZ.

  7. My thing was

    a bunch of presets can be used as is, but can also inspire us to tweak or make our own, getting a glimpse of what CAN be done, which aint the case for the default GM bank.

    With all the crappy FM GM stuff we all had to endure over the years, i wonder why im alone :)

  8. Well, if we could just have a few people sharing presets that would be a start.

    the built in GM MIDI kit is not exaclty making me want to play, that is until i whack some of those

    with live ccs

  9. If other displays work, then it's the display or cable, a short between the pins on the display, or a bad connection on the IDC plug maybe... but then it could also be a break on a track of the display itself, which is probably unfixable... your instincts are right tho... try a test app that prints ASCII 65 to whatever... look for a pattern.

    Or it could be broken rom/ram on the LCD itself. as the other chars printed are just a random mess....

    Ill try to find a suitable replacement 2x24 but the drill holes dimensions must be the same sigh.


  10. Hello

    Ive got a nice 1U rack with an LCD built in, so i figured there was a chance it would work

    (like other alien LCDs did) with my mBOX

    Its a DataView DV-24200  2x24 display:


    (supposedly KS-0066U controllable)

    It seems that only letters work (attached MIOS boot screen), 

    so, looking at the character grid, im thinking D5 would be bust! but its not.

    (ive tripple checked the lines)

    Im sure this lcd used to work before i thrashed whatever was in the original 1U ..

    any clues? is it just bust, or do i need to setup a different flag in my projects, and recompile?

    If i plug another LCD in that spot (ive got 3 others), i do get the right picture



  11. Thanks for the interresting bits about recent chips

    Maybe i should collect them and do graphs and post them on the wiki.

    i woke up at night and remembered that my particular MBox SID hums when ask too much current,

    say i boost the LCD's brightness (it even reboots the pic) so maybe this hum was just caused by the

    R4 sucking more juice?

  12. So much for R4's superiority!

    There must be something that eludes me here. I had my CBM (r3) MIDIBox sid for a while,

    then decided to look at what other SID i had in this c64c i found in a recylcing facility for 2$..

    It had an R4 in it, Yay i says, lets swap it....

    These shots were taken right after a program change in both cases.

    Is there a solid link/comparison thats been made across chip revs/dates etc?



  13. Well, it's a pleasantly small transformer, smaller than I remembered.  36mm tall, that is about 1.4" high, which should still give you enough clearance to put it into a 1U rack case.

    What about the 12VCT / 300mA Transformer from that same dealer:


    12VCT should be enough to drive a 7912 and a 7812? and wouldn't generate as much heat as the

    18VCT.. in any case ill order both of them and report.

    Thanks again for the dimensions!

  14. I was lazy (read as: sick of perfboarding), so I picked up this kit: http://www.rpelectronics.com/English/Content/Items/CK342.asp

    And the recommended transformer:


    IIRC it's short enough to fit in a 1U rack, but I would have to go home and measure it to make sure (it's sitting in a drawer right now, waiting for me to have more free time).  This is only going to be enough juice to handle the +/-12V easily, but possibly not the +5V if you're using a backlit LCD.  And as always, remember to use fuses, etc.

    Wow, if i had known, i would have bought this pre made kit too!

    Id be currious on the dimensions of the transformator, ill wait for the results.

    Im using a separate transfo for the normal MB operations.

  15. On a related note, anyone knows of a _small_  =+12/center/-12 transfo with enough amperage to drive the three opamp, that

    would FIT inside a 1U rack???  Ive got two of them from different manufacturers, but they are way too big (one is 2A and the other 1A)


  16. Its that dual-Rectifier thing.

    A friend of mine (attending college in electronics), to whom i've shown the suggested MBFM PSU schematics

    told me that this was a recipe for disaster, so i removed one of the rectifier and rewired the input stage of my boards a bit like this:


    (like his suggestions, but this picture has a typo, shows both +12, when the lower one should be -12)

    Then both my psus's worked fine. No rattling transformers or exploding fuses.

    Sadly he didn't take the time to explain why it was dangerous, i remember something vague about

    "jumping negatives" or "jumping grounds" or something like that, its not my field so ill let others argue.

    In any case. Thanks for the help, i now have a nice MBFM that i can play with.

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