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Dj Hoya

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Posts posted by Dj Hoya

  1. It's an interesting setup for sure. My first thought was 'why not make a mixer controller as well, mix in the box, and sell the stanton?' followed by 'where are the LCD's?' but that's just me

    i want to mix with a mixer mainly because i am heavily into scratching... want to use an actual audio crossfader

    so it feels exactly the same etc. It also simplifies the midibox not having so many componants in it.

    As for the LCDs i really feel that i don't need them, as tractor doesn't send such info out.... is there any other benifits to having LCDs that i am not aware of?

    Theoretically there could be problems running the wires from one side to the other (Core in left, AIN4x & DINx4 on right for eg), but maybe not. It's EMI I'm worried about, so some kickass shielding could sort it out... But it's neighbours will be audio cables and juice for the stanton, so personally I'd be doing two cores.

    ok that makes sense, i will definately plan for 2 cores

    I see you get inspired by Allan & Heath Xone3D, right? I never saw so much jogs on one unit. How do you switch Deck A+C search from A to C?

    yep...definately inspired by the Xone3D (first time i saw it i just about creamed myself). Anyways, yea a lot of jog wheels but i think it is the easiest way to do it...for me i need dedicated cue controls and i am always using my 3rd and 4th deck.

    About the combined deck browsing: you would simply browse tracks with the jog wheel and then use the dedicated load buttons (directly above and below the wheel) to load the track into whichever deck you wanted. I could of used only one browse wheel for all the decks but there is no central location to put it and i felt it would be akward on one side.

    If you limited yourself to 8 pots per core you could wire it up without the need for any AIN modules since J5 can be directly connected to 8 pots.I couldn't find the link to details on ucapps so someone will have to verify this for me.

    I am verifying it. But, you must change the main.asm for unmuxed analog inputs and recompile the code, of course.

    yea there would be 7 pots on the left 'deck' and 8 on the right, so i could do that... can anyone tell me more about "changing the main.asm for unmuxed analog inputs and recompiling the code".???!!!! sounds complicated!

    anyways sorry for the long post i hope that answers/explains things and also thanks for the info, Again any suggestions/edits as to the layout are appreciated

    -Dj Hoya

  2. hi i am fairly new to the whole custom midibox contruction thing but a definately in need of a very custom controller and am fairly competant around electronics.

    my idea for a tractor controller is to use a standard 3 channel dj mixer for the mixing and use 2 turntables and 2 midi controllers for the transport/effect controls of tractor. This entails setting tractor to the external mixer setup, and using a 4 channel sound card to route the tractor deck to my mixer.

    here is my proposal:


    i have a few questions...

    1) since their are two seperate  control units, should i use 2 cores, or 1?

    2) just want to confirm... it will be using about 50 buttons, 10 rotary encoders, and 10 pots *PER UNIT*...

        DIN for buttons and rotary encoders, AIN for the pots... is this correct?

    3) anyone have any suggestions/edits for the layout of the controllers?

    THANKS so much for any and all suggestions

    -DJ Hoya

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