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Posts posted by gustavoturm

  1. Hey Gustavo, I'm from Brasil too (found it better to keep typing in english so everyone can understand)

    I've desided to build my own from scratch too, the only thing is that I'm not sure about what PIC burner to buy, I've seen that there is even some brazilian ones, much cheeper, and they seam quite nice, but still don't know if they would do the job.

    Have you started it already? I know that there is at least one other member from Brasil, since there was a SID chipping to here from Wilba's... maybe that guy knows better.

    Hey, man, sorry for the delay in the answering =(

    But here am i! Well, now i'm studying the USB protocol, i'm trying to figure out uses for it, in fact, i'll use USB for my MIDI Controllers, then i guess they will work well.

    However, i'm most interested in developing something with you, do you have an MSN account? we can chat and know what everyone of us think exactly.


  2. forget about the scope. I have one, but an analog one, I only needed it to debug analog circuits like tape machines etc. , for digital circuits it's useless. Maybe I can see if there is something switching or not, but to track what excatly is happening, you would need a digital scope or a extension device/board to connect to the PC, where you could record the action. and then, you would need the knowledge about the protocoll going on etcetc.

    keep it simple, just build a simple MIDI-Box with a core and some DIN's / DOUT's or so and check the stuff out. I promise you will not need a scope for that.

    Thanks for all your help, i'm going to study a little, and try to make something ^^

    I hope that it works good, because of my impossibility of buying kits.

    Cya ^^

  3. Well, i understand about the soldering errors, the islands and all that, but i got curious about the osciloscope, here in my coutry they're a little expensive, and, what are the caracteristics of a good osciloscope?

    Thanks for helping a noob ^^

    I'm most grateful ;)

  4. Well, i already tried to buy things from here, and the procedure is unknown by me, even using PayPal, it's a little bit difficult, the i probably will have to make it all on my own, however, this is going to be really fun! ^^

    I've seen the circuits board of some MIDI controllers, and they seem to be simple to make, the only step that i thing will be hard is the soldering.

    But it's ok ^^

  5. Well, i'm from Brasil, and i guess that the buying of the core modules and all that is a little inviable, however, maybe i could buy the microcontrollers and the boards and make it on my own, is it possible?

    By what i understood, you buy ready to use boards, right?


  6. For instance, i want to build something very simple, and in the future, i plan to make more advanced MIDI controllers, adapted to my needs.

    What i plan for future is a kind of drumpad controller, with another kind of button disposition, more adaptable to the hand, and, to create a technique for it, like Piano, in Piano we have books to upgrade our skils in speed, musical theory and accuracy, like Bona or Pozzoli, then i want to creat something like that.

    What do you think of the idea?

    Now i'm going to read the Wiki ^^

    Thanks for it ;)

  7. Hey, i'm new to making MIDI controllers, i know a little about MIDI, a little about electronics, a very limited knowledge about microcontrollers and programming and, i don't know even how to start =(

    I'll be very grateful if someone help me, even if the help is to make a "just 1 knob" controller.

    I need something simple to understand the MIDI controller building.


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