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Posts posted by Markus

  1. Thanks Yogi,

    yes that helps...

    The "clockbox enhanced.zip" from the download section seems to be the one which matches the "clockbox_multi.pdf " wiring diagram....

    The other mod`s inside the thread are also very interesting. Let`s see if I`ll be able to get this running..


    Thanks & best regards


  2. Hi all,

    I`m currently very interested in the Clockbox( MIDI Master Clock Project)

    I fond it in the "MIDIbox User Projects" in the Wiki and thats exactly what I need..(a small box delivering MIDIclock to my hardware without having a PC around...)

    Unfortunately there is only the link to the connection diagram active. The other links (discussion and firmware) are broken

    Any chance to get at least the firmwarefile which matches the described circuit in "clockbox_multi.pdf" ?


    thanks& best regards


  3. Hi Thorsten,

    Since I find such a usage a bit cumbersome (I wouldn't use it by myself), I would only add such a mode if multiple people request it.

    ...fully agreed.

    Maybe I`ll describe the reason why I came to this idea and maybe there`s already a workflow how to overcome this idea of a "background edit" mode....

    So, lets say a sequence is currently running and sounds nice, now lets say G1T1 contains the bass line all with major notes (C-3, G-3, G-2, F-3 whatever sounds nice), now want to vary the bass line a bit and thus starting to fumble on a rotary encoder to change the F-3 note to a F-4 but the actual step came along in exactly that moment when I´m at E#4 and this sounds terrible. So I thought it might be a good idea to finish all modifications (note, length, vel etc) and activating the step aferwards without the risk to play some terrible tones between...


    Thanks& best regards


  4. Hi Thorsten,

    thanks for clarification.

    No, such an edit mode isn't supported (and impossible with the PIC based MBSEQ due to very reduced RAM resources).

    Ok, was worth a try....

    Means, also in V4 this is neither implemented nor planned?

    Yes: inside the option page enable the "SyncPatChange" function.

    It also allows you to specify the measure size (by default 16 steps)

    Great! Even I read the manual a dozen times I think I need to read it a dozen times more before asking... :whistle:

    best regards


  5. Hi to all midiboxers out there,

    I still managed to build the MB SEQ V3.4 electronics and everything is working so far...

    I do not have a nice looking case at the moment and everything is looking like a ratsnest but I will be able to make myself familiar with the MB SEQ functionality (and indeed have lots of fun with the device from their first sign of life :ahappy: )

    Even I`m at the beginning of the learning curve for MBSEQ there still came some questions up:

    1: Within the step edit screen; once an encoder will be moved the corresponding step will be activated...but is it possible to edit the step lets say "in background" (setting note, velocity, length etc. and once finished the step will be activated by pressing the corresponding button )?

    2: Within the pattern screen; I noticed that a new pattern will get active immediately once loaded. Is it possible to let the current active pattern play until its last note has finished and then continue with the 1st note of the new pattern?

    Hope these questions are not too noob and I assume this behavior is already included and can be easily activated with a flag somewhere, as everything seems to be already included by our mastermind...

    However, many thanks for this great project and greetings to the whole community


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