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Posts posted by analogkid063

  1. I am presently sitting in front of my Broccoli18 programmer FUMING.

    As most of you know, programming a PIC is commonly known as a difficult process that is supposed to be simple.

    In the last 6 years, I have developed firmware for the 16F877, 18F4620, and 18F4550. In that time I have learned microcontroller circuit design and programming front to back....yet have not successfully programmed a single chip.

    For a while I did the JDM thing, tried the fix with the MOSFET, the whole 9 yards....new chips, different computers...Finally threw in the towel on that problem-ridden piece of trash and decided to try something different.

    Now I'm trying to get this thing to work, and am beating my head against a wall over here. How the hell can something so simple be so hard? This is retarded!

    Here's the rundown:

    Parallel port voltage is 4.2 volts, therefore using 280 ohms of resistance. 3V from Vdd to Vss with a .1 uF cap. 9V from Vpp to Vss. PGM and MCLR disconnected from parallel port. Checked to make sure connections between pins and socket were solid. Voltages on pins measure correctly when portdiag is run.

    Tried erasepic a bunch of times, tried repeating the command 100+ times with 3 18f4620's and one 18f4550. No matter what, I get the "unable to identify pic" warning.

    Please help....I'm an embedded systems designer and I can't even get my firmware onto a freakin chip!

    Any ideas??

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