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Posts posted by Eclectus

  1. For the newly listed auctions, there is nothing in the pictures text which points to the MIDIbox SID-NUXX, making any claim I would have against those auctions invalid. It's frustrating, but there's no way to prove that those involve my design.

    Well, the "brain" of the boxes he's selling are obviously TK's IP - from the MIOS to the "Step B" DIN-connected control surface. Guess it's up to TK to decide if he wants to enforce his copyright. For the sake of the MIDIBox community, I hope he does - and I don't think it would take too much (other than the expense of the international FAX) to prove to eBay that these devices are in violation of his published EULA.


  2. For the record, I (following Wilba's instructions) emailed him directly last month to be put on the the list for 2 + 2 PCBs for the MB-6582. I suspect that others have done the same, so the running tally here may not reflect the total community interest in these. Either way, looks like we've reached critical mass - as Wilba stated - and an order is not too far in the future. This is going to be fun!


  3. Hello All! Apologies in advance for the lengthy post. Been a lurker on these boards for some months now . . . just trying to wrap my brain around all of the phenomenal work by TK and the wonderfully supportive community that participates here. Planning to build stereo V2 6581-based MIDIBox SID for starters (kits on order from SmashTV), then jump to the MB-6582 (panels on order from Alititude and in the queue for the next run of PCBs from Wilba).

    Been following this eBay saga with some interest. It is criminal that someone can be so callous as to blatantly rip off not only TK's MIOS software, but a community member's PCB design for profit.

    Recently, there was an obscure eBay listing for a lot of 9 SID 6581/8580 chips. The seller had a BIN of $225.00 USD and was selling "as is". There was also a "Best Offer" option too.  Well, I seriously considered sending in some lowball offer, but didn't because 1.) I don't really need that many SID chips, 2.) They were all untested and, 3.) If the seller was so optimistic that he was going to sell them for $225.00, then the offer wouldn't be accepted anyway.  Within a few days however, the lot had been bought for a paltry $160.00.  I'm kicking myself now . . .

    Imagine my shock and surprise however, when I started putting 2 + 2 together, and realized that the winning bidder for all this chips is none other than our friend responsible for these terms-of-use-violating MIDIBox SID NUXX sales.  I'm now bashing my head into walls that I didn't grab these when I had the chance.  Here's a link to the listing:


    So it would appear that our friend is in for the long haul, looking to make a tidy profit on continued sales of these monstrosities. By the way, he just posted ANOTHER ONE - interestingly, this auction is up for only 24 hours - perhaps trying to fly under the eBay radar and will sell before anyone has a chance to do anything.


    I haven't received my boards from SmashTV yet, but from the illustration on his site, it's clear that the PIC chip (when loaded with MIOS) has the copyright notice clearly indicated on it as belonging to TK. TK, I would urge you to pursue this with eBay, as you're the copyright holder and sale of these instruments is in clear violation of your intellectual property rights. I had a similar experience where a seller was offering a bootleg copy of some of my work, and - in difference to c0nsumer's experience - eBay took the auction down the same day once I faxed the Notice of Claimed Infringement over to them. Please let me know if there's anything I can do here from State side.


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