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Posts posted by jamie3

  1. i have not seen the exact license agreement for the midibox, but selling the parts, schematics etc is against the agreement. however, selling services such as building a midibox for someone (ie: an hourly charge), now thats something that is a little more in the grey area.

    personally speaking as a software engineer working with many types of software licenses i see no reason why u cant charge someone your time for building it (hey sasha did and u dont see anyone taking him to court). but then there are some hardcore midibox enthusiasts which might disagree with my statement. i would at least contribute partially what u have made back into the community. this including documentation, schematics, and even money.

  2. Did you modify it for the correct number of AINs?


    well i grounded everything yes.

    i also tried without using any AIN modules (just directly hooking up the pot to the Core and the pin value still changes when the pot is moved.

    here is a dump of the output when moving the pot in UNMUXED mode

    00000000685040 ms | [b0 28 4A] Channel 1: CC LSB 8 (Balance) value: 74

    00000000685052 ms | [b0 18 4A] Channel 1: CC Undefined value: 74

    00000000685189 ms | [b0 38 4A] Channel 1: CC LSB 24 (Undefined) value: 74

    00000000748217 ms | [b0 20 49] Channel 1: CC LSB 0 (Bank Select) value: 73

    id like the midi output to be as follows:

    B0 28 4A

    B0 28 4B

    B0 28 4C



  3. ok so back to the AIN_NotifyChange() function

    void AIN_NotifyChange(unsigned char pin, unsigned int pin_value) __wparam
      // a pot has been moved, send CC#<pin-number> at channel 1
    	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0xb0);	// channel 1
    	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(pin);	// pin #
      MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(MIOS_AIN_Pin7bitGet(pin)); // 7bit pot value
      // notify display handler in DISPLAY_Tick() that AIN value has changed
      last_ain_pin = pin;
      app_flags.DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ = 1;

    when i move a single pot the pin value changes, i would like it such that when i move a pot the following MIDI events occur:

    CC channel 1

    Pot #


    When I move a single pot (say pot #1), using the above code the "pin" value changes. Any reason why?

    Assuming a pot only has one pin assigned to it.

  4. 1) Can you paste code? I might have trouble guessing it exactly ;)

    2) There's no suchanimal as a CC note.... You mean CC channel, number or value?

    void AIN_NotifyChange(unsigned char pin, unsigned int pin_value) __wparam
      MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(0x7f);  // or whatever you wann send
    That's all you need.... I'm guessing yours is more like


    yes sorry, CC channel

    yes the function


    is called


  5. im trying to get my initial prototype working with ableton.

    i've noticed that when I turn a single pot the CC changes. Examining the C code I uploaded it shows that a CC note is sent when the pin voltage change (ie: when i move the pot). The CC note should not change when the pot moves, but it should be sent to ableton indicating that the CC note occurred.

    Can't seem to figure out why the CC note is changing when i turn the pot. Software looks ok, as does the hardware.

    Is there something I am missing?


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