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Posts posted by Crypto71

  1. Hi,

    after a long time I'm finally back here as I plan to start converting my former organ conversion into something even more advanced.

    What I would like to do is replace the current MIDI-USB-soundcard built into my organ and the current MIDI interface with one single LPC17 based core.This MIDI-USB-soundcard is merging the MIDI output of the legacy PIC core and the built-in BOEHM MIDI controller that controls the manuals and pedal into one single MIDI data output.

    This would mean that all manuals (61 keys upper, 61 keys lower, 30 keys pedal), approx. 100 push buttons, approx. 60 drawbars and analogue turning knobs would have to be controlled by the LPC17 based core, and it should also keep the legacy LCD panel currently connected to the PIC core.

    The program to do that could be rather simple as I do not plan to implement much of dynamic parameter switching, but nevertheless particularly controlling the manuals and pedal has to be really fast so there would not be much delay.

    Not only would the LPC17 core simplify the overall hardware design, but it would also enable me to eliminate the need for the soundcard merging the MIDI data streams.

    I wonder if the LPC17 core is fast enough to do that?

    Where can I find circuit sheets to connect the manuals in a matrix like way, or can I connect the manuals in the same way as I would connect the push buttons?

    If one dares - is it really possible to run 64 AIN ports together with 128 DIN ports and approx. 1000 matrix scan buttons?

    Why does the MIDIIO128 application for the LPC17 core only allow for 8 AIN ports? Is this a limitation of the software for this application, or is the hardware limited somehow?

    Maybe someone here has already done such a complex conversion and can add some hints for me?

    Thanks for all howtos and hints in advance, many regards and happy new year to all of you,


  2. Hallo zusammen,

    ich plane, meine bereits auf den PIC-Core umgerüstete MIDI-Master-Orgel erneut umzurüsten. Ich möchte gern den neuen STM32-Core einbauen. Im Zuge dieser Umrüstung sollen ein paar Dinge grundlegend geändert werden, daher hier folgende Frage:

    Wieviele DIN-DOUT-AIN-Anschlüsse kann man maximal mit dem STM32-Core betreiben?

    Hintergrund dieser Frage:

    Aktuell ist in der MIDI-Orgel zur Ansteuerung und Auswertung der eigentlichen schwarzen und weißen Tasten der beiden Manuale und Pedal ein herstellerspezifischer MIDI-Controller verbaut. Es handelt sich um 2x44 Tasten + 30 Tasten Pedal, nicht anschlagdynamisch. Ich überlege, die Manuale auf jeweils 61 Tasten zu erweitern und den MIDI-Tasten-Controller zu ersetzen durch den STM32-Core. Dieser soll außer den Tasten (dann vielleicht sogar anschlagdynamisch) aber auch noch, wie bisher vom PIC-Core übernommen, die Potis, Zugriegel, Taster etc. der übrigen Orgel übernehmen. Es soll also der PIC-Core ersetzt werden durch den STM32-Core, und dieser soll anstelle des MIDI-Controllers des Orgelherstellers nun auch noch die Manuale bedienen.

    Wäre der STM32-Core dafür schnell genug?

    Danke für Eure Hinweise und Ideen,


  3. Hallo,

    auf den Downloadseiten von MIOS Studio 2 finde ich nur Versionen für Windows und für MAC. Gibt es auch eine Linux-Variante?

    Angeblich ist ein Juce-Programm ja plattformunabhängig...

    Aktuell benutze ich noch die Beta 9.4.

    Danke für jeden Tipp und viele Grüße,


  4. Hi,

    *argh* one of my pots gives values from 58 to 92. How do I scale that to 0...127 using the function snippets given in the examples section (all values dec.)?

    I have had success with another pot that gives values from 0 to 99 which I could scale to 0...127, by giving values from 0 (min) to a1 (max) for the two parameters of the scale code example.

    Thx for any hint,


  5. Hi again,

    thanks a lot for Your help. It is working now  :D

    I added the "constant" type and also increased the size of the array by one to implement the /0 null termination of the chars.

    In the call to MIOS_LCD_PrintCString I added a (code const char*) type conversion to avoid any compiler warnings concerning wrong types.



  6. Hi,

    I guess this must have been asked numerous times, so sorry for me asking this again...

    What I would like to do is this:

    When I move or turn a fader or pot, I want to display a short message on the LED that says which pot was turned. So I have created a table that contains 64 message texts to displaying a short info on LED about which AIN pot was moved.

    For doing that I started adjusting the ain64_din128_dout128_v2_0 main.c file.

    The messages are stored in a variable like this:

    code char * pot_text[]={    
        "U. Draw. 16\0"   , // 1 - Drawbar 1
        "U. Draw. 5 1/3\0", // 2 - Drawbar 2
        "U. Draw. 8\0"    , // 3 - Drawbar 3
        "U. Draw. 4\0"    , // 4 - Drawbar 4
        "U. Draw. 2 2/3\0", // 5 - Drawbar 5
    Call to display text:

    When I try to implement the variable pot_text as a global variable inside main.c, it does not work. The displayed text is garbled and consists of garbage. But when I declare the pot_text variable as a local variable in DISPLAY_tick it works if I have a rather short pot_text table (not 64 entries but maybe about entries).

    Is there a limit in size for variables for MIOS_LCD_PrintCString?

    What is the recommended way for creating a message text table and displaying one of these messages on the LCD?

    Thx for any help,


  7. Hi TK,

    sorry for me taking so long to respond... but life beyond MIDI box needed my attention  ;)

    Thanks to Your hints I was able to find the errors and correct them. It was a short circuit exactly where You pointed to and there were some poor soldering contacts, too. Having done that the two DIN4-modules work fine and connect nicely to 60 switches in my old organ. Now it is time to look after the AIN4-modules.

    Thanks again,


  8. Hi,

    started testing my DINX4-boards today.

    I'm testing with 128DIN/128DOUT/64AIN-software.

    One circuit board works well after testing with 64 switches, the other board does not.

    There is only one pin contact working for that module, the other pins do not seem to make any contact. I measured the voltage, all power pins on the 5-pin-connectors on the module show nearly 5V OK. But only that pin on the board triggers a core module message that is triggering DIN #128 on/off.

    What can I do to check what has gone wrong on that particular module?

    Kind regards,


  9. Hi,

    nearly finished conversion of an old electric organ into a MIDI-device.

    My problem now is:

    I am using a LED 1602 module. The core display something readable (needs further testing as I do not know yet if all my DINs etc. work properly), but I cannot use P1 of the core module to dim or brighten the LED module. Simply nothing happens. I can set the contrast though. It works well.

    What am I missing here? What could be wrong?

    Thx for any hint,


  10. Hi,

    OK, here is my conversion project:

    I have an old electric organ that already has MIDI output installed for the black and white keys of the keyboards and pedal.

    Now I want to MIDI the drawbars and buttons and also install foot switch connectors.

    There are 122 digital inputs (switches, no push buttons) to MIDIfy and 42 analog inputs. As far as I can see, this can be done with a single core module and MIOS, if I use a different system program for it. I have already built the AIN modules and the DIN modules, and the core module is also ready to go. I have also built an LCD panel

    into the organ that seems to work (was first thing I checked after all the circuit boards were done).

    So please tell me now that my plans can actually work ;)


  11. Hi,

    I have got a few things I could not yet figure out, so please help  :)

    1.) Can I connect true switches (German: Schalter) to digital inputs or only push buttons (German: Taster)?

    2.) I want to connect more than 64 switches (or push buttons ;) ) to the digital inputs. I have found that there is a test program for the MIDI box (MIOS) to connect up to 128 switches/buttons, 32 (I think) analog inputs. What changes to these files would be necessary to do the same otherwise as can be done with the standard MIDI box MIOS?

    3.) Design of the circuit boards: each of them contains a power supply for a small group of buttons/faders etc. Normally, it looks like that, there is a power supply going to, e.g. 8 buttons. Can I connect more than the amount of faders/buttons etc. to the same power supply on one circuit board? E.g.: connect 17 analog sliders to the power supply of one AIN-board? Or do I have to split my sliders into groups and connect only that amount of sliders to power that is located on one AIN board?

    4.) The analog sliders are supposed to have 10kOhm. However, when connecting several sliders to the AIN boards, we connect them parallely, so that the overall resistance of a group of sliders/pots etc. is not 10kOhm but much lower than that. Does the MIDI box circuitry take this into account somehow?

    Thanks a lot for any help in advance,


  12. Hi,

    when I enter "java -jar /pathtomyMIOS" in the command line of my linux notebook I am getting

    xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed

    as an error.

    I have: sidux CHAOS, kernel 2.6.20, ALSA 1.14.RC1 and sun-java-bin and -jre and -plugin 6-00-2 installed.

    What does the error message mean and how can I work around it?

    Thx for any hint,


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