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Everything posted by sineSurfer

  1. Hi cimo, I got the same on my mbSid wilba is right, no MIOS installed. To get rid of this first set all on the MIOSstudio to wait for a request, then turn on your core I spent like 1 hour before doing the right steps by coincidence ;D and of course this is discussed somewhere here on the forums but very buried to be found when you need it ;)
  2. About payPal, I know both sides: for me, everything has been good, receiving cash and e-checks, sending money with paypal or credit card funds... no problems at all(I do have a real bank account on their database, and all the data they request) on the other side, my boss's paypal account got blocked with something like 2200 US dollars, money from works with some design agency on the States that we used to pay for software whenever possible until paypal decided to block the account and asked my boss to add a personal bank account, he refused to do that and now that money is pretty much stuck in there, he need to call by phone to have it unblocked but as he don't need that money he will not move a thing, go figure!. So, in the end the safest thing to do is to play by their rules. btw. anyone knows how to unblock that account on his behalf? I got his permission to spend the money if I can take it, for real ;D
  3. See fossi, thats what I got by following your advice: "Don't go to university." ;D mmm... I remember the menu tells you there is no bankstick connected if you want to switch to an address with no bankstick...ok, bugfight code will do then;D
  4. hehe, nope, my mistake bugfight, it should be 0x07 and there is no chance I would have figured out that code by myself ;D i'll test it later. oops, you are right. from what I see, bugfight code - incf SID_BANK, W ; - somehow takes care of that, no? I meant to say add more banksticks on the fly :), 8 are enough I was thinking about it as a generic approach so it could work for everybody, not only me, without needing to change anything on the hardware or software. Imagine someone having the 8 banksticks pcb built, but using only 2 or 3 banksticks for the moment, or like me right now, a veroboard wired for A0 and A1(will change to A0, A1, A7 later). I'm still wondering why it is not included already as a standard feature as it's easier to have 1 or 2 dedicated buttons to rotate banksticks instead of: button->encoder->button->encoder as you have to do now if you want to change bankstick from the mbSid box itself.
  5. Hi, I'd like to have 1 button only to rotate the bankstick selection on each press, here is my pseudocode so far: ;array defined somewhere on the .inc files, not sure in which one ??? bankSticks=[0x00, 0x01 ,0x02 ,0x03 ,0x04 ,0x05 ,0x06 ,0x08]; <-- is this even possible on asm? selectedBankstick=0; or whichever was selected on startup ;;when the change bank button gets pressed CS_MENU_BUTTON_SELECT_BANKSTICK ;as you can add banksticks on the fly, we need to check the # of banksticks each time the button is pressed amountOfBanksticks=n ;is there a function to check this number? nextBankstick=selectedBankstick+1; if (nextBankstick > amountOfBanksticks){ nextBankstick=0; } ;;then we change the bankstick movlw bankSticks[nextBankstick]; <-- again, is this possible on asm? movwf SID_BANK goto CS_MENU_MS_NotifyBankChange anyone can help me to translate this to real and usable code? I learn quick following examples ;) thanks!
  6. almost there with the logic fossi, but I want 1 button, not 2 ;D, I guess is time to go to the programming section on the forum. btw. why 1 button only you may ask, easy: to save panel space
  7. I knew it! ;D thanks TK! let's suppose i'll use the SID3 button: CS_MENU_BUTTON_SID3 movlw 0x00 movwf SID_BANK goto CS_MENU_MS_NotifyBankChange this line "movlw 0x00" selects bankstick A0, right? and "movlw 0x01" would select bankstick A1? so, if this is correct, it would not work as I wish, just one button to select next available bankstick on each press and back to first if we already have selected the last one ??? sorry if this is somehow obvious, but I have not the slightest idea about how to hack my way to this mod, just a big desire to have it ;D
  8. been digging on both v1.7 and v2 files... some stuff is placed on different archives but now I know what to look for ;D. I wonder if anything changed from that 2005 thread :D
  9. I know but I can barely fit what have now, i'll leave the full CS for the mb6582 ;D
  10. yes you can, I use a Oxygen49 controller, it changes mbSid patches and banks without any special config. I think it will be pretty much the same with any controller
  11. Nice, easier to skip the full CS this way.
  12. hehe, thanks!, kind of waited a little more complex answer, ok let's elaborate then: so, to have this button can I define it? where?, or should I just take an existing button and have it call this NotifyBankChange, any lead can help ;D
  13. The title says it all ;D, has anyone done this? Ideally:1 press of the button gets next bank stick selected, when the current bank is the last one , selection goes back to the beginning. thanks! edited:and then I found a possible answer: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=3925.0 so, CS_MENU_MS_NotifyBankChange has the wanted behavior already? need to know before committing to a certain panel layout :-[
  14. 1 quick question(some more will follow about the same subject): When you move an encoder on the CS, the LCD screen changes to the relevant menu?, if so, when moving the knob1, knob2 or assign1, assign2 encoders, the LCD shows your assigned functions? thanks!
  15. Hi, I'd like to have the outputs of my mbSid stereo to work as mono -with L/R signals present if only the Left output is connected- or stereo - if both outputs are connected, is this possible? btw. I'm using stereo switched output jacks but not sure how to wire all and if any extra components are needed. thanks!
  16. fast mode is useful on live performance?, you can't play a keyboard, press the shift button and move the encoder at the same time:(
  17. But you still need to build a "Y" cable when connecting both DIN and DOUT? or I just made an over engineered DIN/DOUT cable? ;D
  18. Echopraxia: and how is this tied or related to the mb6582 only? ???, every midiBox sid needs psu, right? ;D
  19. I may be in for 2 but we still need the female DIN receptacle that seems to be available only in the c64s so I thought about replacing both male/female connectors with this: Binder 678 series DIN male plug Binder 687 series DIN female receptacle 4 contacts are enough, right? Doug, would you organize a bulk buy for some of this connectors too?, or something less expensive if anyone finds some, this ones will cost about the same as the psu :(
  20. hi there brother303, looks interesting, you may want to start a new thread with some more info: any info available in english? are there complete kits to buy? where? how it compares to the Paia Fatman on price, and sound?
  21. thanks for the pictures nebula. q: the min. order amount for the p301 is big? if there is not enough interest for those i'll be happy if you can sell to me 2 of the p301 black/black samples you have ;D... or the full bag.
  22. hehe take a look at mine. notice how I miserably failed to liberate the blowed fuse >:(
  23. yes, but not so useful to me as I have LCDs with 2 rows to connect (2x8 holes) :(
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