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Posts posted by Naturebot

  1. Clem and everyone else- Thank you for the help!

    So, after searching about for months, I found the culprit- a resistor that rests under the master PIC was coded red-red-brown instead of vice versa, but the color was barely visible to me so I glossed over it! When I got in there and took out the PIC and measured it my values were indeed off. The beast is up and running now! No more issues uploading files and all appears to be working beautifully! :purple:

    So now on to the next project... modular analog drumsynth ensemble w/ Midibox CV and SEQ to control it??? Can't wait to get home and play around w/ this some more! Yeh yeh!


  2. Hi,

    is it possible that you have unstable power?

    I had some funny problems with my unstable psu lcd combination. I allways had to unpluck my lcd when I wanted to upload something to my mbsid. At the end I switched of the lcd-backlight.

    Best regards.


    Thanks Clem, I have tried it both ways with the same results.... still no luck.

  3. OK

    So I let my brain relax a bit, got new optocouplers in the mail, soldered up the lcd and still am having the same issues. Specifically, I cannot upload hex files to the cores of my mb6582.

    In MIOS Studio I send a hex file and this happens (and nothing else!)-

    "Starting upload of setup_mb6582.hex

    Waiting for upload request...

    Received Upload Request

    Sending block #1 00003000-000030FF


    doh! I've gone through all the troubleshooting and cannot find pinpoint any issues at this point. Here's my results...

    TEST PC1: All is good

    TEST PC2: worked fine

    TEST IN1: OK

    TEST IN2: OK

    TEST IN3: flickers (good)

    TEST IN4: lit up

    TEST IN5: Works fine

    TEST IN6: all good

    TEST IN7: all good!

    TEST INOUT1: all data sent was received and resent... endless data loop of sysex data

    Additional software checks:

    TEST SW1: Cannot program the hex file onto the pic

    TEST SW2: smashtv pic, n/a

    My LCD shows 2 bars at startup, gives the MIOS v1.9f message, and shows READY.

    I have now tried 3 midi interfaces with no luck! What to do?

    I've just about reached desperation w/ this and am convinced myself earlier I was ready to (I know! bad! I will not!) take this in to an electronic instrument repair shop. NO! :)

    Thanks guys, looking forward to getting this off the ground!

  4. If that can help you, I had loads of problems to upload to the core. See my discussion between me and Wilba if it can help you.

    Thanks for the help, I tried to upload w/ banksticks in and out (same results as before, both ways). I tried out a couple brand new optocouplers (and performed the standalone, not-in-core-module test on each beforehand) to the same results.

    I also tried unplugging the psu for a few seconds before attempting upload to the PICs and used very short (1 ft) midi cables. Still same result.

    I'm out of ideas, could this possibly be related to my MIDI interface (Lexicon Lambda)? Any help is greatly, GREATLY appreciated :)


  5. The usual suspect is a faulty optocoupler (6N138).

    Perhaps this is not installed, or there are bad joints there.

    i.e. The PIC sends the upload requests, therefore "MIDI Out" is working. In the normal case, it would receive the upload packets and reply with acknowledgement messages. If the PICs don't receive the packet, then they don't reply. Therefore, the most likely problem is a fault in receiving MIDI, which is probably the optocoupler or something else related to it, the resistors connected to the optocoupler.

    You might want to check the following components are correct and have good joints and connectivity:

    D1 (check orientation!), R5, R11 (near optocoupler), R6_CORE1, R6_CORE2, R6_CORE3, R6_CORE4 (under PICs).

    Refer to this, part labels on PCB will be obscured:


    Checked all of these components, everything appears fine

    MIDI Troubleshooting tests-

    TEST CORE1: bought from Smash, so should be rtg

    TEST CORE2: n/a

    TEST CORE3: visually all looks alright

    TEST CORE4: all check out

    TEST CORE5: all check out

    TEST CORE6: all good

    TEST CORE7: ok

    TEST CORE8: ok

    TEST CORE9: ok

    TEST CORE10: Hmm, so this wasn't expected... When I used my Lexicon Lambda as my MIDI interface the situation outlined in above messages occured. When using my Novation Remote (NOT a Remote SL, which is blacklisted) I received an endless series of upload requests as outlined in this section of the troubleshooting guide. However, I tried to trace this signal path and check for any accidental solder bridges etc and didn't find anything.

    TEST IN1A: ok

    TEST IN1B: ok

    TEST IN2: ok

    TEST IN3: led lights, can't get it to flicker when sending a series of midi messages, perhaps just not enough of an effect for me to notice

    TEST IN4: led lights

    TEST IN5: LED flickers ever so subtly

    TEST IN6: LED stays lit no matter what!

    TEST IN7: no voltage measured from the test, whether switch open or closed. I tested 2 different 6n138's as I had one from when I initially tried a year or so back to build a midibox sid using the standard modular pcb's (not a mb6582) and had similar issues with my core. The optocoupler ripped from there reacted the same way as the one I received with the kit.

    TEST INOUT1: not receiving any data back into the input

    TEST PC1: ok

    TEST PC2: ok

    Even trying w/ 2 octocouplers I received the same results. Is this just a case of 2 faulty optocouplers? I've seen the messages that have said "when all else fails, its the optocoupler" and I just sent in a Fatman only to find out the optocoupler was faulty!!!! OPTOCOUPLER! I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!!!


    Yeh, is that what this all means?

  6. Just looking around the net to understand a little more about optocouplers (esp the 6n138), found this-


    It looks like M-Audio issued a full recall on its lower level midi interfaces due to the little bugger. But, what may be of interest if this is common, is that there's a "fix" using 2 resistors that someone posted up there (see post #40).

    Just thought I'd share, still haven't tried anything on my midibox yet.

  7. Which MIDI interface are you using?

    I hope that it isn't listed here

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    No, its a Lexicon Lambda. I know the question seems unnervingly noob-ish, but what I'm really unsure of is what to expect to see if a transfer is successful. Application transfers in MIOS Studio will get a confirmation message if all goes well right?

    Is my best bet to go to the midi troubleshooting then?

    Its so hard to wait to finish this project, I'm so excited to make some noise with this!

  8. Hello all,

    I have mb6582 (smashtv kit) and all the tests on the base pcb construction guide have checked out, no problems to be found!

    I am at the point of trying to upload the testtone app with mios studio. I start the upload, have j11 bridged for the PIC in question (this is happening on all of them!) and the device ID set, plug in and switch on my midibox and the upload request is received. MIOS Studio sends block 1 and doesn't continue, no further acknowledgement or request messages are sent from the machine. This same problem occurs if I trying to upload the mb6582 hex file

    I've been reading all the documentation for a few hours now and am totally stuck! Anything I'm missing?

    Thanks in advance :)

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