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Posts posted by AC

  1. Bom, é mais ou menos isso que o knob_all já falou; é esperar o início do mês e começar a vaquinha. Vou entrar em contato com a Giga pra ver se eles têm fotos das placas já prontas, para termos uma idéia do acabamento. Quem conhecer alguém que queira começar, chama para o fórum e vamos começar - são só 10 unidades - 4 já certas.

    Mais novidades, respondo aqui.

    p.s: fazendo uma busca rápida, não achei nenhum dos outros PICs (18F4620 ou 18F4685) no Brasil - não valeria à pena importá-los?

    Aqui +1 para a vaquinha

    Na farnell tem +de 500 peças R$31,37 + impostos/sedex http://www.farnellnewark.com.br/cimicrocontrolpic18fxxx40mhz40pdip,product,89H0709,1271.aspx

  2. Hi,

    May be this is not new for advanced users.

    This XR-2206 Monolithic Function Generator is very usefull to use with analog out module, for example to control 3x XR-2206.

    Low-Sine Wave Distortion, 0.5%, Typical

    Excellent Temperature Stability, 20ppm/°C, Typ.

    Wide Sweep Range, 2000:1, Typical

    Low-Supply Sensitivity, 0.01%V, Typ.

    Linear Amplitude Modulation

    TTL Compatible FSK Controls

    Wide Supply Range, 10V to 26V

    Adjustable Duty Cycle, 1% TO 99%

    Waveform Generation:

    Sweep Generation

    AM/FM Generation

    V/F Conversion

    FSK Generation

    Phase-Locked Loops (VCO)

    FM OPL3 and SID are hard to find parts, so this XR are too cheap and easy to find.

    Any inputs are wellcome, let´s do it.



  3. for the audio on the PC:

    - In the Mios Studio > Options > Midi Device Routing >

    You need connect left side Midi Device-Readable : Mios Studio Out Port with Midi Device-Writable : ..... ( in my computer it's  Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth )

    - For MB 64e is possible up to 8 pots in unmuxed mode(J5), editing in : setup_midibox16e.asm file

    Yes, I discovered this today that we dont need core connected to listen the sounds from keyboard, this is too simple, I did many search here but there is nothing about this.

  4. I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the problem.

    You say that Pin 25 RX has no outgoing data..

    Pin 25 is TX, pin 26 is RX..

    You show in a pdf that you uploaded MIOS in smart mode.

    For this to happen, both TX and RX MUST be working, or the upload would never have completed.

    SO the problem is not TX or RX... or you never would have made it this far.

    You have demonstrated so far that you have working MIDI IN, MIDI OUT, and LCD display.

    Sounds like you are doing quite well. Next is to upload your application.

    Good Luck,


    Yes Pin 25 is TX sorry for my confusion.

    mios_v1_9f_pic18f4620.hex was programmed

    s_v1_9f_pic18f4620.hex was uploaded

    You said

    "Next is to upload your application"

    What this mean?

  5. Thank you for your help.

    Elnec SmartProg2 is a profissional programmer, this is best them ICD2BR, I have beem programed DSPIC/PIC/ATMEGA88/AT90S2313 and many others.

    Flash Microcontroller Programming Specification "39622F.pdf" page 9;

    "Users may store identification information (ID) in eight

    ID registers. These ID registers are mapped in

    addresses 200000h through 200007h. The ID locations

    read out normally, even after code protection is applied."

    SmartProg2 GUI let user store ID location.

    Could someone provide correct ID location for 16F4620?

    ID Location 1=?

    ID Location 2=?

    ID Location 3=?

    ID Location 4=?

    ID Location 5=?

    ID Location 6=?

    ID Location 7=?

    ID Location 8=?

    Hey AC, I will write something in English, so it's better to everybody understand.

    It's sad heard that you are finding problems in your project. Which project you are building?

    You know, I'm just a newbie here but did you already made all of the midi test/troubleshooting steps?

    Try to post your tests here.

    Home-made pcbs maybe can be your issue too, and I would suggest you another application to burn your PIC. Anyway, if you have a free time, you can build an MBHP BURNER or even the out-of-date JDM Module.

    Good luck troubleshooting your project, and I hope to hear good news in soon!


    OBS to AC: AC, to planejando fazer uma 'vaquinha' para mandar fazer uns cores v3 numa fabrica aqui dor Rio, então se tiver interessado em entrar nessa vaquinha para pegar um core para você, mantenha contato, pois uma placa profissional pode lhe ajudar no seu projeto

  6. Now LCD is READY not DEAD.

    I´ll try to explaim step by step all procedures for newbie like me.

    Please look PDF for more clear undestanding, english is not my native language and some time I have some difficulties to explaim what I´m thinking.

    1-I made my mbhp_core_v3b using an universal PCB this is very easy to build and better them protoboard, anyone can do this without buyng an industrial PCB.

    2-For people like me that have a programmer like SmartProg2, you must check "Ignore Microchip Recommendation to let most Significant Niblle of each ID to be Fh" this is the secret for not have anymore "Received Unxpected MIOS SysEx  message"

    3-Take care with MIDI IN/OUT, "Rear View" means exatily "Rear View" see this in PDF atached, that show MIDI Front View.

    But here I have no "FLOWERS" there´s no DATA outgoing pin 25 TX, PIC is not dead, I did MIDI OX tests and before upload mios was receiving DATA on MIDI MONITOR IN

    Well, any suggestion???



  7. I did software implemented loopback test with MIDI OX, everything OK.

    I´ll try this tomorow

    TEST SW2: (only relevant if you've programmed the bootloader with your own PIC programmer): some PIC programmers are not able to modify the ID field, which specifies the MIOS device ID, the LCD type and especially the to-COM option (alternative baudrate). This wouldn't be a problem so long the ID is completely zero (common case), but unfortunately the ID field is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF by default. This program fixes the ID field, details are described in the main.asm header



  8. Manual mode, Delay 500, but LCD is dead.

    Sending block #1 00000400-000004FF

    Sending block #2 00000500-000005FF

    Sending block #3 00000600-000006FF

    Sending block #4 00000700-000007FF

    Sending block #5 00000800-000008FF

    Sending block #6 00000900-000009FF

    Sending block #7 00000A00-00000AFF

    Sending block #8 00000B00-00000BFF

    Sending block #9 00000C00-00000CFF

    Sending block #10 00000D00-00000DFF

    Sending block #11 00000E00-00000EFF

    Sending block #12 00000F00-00000FFF

    Sending block #13 00001000-000010FF

    Sending block #14 00001100-000011FF

    Sending block #15 00001200-000012FF

    Sending block #16 00001300-000013FF

    Sending block #17 00001400-000014FF

    Sending block #18 00001500-000015FF

    Sending block #19 00001600-000016FF

    Sending block #20 00001700-000017FF

    Sending block #21 00001800-000018FF

    Sending block #22 00001900-000019FF

    Sending block #23 00001A00-00001AFF

    Sending block #24 00001B00-00001BFF

    Sending block #25 00001C00-00001CFF

    Sending block #26 00001D00-00001DFF

    Sending block #27 00001E00-00001EFF

    Sending block #28 00001F00-00001FFF

    Sending block #29 00002000-000020FF

    Sending block #30 00002100-000021FF

    Sending block #31 00002200-000022FF

    Sending block #32 00002300-000023FF

    Sending block #33 00002400-000024FF

    Sending block #34 00002500-000025FF

    Sending block #35 00002600-000026FF

    Sending block #36 00002700-000027FF

    Sending block #37 00002800-000028FF

    Sending block #38 00002900-000029FF

    Sending block #39 00002A00-00002AFF

    Sending block #40 00002B00-00002BFF

    Sending block #41 00002C00-00002CFF

    Sending block #42 00002D00-00002DFF

    Sending block #43 00002E00-00002EFF

    Sending block #44 00002F00-00002FFF

    Sending block #45 00003000-000030FF

    Sending block #46 00003100-000031FF

    Sending block #47 00003200-000032FF

    Sending block #48 00003300-000033FF

    Sending block #49 00007C00-00007CFF

    Sending block #50 00007D00-00007DFF

    Sending block #51 00007E00-00007EFF

    Sending block #52 00007F00-00007FFF

    Upload of 13312 bytes completed after 26.0s (0.5 kb/s)

  9. Montei meu protótipo com placa universal, estou usando o PIC18F4620 comprei na Farnell, tenho um programador SmartProg2 e mandei bala programou 100%, agora só falta fazer o upload do MIOS, ai que começa o problema, meu PC não tem porta MIDI, andei lendo no forum e vou ter que comprar uma placa de audio com MIDI, minha pergunta é: Se eu tenho um programador profissional será que dá para gravar o MIOS direto sem o PC?

  10. Construi meu primeiro sintetizador analogico quando tinha 17 anos, apresentei a varias bandas e todos davam risadas do som esquisito que fazia então abandonei a idéia,  hoje tenho 50 estou abrindo minha empresa de projetos  e tenho algum tempo para me dedicar a algum hoobie e este aqui foi um achado, simplesmente brilhante.

    Tenho uma duvida em relação ao teclado, não vou usar midi vou fazer meu proprio teclado com chaves, já comprei um perto da Santa Ifigenia por R$40 , qual modulo devo usar e como calibrar as notas?

    Tem muita informação aqui e ainda não deu para digerir tudo.

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