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Posts posted by modulator

  1. Hi,

    I am selling both of my MB6582.

    First one with 4 x 6582 from Wilba, Second one with 2 x 6581 and 2 x 8580. Both fully working.

    I have also two self made PSUs for it. But because of safety reasons I would prefer not to sell it unless you are fully into electric/electronic but I am not sure about it.

    In addition I sell 4 x SID6581 and some more PCBs and ICs, PIC-Burner etc.

    All is located in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany. Feel free to visit me (;

    with best regards 




















  2. 4 hours ago, latigid on said:

    Okay, I understand what you mean. LED brightness does depend on the current limiting resistor, but it's a non-linear relationship. Brightness is much more dependent on the pulse width (or pulse density). I think the duty cycle in the BLM is 10%, not so easy to calculate brightness.

    The red LED does have a lower Vf, but also a lower mcd rating than green. In my experience, 220R was a good balance for both red and green LEDs. You might also get some feedback from others here who have mixed red and green LEDs in their builds.

    Ok, it is clear to me now. I have found a good answer here:



    10% Duty cycle would mean that the peak current has to be 10 times higher than the current I want without switching to get the same brightness. 

    So yes, you are right, the duty cycle is the limiting part here and the maximum current of the led!

    The maximum current is mostly 25mA. If you assume now that you get this 25mA with 10% duty cycle, that would mean you will get the brightness of 2,5mA constant current. Very strange (:


  3. 15 hours ago, latigid on said:

    Blue and green have different mcd values. The 56R/220R choice was to balance the brightness, or did I not understand you properly?

    yes, not proberly, my fault. I mean the available values at mouser. (e.a. if I want/have to increase/decrease the current because of brightness I have to change the resistors,

    values available at mouser: 220 (green,red), 180, 150, 120, 100, 82, 68, 56 (blue) and so on. )

    If the LED has a Vf of 2,1V, I have to change the value as well. In this case the resistor needs a higher value (theoretical).

    I guess there is no simple way (U=RxI) to calculate the current per LED (because of multiplexing/switching)?

  4. Hi,

    I have gotten some China-LEDs already and I have done some current-testing. Fitting is ok.

    I will get some more LEDs in a couple of weeks.

    How are the LEDs and Resistor-Networks connected?

    There are 5x8 Resistors with 220 Ohm and 5x8 Resistors with 56 Ohm (blue LEDs).

    Forward-Voltage of the LEDs is 3.3V.

    The choice of Resistor-Network-Values is not really big ...


    Some thoughts to the Voltage-Booster:

    In my opinion a Voltage-Drop is not good in any way.

    It is a "solution" to force the Voltage to a certain level but the question is what is the problem.

    Perhaps some small Resistors (Connections, Cable-Lenght (e.g. 0,2 Ohm and 0,8A --> 0,16V Drop) or

    the Source is to weak (USB-Powered).

    A real solution would be to use a separated external PSU for the BLM or to lower the current-consumption.

    I will use an external PSU (2-3A).

    If you got a Voltage-Drop because of the LEDs, that could mean that the PSU (USB-Source) is operating above its maximum-rating.





  5. Hi,

    I would be interested to know the dimensinos of the holes for the LEDs. I have been looking for some cheaper leds but I guess that the holes could be the most important factor/problem.

    The housing of the suggested leds ( APTR3216ZGC ) is 1.4mm long and I think 1.6mm wide. The suggested hole is 2.1x2.1mm.

    For example I found a led from reichelt: Elec. Specs are nearly the same.


    As you can see in the datasheet (page 2) the housing of this led is 2.0mm long.

    I found some leds from china (direct) as well, but I  have not gotten a datasheet yet.


  6. Never miss a bulk order cause it can be the last one ...

    001 taximan pcb case
    002 blatboy pcb case parts
    003 Macotronic pcb case
    004 lukas412 pcb case parts
    005 Hawkeye pcb case parts
    006 u-link pcb case
    007 nebula pcb case
    008 synaptech pcb case parts
    009 Phatline pcb
    010 gidien pcb
    011 Karg pcb case parts?
    012 doc007 pcb case parts?
    013 Richie pcb(x2) case parts
    014 arumblack pcb case? parts
    015 pat_00 pcb case parts
    016 monokinetic pcb case parts?
    017 weigu pcb case parts
    018 enron_hubbard pcb parts case
    019 Elektruck pcb case parts?
    020 EsotericLabs 
    pcb case parts?
    021 derkollo pcb case parts?

    022 slo pcb case parts?

    023 dm3 pcb case parts?

    024 echopraxia pcb case parts

    025 modulator pcb

  7. Hi,

    I must admit that my criticism is completely unjustified when one considers that the project was never meant to rebuild. But that was my hope.

    With my criticism, I try to bring the project back into focus because it looks a bit discontinued and some people liked the project from the beginning.

    Thank You Sauraen for your understanding and your answer fits perfectly! What is inside the case? With that information i can do the first step and order some parts and that can take weeks.

    It has reasons that I don't write a silent pm. I want that everyone can read this and get some new information what is going on ....






  8. Not necessarily completely but clean documented. In my opinion a proper documentation is as important as the rest even if it is initially only for yourself. Tk's documentation is a perfect example of this. And the documentation is certainly not the largest proportion of the total work. Because you write down just stuff what you have previously considered.

    With a good documentation, everyone can quickly read into the topic and help if necessary.

    I think that your Midibox FM 2.1 could be very successful but without documentation no one can read in properly. And a Midibox FM 2.1 for everyone would be great because I think that it is little bit unattended and therefore you did a gread job.


    I think Wilbas Boards are therefore landed in the shop because they were perfectly developed and documented (hardware, software, documentation).
    They have reached a development status which can be called “ready for mass production”.

    From this point you can also ask for money because you get something (boards, software) that works.


    Your mbhp_genesis could be a very great device but no Midibox FM because it does not use the OPL3-Chip?


    Designing a frontpanel is not so great work. The point for me is: I see this great machine working so i think it has to be possible to reconstruct it.

    If you don't want to make a wiki page, I would probably try to familiarize myself with the stuff I can get from you.



  9. Hi,

    first of all: great work and great project BUT so confusing, so much unsorted information. For me it is not clear what is going on with the project. I'm trying to find a way through the fog, but there is none. I do not see the benefit for the forum. This also applies to various other projects.

    How should a project look like: For example, like Wilba has made the Seq V4 Project or SIDV2: Clear Information, and most importantly, it was brought to an end and everyone can use it and therefore it is a great success and this is the best thing that can happen.

    I see absolutely no benefit from confusing projects that are not completed. I must say this because it is the truth for me.

    It's frustrating to spend so much time reading to realize that you can forget the project because it is not finished.

    My public project would have 3 pillars: clear Information, finish the project and make it completely working and last make it available for the community.

    Perhaps I am now the Boo-Man but that's ok because I want to help as I describe my vision as a non-developer.

    Finally, again: Your Midibox FM 2.1 is top class but that does not help me.
    I would like to order parts and get started ...




  10. I did not think that it will go so far but the money seems to be gone. Over time, I have always sent a mail to Doug. The final/latest answer is from the 02/21/2014:
    "It's not the end. I do not own the web site, Moogah does. He did not
    pay the hosting fee. I have been trying to contact him ...

    Doug "

    The email address was: doug@differentskies.org
    But this email no longer exists because the page  http://differentskies.com/ disappeared.
    My email has not arrived.
    This is very strange because the domains still exist:






    seems to be gone.







  11. Hi,


    I use an external ground fault circuit interrupter but I think it's impossible that the case gets conductive. (: But you are absolutely right, if you don't exactly know what you are doing and don't trust what you have done you should better buy your psu. The picture is not a recommendation how to construct the psu. The picture is now adjusted.


    If you only get 0,5 Ohms between the DC-plug (source) in the case and VCC (target)  you will loss 1V (current 2A).

    I think the wire-diameter is the first part you should consider.

  12. A LM7808 for the fan is a good suggestion. I will think about it.

    My first thought was whether it is normal that the SIDs get so hot.

    I will buy some heatsinks.

    Anyone knows the distance between SID and CS? For max. height of the heatsink.

    best regards

  13. Hello,

    I have made some comparisons between J3 and J25.

    J3 5V DC adds noise to the audio signal.

    I would advise to use J25 with a 50 Ohm resistor.

    I dont like fans in the audio area but it is required here.

    You can test it with a good headphone and mixer and turn the volume up and

    then displug and plug the fan. There is lots of other noise, I thing it is normal and

    produced from the SID? (It is not produced from my mixer). But on the 5VDC you can hear the fan!

    If I turn the volume down to a normal level I hear nerly nothing so it is ok.

    best regards

  14. I have one MB-6582 with 4x8580 and 4x6582 so I need only 9V.

    Second one has 4x6581 and 4x8580.

    Today I changed the psu option B of the "9V" MB to A because the 7812 generated some heat for nothing.

    But I got no change in voltage drop.

    Currents are (5V rail): 1. No CS (no lcd), without 9V-Jumpers for SIDs, Fan pluged on 9V AC Line: 0,8A

    2. 9V-Jumpers pluged in, no CS: 1A

    3. with CS : 1,1A

    Voltage drop increases with rising current. I need 7VDC so get a working MB with 5VDC in it.

    For this measurements I use no DIY psus etc.

    I did this with 3 no diy psus.

    The same behaviour at both MB.

  15. Hello,

    I build two MB-6582, working perfectly.

    I have used psu option B and build my own psu with 5VDC und 9V AC (Tranformer 2x9V und 7805 with 3A max. )

    Under full charge the 5V DC drops down to under 3V. I have tested this with 3 different power supply units (regulated power supplys)

    For both MB-6582 I need a no-load voltage of 8V.

    I am pretty sure there are no short-cuts etc. I did some current measurement and there are no uncommon currents.

    Any suggestions? Maybe because of the 2200uF Elko directly after the power-switch. Is this Elko really required?

    best regards

  16. Hallo,

    Soeben musste ich feststellen dass die Seite von Doug Wellington nun down ist.

    Hat einer Informationen über den Status über diese Bulk-Order?

    Er hat ja immer wieder geschrieben dass er noch auf Teile wartet.

    Ist hier evt. auch noch einer der Ihm ein deposit von 100 USD geschick hat.

    Das war bei mir am 20.11.09.

    Letzte mail mit Betreff: MB-808 status update. Delayed but still happening...

    kam am 18.02.11.

    Ich kann auch noch 10 Jahre warten, es geht mir nur darum dass meine 100USD nicht

    umsonst waren.



    Short Version:

    Does anyone know something about the MB-808 Bulk-Order?

    Page is down.

    An deposit of 100USD were payed 2 years ago.

  17. few more


    I thing its really cheap and I hope they will work fine.

    I have searched these dacs for about 1 year because mouser etc. is to expensive.

    I am really happy with 6 pieces so I dont buy any more.

    Maybe someone can confirm that it looks like a good offer.

    current pricing for one piece:

    mouser: 13,82 Euro, 20,59 USD

    farnell: 15,34 Euro

    digikey: 22,20 USD

    Newark: 17,32 USD

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