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Posts posted by karlos

  1. Hello all,

    Finally after some "tortuous" months I've my website finished and uploaded... It has been hard for me to deal with HTML and CSS (totally newbie), but it's finally done: http://karlospizarro.org/

    It has most of music electronics, diy projects and photography. MBSEQ page is obviously in construction as is starting now... contents and pics coming soon!

    I'm happy to be here again! going forward to start buying a Pic burner and pc boards for my next MBSEQ project...



  2. Hi all!

    I finally have the videos of my TCS analog sequencer: http://es.youtube.com/user/kapiza hope you like them! (comments are welcome  :P)

    Since I decided to start making my first website (let's say: learning html, css and Dreamweaver at the same time), my MBSEQ project is in "standby" mode... and I'm not entering the forum as much as I want...I'm not happy with that! As always, the problem is: time...always time...  but slowly, i'm finishing the website



  3. Hi all!

    Just to give my opinion,

    I think both prices are very atractive (i'd never see a price as low as 3€! for a PSU :o), and I'm agree that depending of the setup/application or for tests it would be a good deal..., but unexpensive switching mode PSUs have a lot of negative issues when supplying to digital...especially if the current demand is near to the supply current.

    Not only HF and RF noise, or spikes which could  (when murphy say it ;D) fry or directly kill any IC, as the normal decoupling capacitors for linear PSU would be not capable of filter them without adding some RF decoupling components. Also, if not properly shielded, problems with electromagnetic interference could happen,  by adding noise to near data lines or others...

    I would prefer a good classic linear PSU design, its heavier and bigger because the xfmr, but it needs few components, it is durable (correct word?), and today there are very good Low Drop Regulators, that only have 1 or 1,5V voltage drop.

    I've tried the 3pin regulator LD108X series (pin-to-pin compatible to 78XX), which depending of the current  demand, have a drop of only 1V (compared to 3v of 78XX series) and as a result, xfmr can be little smaller, and they don't get as hot as the 78XX do, as they only "eat" 1V...

    here is a link to one of the series, that can give 3A: http://www.st.com/stonline/books/pdf/docs/6738.pdf

    huh little long post... hope it was'nt boring... ;D

    Best regards,


  4. Hi!

    Thanks to all :)

    Yes it was a long project, It toke about two years...and still not having midi...(in construction) ;)

    I'm happy to see that many projects here are builded and working in few weeks!...

    FWIW We'd probably say it hasn't "seen the light of day" ... but what you said works :)

    Thanks! now I see it was'nt nesesary to tranlate it... In spanish is literally the same ;D: no ha "visto la luz del sol"

    It would be cool to see it in action, so If you are thinking about publishing some video I support you.  ;)

    Yes! this is another pending thing to do! I don't have videocam at this moment, but I'm trying to find one... Will post youtube link in few days!

    hey! bienvenido

    i am leaving in 17 hours for barcelona, to assist to an event www.theinfluencers.org at the CCCB Museo de Arte Contemporanea, and spin on thursday (dunno where exactly yet), i ll PM you my number so we can catch up and have some MB talking, (and maybe i can try your machinery?)

    Sure! it would be interesting! sorry I don't understand "spin on thursday", will PM you today

    by the way If anyone is interested in schematics, boards or more info about the analog sequencer, just PM me!

    I am also making (well, trying to get the time to make it :)) a website where that info, my MB projects and others will be available.

    All the best,


  5. hola!

    Bienvenido al club.

    Interesante secuenciador, me recuerda a los cacharros que saca Jarre en algunos de sus vídeos.

    A este le puse TCS (de Triple Control Secuencial) pero tentado estuve de llamarle "digisequencer"  ;D,aunque de "digi" tiene poco... ;)

    que tal Carlos, bienvenido! el secuenciador es diseño tuyo?

    Si, aunque en la mayoria de bloques el diseño es casi "estandar", usa chips de logica CMOS 4000, y circuitos analogicos hoy en dia ya muy estudiados y simplificados... lo mas "brainstorming" fue el diseño de la logica...

    para los que quieran tengo esquemas y placas en eagle (no todas, algunas son protos...) estoy montando una pagina web personal, espero tenerla pronto, donde subire toda la informacion de la criatura y mas inventos...



  6. Hola a todos,

    Hace poco que conozco este gran proyecto y queria presentarme a toda la comunidad. Creo que este es un proyecto muy interesante y me he enganchado tanto que ya estoy empezando ha diseñar lo que sera mi Midibox SeqV3...

    Tambien como amante de la electronica en general pero especialmente sintes analogicos esta a vuestra disposicion cualquier ayuda que pueda prestar, en lo que pueda. Como muchos midiboxers aqui, me encantaba desmontar todo y pegar chispazos en casa (de pequeño ;D) y construir (de mayor, aunque algun que otro chispazo...).

    Queria mostraros algunas fotos del proyecto que acabe hace un tiempo, y que el pobre apenas a visto la luz... Es un secuenciador analogico "triple" al estilo tradicional. Se podria decir que son 3 sequenciadores, dos de CV y uno de Gate. Cada uno tiene controles para cambiar el orden de las secuencias, divisor de reloj propio, entrada de CV para suma, opcion de Slave de otro, entradas y salidas de control del contador, y algunas funciones "raras"... Es muy util para secuencias Tangerinianas...

    bueno me salio un pelin demasiado grande, asi que ahora toca algo mas "de escritorio", que no necesite una mesa aparte.... jeje

    Saludos a todos!


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  7. Hello All!

    I knew about this great project from a friend few days ago, I would like to introduce myself to all the community.  I am Carlos, I live in Barcelona. I think this is is very interesting project, and also this is a very nice forum! It has hooked me that already I am beginning to design my first MIDIBOX SEQv3...

    Also, as working and loving all the electronics, especially analog domain, I am yours for any help I can give! As many "midibox'ers" here, I loved to dissasemble all and make sparks at home (when child) and construct (today)  ;D

    I have added some pics of a project I finished time ago (at many moments of the building process), and it has almost not "seen the sunlight" (is this correct? spanish phrase)

    It is a "triple" analog sequencer, let's say it is like 3 independent sequencers: 2 for CVs and 1 for Gate. Each has controls for change the sequence order, own clock divider, CV input for summing, master or slave option, control inputs and outputs for the main counter, and some "rare" functions. master clock, and midi interface (in construction...to be added in the blank left side panel) It is perfect for "tangerinian" sequence manipulation...

    Well, it is a wonderful "big and heavy" DIY machine, so now I think it's time to go to something more "desktop", that doesn't need a separate table.... hehe

    Best regards,


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