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LoFi Ninja

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Posts posted by LoFi Ninja

  1. Haha funny pic.

    I've built the interface end all.. But no sound. Does it need a preamp ?

    Also I used a 3.579545 MHz crystal and devided it with a 74F74N. It could not get any other. Is this a problem ?

    Does any of the chips 74HC574, 74F74N or pokey have some pins that need to be tied to ground which is not indicated on the schematic ? Like unused CMOS gates ?

    Thanks alot !

  2. Sry for opening what seems to be a dead thread.

    Where can I find the windows version of the LPT -> Pokey software ?? Did I miss the DL link or what ? I don't have the means to build the Midibox Pokey at the moment so a little playing around with the LPT -> Pokey in the mean time would be nice..

    Thanks alot..

    Also does anyone know if skrasm's CV pokey module is realeased somewhere ?

    I have two pokey's two YM2149F and two AY-3-8912  :P

  3. Thanks for the replys..

    Erm, no. There's neither AIN* nor AOUT "modules" on that PCB. You don't need those anyways so it's all good.

    Actually I do.. I want this guy to play with modular synths and other funky doo-dads..  :D Well then I guess I can't use the wilba case design then.. Judging from the size I'm going to have a hard time fitting the extra modules in there.. Then I'll go for the C64 case I think.. Looks pretty damn sweet aswell..

    Is the AIN and AOUT modules supported by the MB-6582 Baseboard ? Is there connectors on there, for this purpose or am I going to have to "mod" it... ?

    Theres permanently 8 "banksticks" wired on the board yes ? This is what the LPT port is for right ?

  4. Hello.. First post. Been lurking for some time, deciding if I have the money to build MBSID v2.. I don't, but I'm going for it anyway  :)

    So I want to use wilbas design (WHO DOSEN'T !!!)

    I'm buying the MB-6582 Baseboard Parts Kit + PIC's from SmashTV..

    I need AIn, AOut, DIn, DOut and MIDI offcause.. Is all this on the board ?

    What about those rotary encoders.. Why should I get them without a switch.. Why should I get them with a switch ? What is the difference when using the MBSID ?

    Do I need anything else ?

    Thank you !

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