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Posts posted by leonard

  1. okay you are right.

    i use distance sensors, but just as on off triggers.

    the plan is: build a fader out of sensors under a plexi glass, also some buttons, etc. all packed waterproof and beerproof.

    i'm afraid, it will not work with hevy strobo use - but hey, its a fun project.

    i used a atmel atmega16 for the "fader" (i call it fader, because for me its like one ;) ) i like the atmel because i think its easier to programm. connected are 14 distance sensors, 2 leds at each sensors and on top and bottom 3 red led's.

    the atmel uses two of its IO pins to connect with the midibox.

    For the first prototype, we emulated the beavior of an encoder.

    maybe there are other ways possible. but im not so good in programming, but im willing to learn - a friend of mine did the programming part. its programmed in C.

    we have still 2 emtpy io pins - so there is place for more. we thought about playing pong with 6 or 8 faders in a row. :D

    i can provide the wiring diagramm, the code and everything you need (except the parts :( i ordered 250 of this cool sensors at ebay)

    we thought also about using the analog inputs of the atmel, and connecting just 8 faders - but analog.

    multiplexing the in and output it would be possible, to connect far more encoders on one atmel


    i have a few questions:

    - how would you include that part into the midibox hardware? there are 4 io pins left and we can create nearly every digital output we want :)

    - is somebody interested in trying the same?

    - should i open a wiki page? :)

    and now, some pix of the working monster

    cheers, leonard




  2. hi lightforms...

    first : whats your vj name... maybe we know us from somewhere :P

    i had the same idea like you about a half year before.

    first point - keep your ideas in mind - and start building your controller when resolume 3.0 arrives.

    why? resolume sends no midi version 2 only recieves midi. you cannot build cool features like led status bars etc.

    i had a concept for a really cool controller with all that funny shit. but its simply not possible with resolume for now. you "can" realize it with the software but if you change somehing with the mouse it will not react on the controller... i don't know how i should describe it here. i did my best.

    i finished my controller now - its really simple just 12 encs and 4 buttons - but when the new software version will be out - i will build a new one!

    but... did you check out the react controller? it's from austrian guys - i know them and tryed the controller. and i think it's the best one for resolume for now. www.netzteil.org

    have fun, leonard aka. bildwerk

  3. ich habn problem mit meinen encodern :(

    ich hab eine vj software und da läuft ein playbalken immer durch ... von links nach recht z.b.

    ich möchte den gerne "anstubsen" um 1-2 frames, jedoch geht das nicht wenn der encoder bei 127 ansteht.... gibts da eine möglichkeit das zu umgehen?


  4. you get the rubber feeling also with some plastic materials ... the material i was talking about was some kind of PUR (polyurethane) and it is also a type of rubber... i have the data sheets here (only in german) ... i'm a learned chemist ;)

    i have to talk to my teachers at school ... maybe they can give me some inspiration ... :/

  5. interesting topic...

    i did some experiments with silicone and i think to make a "negative" is pretty simple. I thought about making my "rubber buttons" out of a piece of wood. (as positive shape) - in the second step i will do a negative form with gypsum (gips - CaSO4).

    Normally, the silicone is used to make a negative whitch is filled with gypsum later....

    i was talking to some plastic manufacturers what is the ideal material for my idea and they also said me i need to get a plastic and not silicone.. and the price for this material was also about 50 € per kilogramm...

    my project is now stopped for 3 weeks - because of holidays ;)


  6. Hi,

    ich hab was anderes probiert... einfach ins silikon den schaft eines printtasters reindrücken und dann ausreagieren lassen. der taster is auf nem breadboard und gleichzeitig schauen noch 2 leds ins silikon rein, muss aber erst probieren ob das was geworden ist.

    meine erfahrungen: bausilikon = mist

    muss mich jetzt mal spielen mit diversen lösungsmitteln um es irgendwie "gießbarer" zu machen.

    die chemieausbildung soll doch nicht umsonst gewesen sein :D

  7. So jetzt mal was das ein bissl offtopic ist.

    Als VJ hätt ich gerne ein paar kleine cams die man überall positionieren kann...  z.b. auf den dj, liveacts, publikum odgl.

    Es gibt doch genügend alte Telefone mit Kamera eingebaut. Weiß vielleicht jemand inwieweit sich diese für meine zwecke optimieren lassen würden...

    Ich vermute mal das ich irgendeinen converter von dem Digitalsignal auf analog basteln müsste...  naja hab jetzt gerade ein nokia 6630 daheimliegen. werd mir das mal näher anschauen

    Wenn jemand anregungen hat, bin für jeden tip dankbar :D

  8. hab ich schon gemerkt als ich letztens einfache umschalter gebastelt hab

    2 bnc eingänge 1 ausgang ein schalter dazwischen...

    bnc einbaubuchse: 2,5 euro pro stück

    schalter: 5 euro pro stück

    gehäuse (billigteil luat verkäufer) 8 euro

    hat in summe da ich 2 schalter hatte knappe 30 euro gekostet

    kanns ja net sein ...

    will ja nur taster ausprobieren.. bestell sie dann eh woanders :D

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