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Posts posted by paulb

  1. Hi Ulta,

    Ok, you've got me interested too now!  Is it really simple to get LCD messages displayed in response to feedback messages, or is it just that you are (a) spending hours working out how it all fits together, or (b) a genius ?? (Or both...)

    I'm still plodding along in native Python, although I have to admit I haven't put all I've got into it yet as I am still finishing off the hardware side.

    One question you might be able to tell me though:  is it possible to send Live a PC message, get the feedback sent AND forward the PC to a VST instrument?  That is my challenge for the weekend anyway...


    - Paul

  2. Hi,

    I have spent ages trawling the Wiki, the forums etc. gleaning all the information I can on getting up and running with developing for my shiny new MIOS kit - so I *hope* this won't be a typical, seen-it-100-times-before newbie question, but I am prepared to be wrong...

    I believe I have followed all instructions to the letter, but I have run into a brick wall with compiling even a skeleton application on OSX.  The Wiki guide talks about an mkmk.pl script in the /tools directory, but I've downloaded everything I can find and there is no mkmk.pl to be found anywhere.  Have these instructions perhaps changed since the code restructure in the summer?

    If anyone can put me out of my misery and shed some light, I would be much obliged.


    - Paul

  3. Hi Ultra,

    I had a quick look at the Live API but didn't get on with it.  I found some other info on the web far more useful - see the links to it that I posted in this forum:  http://www.soundonsound.com/forum/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=GTR&Number=681597&Searchpage=1&Main=681388&Words=+PaulB&topic=&Search=true#Post681597

    I used the information on those pages as a starting point for integrating my Behringer FCB1010 MIDI controller into my setup, although due to limitations in the FCB I am now replacing its "guts" with a MIOS-based project (hence my presence in these forums now  :)).  Python isn't particularly easy to get up and running with (on OSX anyway) with regards to Live, but setting up is easy than MIOS development IMHO.


    - Paul

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