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Posts posted by mr.marvelous

  1. Mr.M - Your statement is pointless because in the meantime you won't find any mention of GPL in the source code of the uCApps projects anymore. The current license is "Licensed for personal non-commercial use only. All other rights reserved." I don't want to jump into the old legal discussion because this didn't ever bring out something positive for the community. I'm just wondering what your motives regarding Midibox are, as you registered on the forum not even one week ago and already start probing the legal limits now...


    I believe i was talking about something that is directly related to the topic at hand. I guess the old saying applies perfectly in this situation "if you aren't with us, you're against us". I realize that TK changed the license after i took a look at the source.

    I understand that an older version of MIOS was licensed under the GPL; and i also realize that it's not licensed under the GPL anymore simply because the open source philosophy doesn't compliment the philosophy of midibox. Why someone would license their source under the GPL to begin with if they didn't want it to be used under the conditions of the license, that is beyond me. I respect TK's wishes with this project, and it is his right to do what he wishes with platform.

    Is this really how you treat new comers? Scrutinize someone for participating in a thread? If the topic of the thread is not open for discussion, why is the thread open? I realize that its from last year, and i'm sorry that i bumped a year old thread. However, don't start throwing accusations around because i'm trying to participate in an open discussion. Someone should really just lock the thread since the discussion is obsolete, and dealt with. 

  2. Maybe choosing the GPL wasn't a clever idea - my main intention was, that I wanted to give back something to the GNU community as a tribute for the great GNU software I'm using for myself. Of course, it was very clear to me, that this also opened the possibility for everybody to run my software on commercial designs, but at the time I made the decision, it wasn't predictable that the project could ever get such a big acceptance, that even those salesmen become interested.

    However, you might find reasons to call me a naive guy, but I want to give you following considerations:

    At any time I can switch to another license like the Creative Commons (see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/) in order to protect my designs against people who are trying to use it in a direction which I don't like.

    Of course, this means that old software versions released under GPL are still free in the terms of this license. You can make variations and alterations, you could even develop something wonderful based on the old stuff.

    But such a step would also mean, that you will be prevented from keeping your "products" up-to-date to the main branch - all tries will either lead to a lot of effort at your side, or they will be illegal.

    Worst case for your venture: if I would switch to another hardware platform. An easy step for DIY people, a financial  risk for yourself.

    Also your reputation won't be the best if the press or your feedback on EBay says "nice product, but sold against the will of the originator, and therefore not supported"

    I definietly don't want to say, that nobody else but me could realize such projects (far from it - experts should know, that there are flaws which are hard to change without a major redesign - I've learned from it, you not), but I think that I'm allowed to say, that all people who follow the "MIDIbox spirit" will have a big advantage: a great community which is giving a lot of inspirations, which helps to debug and improve the projects, which motivates to continue and to realize things which are just different from commercial stuff you can find on the market.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    I think the problem lies in the fact that you chose the GPL as your license.  You expect people to rely on the honor system to uphold your personal requests. I think its almost equal as saying "we are going to release a server class variant of linux, BUT you can't use it in any commercial sense where you could profit off a SERVICE". The main problem is that It's completely legal under this license to provide a service, you wouldn't have to sell midiboxs, you are simply a contractor who is implementing an open source platform on a hardware platform. I understand that the PCB layouts ARE NOT licensed under anything, and TK reserves all rights on that end of things. But, you can't really tell someone to not put together commonly used parts in a specific fashion and not use the software platform...

    I'm actually quite confused on the legalities of this. Please correct me if i'm wrong.

  3. On my search to learn how to design PCBs I came across what I believe to be an excellent guide on the basics. It runs you through all the design concepts and gives come helpful advice.



    I am attempting to find a collection of tutorials that we could put in a sticky thread for the noobs (like myself). Searching through thousands of forum posts gets tedious, really quickly.

  4. Generally I'd have to agree. The WIKI is great and stuffed with important infos but tremendously clustered. And ucapps.de is a lot more comfortable to browse, but honestly - it hurts my eyes and is a little crowded and appears unstructured due to the design... I don't necessarily think that merging the two will do a lot of good, but redesigning ucapps (and/or the wiki) might lead to a more user-friendly experience.

    it could be great. Accordion javascript menus, a nice image gallery. Some new graphics.. It would be pretty!

  5. I would prefer what I've proposed several times: that uCApps turns into a "reference manual", whereas the wiki goes into the direction of a "user manual".

    I would like to concentrate on the specs and requirements, and the wiki could elaborate it more understandable for common users, who are not so deep into the topic.

    Example: MIDIbox64 - most people don't know, what cool things they can do with this controller, they don't know, what "Snapshot", "MIDI Merger", "Morphing", "Meta Events" really means. Some people even don't know, what a MIDI controller can do at all, how to setup their software, etc... for myself, this is clearly a part of a user manual, and this is the stuff which has to be documented by the community.

    Once such a "user manual" exists, I would just reduce the MIDIbox64 page, so that it highlights the features and lists the links to additional informations. And at least one link would go into the Wiki

    Another example: the bootloader page for newbies is clearly a more user friendly description of that what you can read in the expert page -> Wiki.

    Also the description of the MIDIbox SID Control Surface needs some extensions, it has been started here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midibox_sid_v1_manual, but it's far from completion. Once this page is complete, I would replace http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_cs.html, but of course, I would never replace the main page http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid.html

    Of course, the wiki can and should never replace ucapps.de, this would be the wrong way.

    So, please don't discuss about the sense or nonsense of the wiki, just improve it! :)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    I like the idea of the wiki being a more user friendly manual and ucapps being a reference manual. However, i believe that the wiki isnt very user friendly now. I think that the articles need to link out to the reference manual. There seem to be a lot of text that should be links to the wiki, even the simple things such as buttons, pots, and faders deserve their own wiki page (with example pictures!).

    This is a bit off topic but, the website could use an overhaul ;) . If you are interested i could throw together a new version (it might take a while). There is a wealth of information and resources to be found here; however I feel (even as a new user) that it seems to be a bit un-userfriendly.

  6. Funny story, I some how come across this http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=7008.0 on a DJ blog and almost creamed myself. In about 10 minutes I had found my way to ucapps.de. I have now read every page on that site and on the wiki (you guys know how to draw someone in :P).

    I've decided that I want to make a control surface for traktor/deckadance/live . I believe i generally know what direction i need to take for it. I basically need to duplicate the functionality of Sasha's control surface with some variation.

    I basically need

    1 - Core

    1 - AIN

    1 - DOUT (for LEDs?)

    1 - LCD module (seems kinda pointless)

    I just have a few questions. I want to use joysticks to control certain features (effects). These are analog?

    I was reading about how when you load a new track into traktor you basically have to reset all the pots, and faders to 0 or whatever the default is. I hear that the new version of Traktor has some midi feedback support added. Does anyone have any experience using endless encoders for the EQ, or any other knobs?

    Illuminated, rubberized pushbuttons (that blink to the beat of the music) is this even possible?

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