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Posts posted by flo

  1. There was a question on how to make a FX switcher with MidiBox:

    I redirected the TS to this thread.


    "... when you say I only need one DOUT, you're saying i'll only need 1/4th of the DOUTx4 unit, correct? That would make sense as each 74HC595 can control 8 relays, correct?"

    Indeed when controlling 7 relays, you only need 1/4 of a DOUTx4 module.

    Actually, the CORE could control the 7 relays directly from one of its output headers so DOUT is not needed then, but this is not directly supported by the MIOS software so I decided to use a DOUT.

    See also:



  2. If you have no experience with MidiBox nor with PICs I suggest to make it a bit simpler like I minimized it in:

    "FX looper with MidiBox"


    which is:

    - Use a commercially available MIDI pedal like Behringer FCB1010: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/flo#external_controller_midi_floorboard

    - No matrix display only LED indicators that display which relay is enabled, the MIDI pedal will display which patch is selected: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/flo#user_interfacekeep_it_simple

    - No storing of patches needed, this is done in the MIDI pedal: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/flo#midi_implementation

    - Using MIDI controller change messages: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/flo#midi_implementation

    - Only 7 relay loopers. One MIDI controller change message has 7 bits, each control the state of 1 FX looper relay. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/flo#midi_implementation

    - 1 CORE and 1 DOUT needed. One DOUT can directly control 8 relays max. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/flo#midibox.

    You can always extent later. Remember there's a lot to learn and do before even the simple one is done.

    About using relays see: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/flo#using_dpdt_relays

    I wanted to use the ULN2803 Relay Driver Chip because its simple to use and cheap.

    You can use a transistor and do it yourself (like explained on Geofex: http://www.geofex.com/Article_Folders/rmtswtch/rmtsw.htm) but why do it the hard way? ;)

    You can use 5V or 12V types. Both will work as long if you have the power supply for it. I choose 5V types because the whole MidiBox runs on 5V.

    If you want to discuss that project please go to:



  3. Hello!

    You're probably in the wrong topic but I leave that to the moderators.

    You could have a look at:

    "FX looper with MidiBox"


    It's a design idea I did a while back but never did a complete build. I'm currently too busy with other projects (like tube guitar amps) to finish it.

    Would be great if somebody picked it up and continued it. :)

    Another idea would be:

    "The Pedal Box and Pedal Board Thread"



  4. Does anybody know why the layout in my user page in the docuwiki is not nicely formatted anymore?


    There used to be a content index on the right side with the "chapter" titles, this is gone.

    Also, many sentences are no longer nicely seperated by "chapter" or "paragraph" titles. It seems the "===" seperators are no longer interpreted nicely.

    I'm using Firefox 3.5.3 as browser.

    Btw: Nice new forum "look". I like it.



  5. Dear all,

    I'm running FireFox 3.5.1 on Windows XP.

    When I go to




    I get a yellow alert bar at the top of the browser page stating:

    Security alert. Local file inclusion bug. More info here, fixed release available. [18] (what's this?)

    It has some links that I put here:

    Security alert. Local file inclusion bug. More info here,


    fixed release available. [18]


    (what's this?)


    It seems to  be a security warning about some DocuWiki setting. I did a forum search but could not find a post about it.

    I don't know who handles the MidiBox DocuWiki so I thought to post this here.



  6. I can imagine the amount of work and time this takes must be huge! Impressive that you manage to get it done because I know the ever-growing ToDo list syndrome as well as trying to have a "normal" life next to: a job, making music, playing guitar, having a electronics addiction...  ;)

    I did not mean to push or anything, I was just curious. And indeed try to have some fun while doing it!  :D

  7. The AB switch can be used to:

    - Select between two signal sources = A-in / B-in -> Output


    - Route a signal to one of two outputs = Input -> A-out / B-out

    This can be handy to route the guitar either to the FXs & amp or to a tuner. Also nice is to be able to select between amps.

    Actually I just found this:


    Page 8 "A/B switching", explains how to do that with a "regular" FX looper.  :)

    So a collection of "regular" FX loopers is fine as long as they can also be used as AB switches.

    The chapters "Audio Loops" (page 7-9) and "Using Loops as Switches" (page 10-11) are interesting.

    I want my FX switcher to support these options so I guess I'll be moddeling it to the VoodooLab GCX concerning the loopers (but not its Midi implementation):



    I think that a CORE output port (like J5) can directly control a ULN2803 chip. It does not need much current because it uses darlington transistors and it will ensure that voltage/current spikes do not reach the CORE pins.

    Then I do not need the DOUT module. For this the source code needs to be changed.

    I have collected some info about this subject so far:

    Search terms:

    J5 as DOUT

    J5IO module on SVN

    svn.mios - j5_io

    use the pins at MBHP_CORE:J5 port as digital inputs and/or outputs



    cheap dout's


    you can control J5 outputs the following way from C:


      ADCON1 = 0x07;

      TRISA &= 0xd0;

      TRISE &= 0xf8;

    to the Init() hook

    Now you can toggle the pins with

    PORTAbits.RA0 = ...

    PORTAbits.RA1 = ...

    PORTAbits.RA2 = ...

    PORTAbits.RA3 = ...

    PORTAbits.RA5 = ...  // no typo! RA4 is allocated by IIC

    PORTEbits.RE0 = ...

    PORTEbits.RE1 = ...

    PORTEbits.RE2 = ...

    Driving PIC pins of port B via MIDI



  8. Hmm on the other hand, I usually have two main FX chains:

    - FXs for gain / overdrive / distortion (setup between guitar and amp).

    - FXs for modulation / delay / reverb (setup in the FX loop of the amp).

    So perhaps the FX looper needs to reflect that:

    - 3 chained FX loopers with 1xIN 1xOUT 3xSEND 3xRETURN jacks (for the pre-amp FXs).

    - 3 chained FX loopers with 1xIN 1xOUT 3xSEND 3xRETURN jacks (for the FX in the amp FX loop).

    - 1 AB loop selector with IN OUT A-SEND A-RETURN B-SEND B-RETURN jacks.

    Anyone has some suggestions for a good looper setup?

  9. Next to FX bypass loopers perhaps an "AB loop selector" would be a nice addition.

    My current favorite setup for the 7 switch options:

    - 2 seperate FX loopers with IN OUT SEND RETURN jacks.

    - 4 chained FX loopers with 1xIN 1xOUT 4xSEND 4xRETURN jacks.

    - 1 AB loop selector with IN OUT A-SEND A-RETURN B-SEND B-RETURN jacks.

  10. @FoneBone :

    > Which relais would you recommend?



    I've bought simple DPDT relays, rated for 5V 200 ohm 25mA, that were supposed to be good for audio-switching at a small online electronics shop in the Netherlands. I asked the shop holder who I trust with his answers via email. They were 1 euro a piece. ;D

    Takamisawa NA5W-K 7a6-001 JAPAN 942588.


    Try to find something like it in your local area.

    I'd keep away from too much advertised b#llsh#t like "special goldplated audiophile grade relays" as they are usually way too expensive...

    @stryd_one: Thanks for moving the thread!

  11. @FoneBone: Great, welkom!

    The project was on hold because of building other stuff, like my new pedalboard and an ADA flanger clone.

    I have the CORE & DOUT module-kits and relais etc lying on my desk to be build...

    Recently I've downloaded and installed the software to program the CORE but haven't tried it yet. I'll do that when the CORE module is build.

    Design-wise the project currently misses:

    - Actual tested code ready to be downloaded and used. But the code examples currently on my user page should work. Its actually pretty simple when using a DOUT module. ;)

    - Inside and outside layout design of the enclosure with the components.

    - Desicion on what types of FX-loopers to use:

    -- Chains of loopers or

    -- Separate loopers or

    -- Combination of the two. For me, this option is the most interesting.

    - Actual layout of the relay-FX-loopers board. The info on my user page and the posted picts in this thread should point in right direction.

    Well, I guess its time to re-start this project again...   ;)

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