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Posts posted by filmcomposer

  1.   j'imagine que tu es francais comme moi, alors je voudrais t'expliquer. au depart, je voulais simplement utiliser un pot de 250k de la mdbox et pouvoir le programmer de maniere a ce qu'il envoie un ordre de note-on par ex. DO en bougeant le bouton entre o et 10kohm. de 10 a 20 kohms, qu'il envoi un ordre de note-on de DO diese, de 20k a 30kohms qu'il envoie un ordre de note on de RE. ETC. je voudrais pouvoir avoir la possibilite de programmer la note initiale du pot a l'etat zero par ex:de 0 -10k re, 10-20k re diese etc ou bien par ex: 0-10k mi3, 10-20k fa3, 20-30k fa diese 3 etc. comme je ne sais pas si c'est possible ou alors peut etre en le programmant (dur,dur pour moi), j'ai entendu parler des encodeur de priorite qui permettent 10 entree analogiques type switch et en choisissent la plus haute valeur en sortie et codifiee endigital. cela etant possible,comment attaquer la pic? par ou entrer? et pour cela, j'avais pense aux 12 switch et l'encodeur, n'etant interesse que par une seule note a la fois, la plus haute valeur toujour d'entre elles, meme si 7 switchs sont acciones. la velocity ne me preocupe pas car elle peut etre programmee sur un pot different ou un piezo ou quoi que ce soit. voila. j'espere que je suis plus clair come ca. je fais appel a ton savor car mes connaissances en programation et hardware sont basiques. je suis compositeur classique mais la quete d'un instrument a ma mesure est un vieux reve rendu possible aujourd'hui a la flexibilite de la midibox et au genie de thorsten klose, son auteur et a vous tous qui contribuez a cette machine incroyable. merci d'avance. a biento.

  2. hello every body and happy new yar.

          i was planing  to install a serie of switches from 0 to 12 and wanted the codifier to select the highest value, codify it and assign a note to each switch. no need of velocity and so on.  Is it possible to do that? or if not, what would be the diagram or a 6x6 matrix to do the same, still using a codifier with priority. i only need one note at  the time. could you give me any advice? thanks o all of you, super experts in midibox guts..                     

  3. hello to every one of you, nices guys to try to help me. i wasn't very clear in fact,. what i would like is the possibility to chose the note with some kind of encoder and simply triger it witrh a piezzo. it is not pitch bend that i'm looking for. i want for example a single piezzo to triger (using that encoder) c/bass drum, C# rimshot, d snare etc. the pitch bend would just modify the pitch of the soundin instrument, not changing the instrument wich is what i'm looking for. thanks to all of you again.

  4. hello everyone of this community,

            could someone help me with programming my midibox. i was wondering how to program one of the pot to be able to switch midi note in only one channel. for example pot number one: i trigger a note with one of the buttons and change the note using that 500k pot for example from 0 to 10k could be c, 10 to 20k csharp, 20 to 30 d, etc (without pitchbend, just note select)while i keep the button pushed. initial note could be programmed to c0 or d2 etc. please, my programming skill are not as good as yours. could you help me? i built the burner and the midibox 64 and both function. thanks.

  5. hello everyone of this community,

            could someone help me with programming my midibox. i was wondering how to program one of the pot to be able to switch midi note in only one channel. for example pot number one: i trigger a note with one of the buttons and change the note using that 500k pot for example from 0 to 10k could be c, 10 to 20k csharp, 20 to 30 d, etc (without pitchbend, just note select)while i keep the button pushed. initial note could be programmed to c0 or d2 etc. please, my programming skill are not as good as yours. could you help me? i built the burner and the midibox 64 and both function. thanks.

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