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Posts posted by KnowGood

  1. If the question is "does that board come with an integrated USB hub or something similar that lets you hook up another gm5 board to it" the answer is no. If that's not what you're asking: I don't get the question ;-)

    Sorry, what I am getting at is if more than one of these is built and to be used, once you have one connected to your computer can an additional one be connected to the first via USB or would each unit require it's own USB port?

  2. knowgood: If you'd asked nicely I woulda happily split those offtopic posts out for you. Your attitude leaves me lacking motivation to help.

    My patience has worn thin. Once my serious post was bumped, that was the last straw. Those with knobs cheer and eat kangaroo, while us without have to sit back and watch people gloat.

    I've contacted Steve and have yet to get a response. The balls in his court - nothing more I can do. You'll also recall I was one of the first to defend him, but enough is enough. Leaving me in the dark is BS, and I have every right to get mad in this thread - especially when off-topic banter bumps seriously legit posts! Do what you want, it still doesn't change the fact that i have no knobs now does it?

  3. Roo tastes amazing, there's a place at Glastonbury festival in the Uk That sells roo-burgers.

    I have a friend who had a mission to eat 52 types of animals in 52 weeks, check out his blog here  http://www.beastfeaster.co.uk/ he put me on to this website http://www.shop.osgrowonline.co.uk/ in the Uk which sell all sorts of weird stuff.

    Are Platypus' protected in Australia, always been curious as to what their eggs would taste like.

    Payment was sent May 19/08. It is now September 9/08. Instead of steering the thread off topic, how about keeping the bullshit out of the thread? Want to talk about kangaroos and platypus' then start a new fucking thread. I'm fucking tired of waiting, and it seems all those that got their knobs think it's alright for those that didn't, to "wait patiently". FUCK THAT!

  4. The jomox switches are different.

    They're also crap. If these will work and end up being somewhat better, I'll be a happy camper.  ;)

    As for being that particular model from Omron, wouldn't the switch itself be the same only the cap different? I could just reuse the caps here and get new switches correct?

  5. hey Knowgood,

    Yes, see my post above.  The transparent ones are very similar to those on the SH-32.  I've got samples of the switches and an SH-32 but it's hard to see any differences.  But you knew this when you posted, right?


    Oops - NOW I see it. LOL!  :-[

    This is good to know. Thanks.

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