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Posts posted by goldie_pl

  1. Witam wszystkich,

    Je?eli kto? jest zainteresowany MB, a nie chce go robi? od zera, to mam do sprzedania za cen? cz??ci i p?ytek:

    - kompletne i uruchomione modu?y CORE, LTC, DINX4 i AINX4, a do tego:

    - 32 potencjometry wysokiej jako?ci z ?adnymi ga?kami,

    - dwa miniaturowe joysticki,

    - komplet microswitchy do zrobienia klawiatury,

    - dwa encodery (jeden mia? s?u?y? jako data wheel do zast?pienia przycisków left/right),

    - wy?wietlacz podswietlany 2x16 z bia?ym tekstem na czarnym tle,

    - cz??ciowe okablowanie do po??czenia ca?o?ci,

    - dodatkow? p?ytk? DINX4 i AINX4,

    - troch? dodatkowych szpilek SIL do ??czenia p?ytek oraz komplet gniazd,

    - zasilacz do odpalenia ca?o?ci.

    Innymi s?owy: mo?na sobie z tego z?o?y? MB na 32 ga?y (+4 od joysticków) i 32 przyciski, docelowo 64/64, bez latania po sklepach. Elementy wybiera?em bardzo uwa?nie, ga?y chodz? mi?ciutko i bez dropów. Ko?? jest zaprogramowana pod MB64, ale mog? wrzuci? dowolny z softów. P?ytki by?y robione w Merkarze - nie ?adna podtrawiona samoróbka.

    Sam by?em bliski uko?czenia budowy, ale przede mn?:

    1. ?lub

    2. Przeprowadzka

    3. Narodziny Córki

    - wi?c z planów oko?omuzycznych niestety nici i musia?em podj?? trudn? decyzj?. Oj, trudn?.

    Szkoda ?eby to le?a?o. Po?wi?ci?em sporo czasu na dobór elementów i odpalenie... Wi?c je?eli jest kto? zainteresowany, to podam gdzie kupowa?em elementy, ?eby zweryfikowa? ceny i odsprzedam dok?adnie w tej cenie - nic nie policz? za monta?, po prostu chcia?bym ?eby ca?o?? posz?a w dobre (czytaj: muzyczne) r?ce. A wydaje mi si?, ?e to zawsze lepiej, ni? lata? po sklepach i kupowa? po kawa?ku.

    Je?eli jest kto? zainteresowany - mog? przes?a? foty albo umówi? si? przy piwie w okolicach Szczecina. Nie chc? tego wystawia? na allegro,bo jak ma pój?? do kogo? kto jest "nie w temacie", to si? serce kroi.

    Mo?na do mnie pisa?: andrzej_krause(at)wp.pl albo dzwoni?: 507593240, na GG ostatnio mnie nie ma bo si? przenosimy, wi?c nie podaj?. Albo zostawi? wiadomo?? w tym w?tku, bo go ?ledz?.

    Pozdrawiam rodzimych fanów MB64,

    Andrzej Krause

  2. Yes, I've figured it out after I ran MB64 :) I had some problems with adding data wheel as left/right butons, but now all is working properly.

    Now I try to build a case for Traktor controller, build second core and AIN/DIN/DOUT modules but everything is "on wires", no dedicated PCB's yet (I don't do them by myself, I send Protel data to little firm and must wait about 2 weeks for each shipping, unfortunately). Got a problem with configuration of Traktor 2.6, 'cause this version doesn't recognise encoders directly (buttons/pots only -or I miss something). I know that v3 is better, but doesn't work on my laptop - is too old :[ But controller itself works definitely good.

    Now trying to understand how to set up the LEDs, but is a question of time and some tries:). But no time for more experiments now, 'cause in one week I will have removal to new home and we're started to pack everything in cartons... I hope I will get some progress in 2-3 weeks.

    And one question: can I use other LCD's than 2x16? Got spare 4x16 with nice white on black letters and want to use it in next controller. Will Mb64E drive it nativelly?

  3. There's not so many forum, where the main boss helps his users :) Thanks, TK. Now trying to get into these files, seems I'll be able to understand it,

    So - MB64E is in fact expanded version od MB64, no funcionality has been replaced by other? It makes MB64e best platform for creating own setups, even apps like Traktorizer can be simply programmed as presets for MB64e.

  4. Hi,

    i got now all my PCBs working and tested under MB64, so now I wanna try to create my own customised app. If somebody can explain, how to start with this:

    12 pots, about 40 buttons, 4 encoders, 12 LEDs. I want to use them alltogether (got DINs, AINs, and DOUTs for them). Need some customised messages depending od incoming data, some LEDs shining where I want... So I need an app which will "drive" them, yes? Where to start?

    Is there and "standard" procedure to build the apps for MIOS? Like: select number of pots, buttons, set them to send values, set the LCD for messages etc.? And if I understand, that the final step is to compile te app and send via MIDI.


  5. You'll have to load another app instead of the test application. If you want a midibox64

    you'll have to upload (via Midi) the following app:


    Then you'll get the desired screens.

    Don't forget to ground unused AIN-ports or you still will get wild messages.



    THANKS DOC. Everything works perfect!


    Now it's time to plan the case and front/top panels, placing buttons and pots and other stuff. I want to use encoder instead left/right buttons. I thought about placing touchpad on top panel, but not for MIDI, but as pointing device for connected PC, so I ordered 2 from damaged laptops (price was very low - about 4 EU each) - if I get them to work, I will share photos and specs with you.

    Once again: Thanks all!

  6. Which application did you load?

    ain64_din128_dout128_v1_3.zip - described as "MIOS configured for 64 pots, 128 buttons, 128 LEDs" from this page.

    You can ground J5 of the CORE (Pins: A0 - A7) after disconnecting any AIN Module.

    Definitely helped. Now got stable signal. I connected two pots and one joystick (so got 4 pots now) and all of them are working fine.

    Some photos describing my problem from previous post (I still got it):


    Booting - everything seems OK


    App started - where are menu?


    Putton #3 pushed - still no menu,

    the same when I push any other buttons.

    It seems like some kind of debugger, not an app for me - but i may be wrong.

    Got no idea what's happening. Can somebody help?

    Below is monitoring buttons report from MIDI OX:


    Opened MIDI Input

    Opened MIDI Output

    000010B4 9 10 90 00 7F 1 C -1 Note On (BUTTON #1 PUSHED)

    00001174 9 10 90 00 00 1 C -1 Note Off (BUTTON #1 RELEASED)

    0000202F 9 10 90 01 7F 1 C#-1 Note On (BUTTON #2 PUSHED)

    000020E1 9 10 90 01 00 1 C#-1 Note Off (BUTTON #2 RELEASED)

    0000258D 9 10 90 02 7F 1 D -1 Note On (BUTTON #3 PUSHED)

    0000265F 9 10 90 02 00 1 D -1 Note Off (BUTTON #3 RELEASED)

    0000287C 9 10 90 03 7F 1 Eb-1 Note On (BUTTON #4 PUSHED)

    0000291F 9 10 90 03 00 1 Eb-1 Note Off (BUTTON #4 RELEASED)

    So what is this - a KEYBOARD?

    Little off topic - special edition of "bomb in cable factory" - my PIC Burner!


    I know it can sounds strange' date=' but it works perfectly.

  7. Hi all,

    thanks to your help I have now working CORE with LCD, a DIN with 4 buttons on vectorboard connected to it, one AIN (without connected pots yet). I burned a PIC, uploaded MIOS and MB64 app, but cannot get the menu!

    From start - what I see on LDC:

    1. MIOS V 1.9c © T. Klose (in two rows)

    2. AIN   DIN   DOUT (I know that AIN flickers because of unmuxed pot inputs)

       64:42  1o     2o

    3. When I push the buttons:

       AIN   DIN   DOUT

       64:42  3*     2o - it changes of course when I push

       another button (only second column).

    But - why I just can't see the screens from Tutorial page?

    I can connect these 4 buttons to another grup of pins on DIN (first 1-4, second 5-8 etc), but tested all of them (1-32) and never saw the nav menu. Why?

    And - how to disable pots for the time before I connect them physically, because now it's almost not possible to use the buttons (messages from AIN just scroll thru the screen of MidiOX).

  8. Hi all,

    my first post here :) Some ideas and some problems.

    I searched the web for DIY MIDI controllers. First I've build this one: http://come.to/re_turn and that was first time when I touched virtual knobs with my own hands :)


    first MIDI controller - ReTurn (sorry for the dust, got some repairs @home now)


    not used front case for ReTurn - printed on alu (see

    http://www.studioq.pl/html/metal.html for details, text in polish only. Prices: about 8EU for A4, 15EU for A3)

    But this project is quite old and was definitelly missing something. Knobs only (and only eight), no buttons etc.

    So I decided to try MIDIBox - project I saw about two years ago first time, but was too difficult then. Now it's time to start all the mess with MB64.

    1. I bought premade PCB's for Core, LTC, 1xDIN4, 2xAIN4, 1xDOUT4. Almost soldered now, just waiting for some parts. For connections between DIN/AIN/DOUT PCB's I use SIL headers, but in the shape of letter "L" so complete PCB is shorter (cables above resistors) and I can stack them.


    L-shaped SIL headers

    2. Found some interesting perypherials, especially these:


    small analog joystick, 2x10k linear - about 2 EU only :)) if you disassemble and remove the pressure spring, shoulder stays where you leave him (doesn't go back to center). I bought 6 and think there will be my favorite toy. They are almost as small as the pots.



    3. I've decided to do board for pots, because i really like these one which are mounted directly on PCB:


    and joysticks must be mounted on board, too.

    Now trying to incorporate buttons and LEDs into the same board. Less cables = more stability :) And the big advantage for me is, that I can mount complete PCB to bottom of case (it counts especially for buttons - see the concept described below).

    4. Idea for nice looking buttons:

    - bought 2 chip TV pilots (on polish service http://www.allegro.pl, similar to ebay, about 2EU each) - one without any descriptions on buttons (there were on case only). Searched for pilots with rounded buttons. I smashed the pilot and cutted elastic part into single buttons. On PCB will be some microswitches with tall buttons (arch? don't know that word in english), and pushing the "pilot" buttons will translate to pushing the microswitches. Because of rounded shapes, all i have to do is simple drill of front case and insert buttons from pilot in it before mounting everything (upside down, or the buttons will fly out).

    - some rounded buttons from second pilot had descriptions on self. So, now I have buttons with "play", "stop", "red dot (record)", "ok", "exit", "menu" "+", "-" and 4 colored (from teletext). Thanx for that idea to my girlfriend and her TV chanels surfing :) Can be used for nav buttons or for playing control in LC emulation, I think I'll find some other appliances. Traktor DJ's can use these buttons for play/stop/cue etc.


    one picture worth more than thousand words.


    Now, some stupid questions from newbie:

    - I want to build my own PIC burner, got PCB and all the stuff. What cable should I use to program PIC? Standard cable for printer (LPT) will be enough? What exactly means "1:1 LPT cable"?

    - If I fully understood the procedure, i should: 1) burn the bootloader into PIC 2) send MIOS via MIDI 3) send app - (which one? that: ain64_din128_dout128_v1_3.zip) via MIDI and that's all? Should that work this way?

    - For now, i've got only half of pots (including these from joysticks). So - should I modify something in app?

    More questions soon :))) And sorry for mistakes - english is not my native.

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