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Posts posted by MD

  1. i do have examples of "actual" fakes this guy documented his case very well http://kevtris.org/Projects/sid/remarked_sids.html

    The thing is that the ebay seller guy said he pulled all these chips from computers and they dont look all too beat up or desoldered. There are scratches like they may have come out of a socket but only one looks like it actually was desoldered from a board and one looks like it was cut out (short legs). Is there a test i can preform with a multimeter and pinout that would show me unique output for a valid sid?

  2. So I bought 6 sid chips (mos 6581's) from ebay (not from the individual who posted 13 for sale in this forum but a different person). As I was inspecting them i noticed that one of the chips has a small indented circle (usually used to denote pin 1) on  it in the bottom left corner in addition to the half circle on the left side. It also says TAIWAN GH1962102 on the under side. As my friend and I looked closer at all of them we noticed that on the under side of the other 5 they all say something like KOREA AH371118 or KOREA AH264708 and my roomate said that actual sids dont have any markings on the under side. I am curious about experienced input please respond ASAP i need opinions....i unfortunately dont have a midibox sid to put them in and test yet because i was buying the chips first and was going to buy a small kit top test them with first.

    HELP!! i need to know if these things are fake.

  3. I am realizing that more and more as i look at the pcb PDF. I suppose I could just buy another c64 with a PSU. I would REALLY appreciate a close up pic of how this board gets power ( call it a wet dream i just want to see it). I have a lets say....good understanding of electronics i went to school for it for 2 years and i have lots of building experience from robot kits etc. This is just a little looser than that and i just dont want to get anything wrong.

  4. There's no mods to be done to the C64 PSU.

    You don't need pictures, you need the pdf that you can find on the wiki.

    I downloaded and read the pdf here http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_8xsid_c64_psu_optimized.pdf before asking this question....The PSU options are very well documented and talked about all over the forum (thanks) I was just wanting to see it in more tangible form and was kinda curious about the 7809. But after I posted this i realized that the c64's i got off ebay dont come with psu's so! onto option D.

    P.s. thanks for the replies on this

    p.p.s wilba is a bad mofo

  5. I am having confusion about the optimized power supply..... I havent ordered any parts for my mb6582 yet (figured id research first ) but i am hitting a big wall trying to figure out where the mods on the c64 psu go. Pictures of the main board PCB indicate to me that they do not happen on the board and i find the schematics I have found searching the forums very straight forward as far as components used ( diode bridge etc) but vauge as far as position in the physical makeup of the box. I want to do this as cleanly as possible and what I neeeeeeeeeeeeed is a picture of how this is done in the construction. If I am wrong (if it is on the top right corner of the board where the core section is) id like to know and id also like a close up of that section. I am obviously about it so ANY help would be great thanks.

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