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Posts posted by koshimazaki

  1. I solved it! I think it was tiny ricochet of solder that landed on one of the sids IC sockets and that could have prevented from booting if not that I don't have a clue. With this project I definitely learned to clean soldering as I work. Apart from that it went quite smooth and Wilba's and Nils' help was just amazing!

    Anyways Sammich rocks! :frantics:

    Thanks so much to TK, Wilba, Nils, Smash, Bugfight and Flem for encouragement and help. You are all good people!

    I will finally have fun with my first Sid synth, include a photo for your pleasure, will send more once its painted.

    post-5227-022526800 1286897368_thumb.jpg

    Take care guys!


  2. Hey guys,

    First thing wanted to say is thanks to everyone who helped me so far and specially to Wilba and Nils who are very patient :)

    Unfortunately I still have weird problems with my Sammich i mentioned some of it in this thread:

    here is what happens and what i tried:

    I'm stuck on uploading sammich_sid_setup.hex file. Sammich hangs on MIOS Rebooting, and I get row of squares after switching on and off. I can upload SammichCStest.hex without problems as well as MIOS 1.9g, it says Ready. and I get quick Copyrights massage too. I tested PIC in different core.

    While plugged in to it I can send the hex file and get ' Application up and running' unfortunately once i move PIC back to Sammich, Mios Studio again says 'Bootloader up and running'. Weird thing is if I do the same thing with Mios 1.9g.hex and CStest file it works on both cores - Application up and running and test is fully working on Sammich.

    I have no luck even with CS unplugged and 595s disconnected - still row of squares and 'Bootloader is up and running' in MIOS studio.

    Nils mentioned it might be CAN bus, that diode could be a problem. None of my diodes beep in continuity mode. 

    They report 1400 and 600 depends which way I connect multimeter. I have spare diode and it says 1 or 600 and the one on the working core 1800 and 600 they all seem to be 4841. My multimeter is cheapest one you can get from Rapid and the black stick is falling off so its not totally accurate. Voltage checks seem fine I get 4.98-5V on the places where 5V is supposed to be, continuity mode beeps where its suppose to, etc. I also replaced freaky looking cap (C8) to 104 from old SmashTV kit and cleaned the board. I use Mercury, MODEL: 661.300 power supply its on 12V- 500mA I haven't inserted Sids and Banksticks yet.

    I also tried uploading app v1.5 but mios says error out of range or something simmilar guess its not compatible...

    What else should I try?

    I am happy to post more photos if its gonna help.

    Is there anyone in UK, North Yorkshire area with working SID that I could plug my PIC into? Please PM me!

  3. Koshi: I'd guess you have a problem with the CAN bus parts. (Diode + Resistor), cause they typically cause random rebooting etc. when missing/wrong. This would also explain, why it only happens with the mbSID firmware.

    Make sure you have R16 and D3 (orientation!) mounted (correctly). They're right above the PIC. Also make sure there's no jumper or the likes on the CAN header.

    Thanks nILS It seem fine to me, I attach the photos. I wonder if C8 might be wrongly soldered (didn't quite fit the board), its the same value as the kit capacitors though (100nF) and I have the same one on control surface that works (C2).

    post-5227-098793500 1286630762_thumb.jpg

    post-5227-017349000 1286630778_thumb.jpg

    post-5227-053844900 1286630792_thumb.jpg

  4. Vintagestar have you solve this problem?

    I have very similar issue with my Sammich. Only difference is it copies the files normally pretty fast, in one minute or less.

    When I upload the setup_sammich_sid.hex file it seem to corrupt the mios and lcd keeps showing Rebooting MIOS. Once I reboot I get row of squares and 'Bootloader is up and running' massage in MIOS Studio.

    After that when I copy MIOS(MIOS 1.9g.hex) to PIC all seems fine - I get 'Application is up and running' in MiOS studio and 'Ready' massage on the LCD.

    I used MIOS 2.1 and two different midi interfaces. Re-soldered few joints, it all looks fine on the board...

    Tried it few times. Can anyone help me to get out off this loop?


  5. Hi Stryd

    Thanks for your reply! I've never gone that far with writing your signature ;) and I have to say that there is lot's of useful info about LCD at the end. Have to dig the datasheet for my LCD to make sure i've done right the soldering. I followed the lcd manual so far.

    My voltages on core were fine btw got all of these:

    IC1:MCLR(1) - IC1:Vss(12) = 5V

    IC1:Vdd(11) - IC1:Vss(12) = 5V

    IC1:Vdd(32) - IC1:Vss(31) = 5V

    IC2(8) - IC2:(5) = 5V

    Thats why I started to solder sid kit and assembled pic's.

    I thought it's 5V that go to the core. I'm not good with schematics as you can imagine. These 5V must sum up somewhere then hmmm... more reading i guess.

    It's getting late good night to alll of you.

  6. Hi

    First of all I have to admit that I'm new to DIY stuff and electronics, this is my first project.

    I started to build minimal setup one core with single sid. Ordered kits from SmashTV.

    I've made the core which seems fine - get one sysex massage from mios.  I've connected LCD to it. While applying 5.2V from PSU nothing happens, when I connect 9V battery LCD gets the power, at least it flashes but it doesn't receive any massages from MIOS anymore. Core still seem to work with the battery and without connecting LCD though. I connect power directly from the psu socket to the core module, don't have all the parts for optimised PSU yet... I guess that is wrong ;)

    Another problem I have is with SID module. While applying 9V from the battery I get 6.68V (Vdd(28) - Vss(14)) I desoldered two caps from the SID kit and put 22nF, that I got from Wilba instead, it gives me same result, which is far from desired 9V any ideas what might be wrong with it?

    I would really appreciate any help from you guys.



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