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Posts posted by g.h.o.s.t.

  1. hi and thanks for reading this...

    i´ve been looking for a pic 18f4685 for a long time. i had the chance to buy one from doc, but missed it somehow, and when i asked him again those pics were all sold out :(

    since i need a pre-burned pic (i can´t call a pic-programmer my own)  i looked at smash´s shop again. but what prevented me from ordering the pic was the shipping rates to germany (~16eur). you can only order via express mail, because lots of stuff got lost on it´s way to german customers in the past. this is good for german customers, so now they really receive their stuff. but i need only one pic...

    so before ordering at smash´s shop i´ll give the fleamarket a last chance ;)

    what i need is a pre-bruned pic 18f4685 w/ header 0000 0000 0000 0000 for my midibox sid (still using 18f4620). so if someone in germany or europe has two or at least one pic left over, i´d really like to buy them/it. :)

    thanks again...


  2. well, thanks for your reply  ;) it was just a quick idea to ask ralf for that pic, since at smashtv´s shop the cost for shipping are something around 30$. therefor it´s express shipping.

    mmh, i think i will order my pic and a dout at smash´s shop, so that i get one of that nice looking pcb´s in my box, too. but first i have to get familiar with this pic id header thing :) but 0000...00 as default should be working, right?

    so after completely hijacking this thread, thanks and regards,


  3. hi...

    i´m looking for a pic 18f4685 (it´s hard to find those pics in germany). @ralf: if you will buy mirv´s parts, we could share shipping costs if you do not need all 3 pic 18f4685. if you do not need all of the dout modules i would also take one of them.

    best regards,


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