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Posts posted by Beethoven

  1. Hi Shum,

    no you got me wrong. I took out all of the original CRUMAR electonic which did not have MIDI anyway.

    I built my own electronic to scan the keys. It is able to scan up to 128 keys and can send data on 2

    different MIDI channels. Because this data is very rudimental i use a PIC with MIOS and my own application

    to modify them. S

    So the chain is:  my electronic -> PIC MIOS with my application merged with PIC MIOS and MB64 -> Midi out

    Channel 1 Upper manual ; Channel 2  Lower manual ; Channel 1 drawbars and buttons

    There would be space in my electronic to use a pedal on Channel 3 but the CRUMAR does not have one.

    So in the moment i need 2 Core Modules.

    There is an idea to implement my piece of software in the MB64 soft which would mean that i only need 1 Core.

    I need more time for that. Maybe in future.


  2. Hi Shum,

    i working exactly on such a project. :D

    I bought an old CRUMAR Heaven organ which has a 5 octave and a 4 octave keyboard, 26 drawbars and a lot of buttons.

    I took the original PCB's out and developed my own electronics to midify the keyboards including velocity and aftertouch.

    I know that velocity and aftertouch is not needed for an organ but so i can use the keyboard also for other applications.

    To modify the raw midi data i receive from my electronic i use a PIC with MIOS. I wrote a piece of software to control

    the midi channel,octave shift, transpose and velocity key curve.


    The drawbars and the buttons i midified with MIDIBOX64. The project is nearly finished now. There is only some mechanical

    work to do and some improvements in my software.



    If you are interested i can come up with some more details.

    Have a nice day


  3. Hi,

    hat sich erledigt mein Sysex string war falsch :'(

    Was mir aber noch aufgefallen ist. In den Beispielen fuer die sysex strings stimmt auch was nicht.

    Oben steht:


          F0 00 00 7E 40 <device-id> 08 <lcd-command> <data> F7

    und das Beispiel lautet:

    o clear screen and print "123" for 2 seconds

            F0 00 00 7E 40 08 00 31 32 33 F7

    Wo ist den da das Byte fuer die device-id  ?

    Noch eine Frage haette ich:

    Gibt es einen Trick zu verhindern, dass das Display nach 2 Sekunden wieder auf die MIDIbox-Anzeige zurueckschaltet ?



  4. Hallo,

    ich habe das Problem, daß wenn ich den Bootloader 1.2b brenne nicht wie im source code angegeben die ID 00h gebrannt wird sondern 70h. Natürlich läßt sich die ID dann mit change_id_v1_9c wieder ändern aber das ist ja nicht der Sinn der Sache. Ausprobiert mit 18F452 und 18F4620.

    Ich arbeite mit MPLAB v7.52 und einem PICSTART PLUS Clone Brenner

    Das Problem ist hier wohl früher schon einmal beschrieben worden. Hat veilleicht jemand in der Zwischenzeit eine Lösung gefunden ?



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