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Underground Techno

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Posts posted by Underground Techno

  1. The sidstation certainly has some "boutique"-price tag ;)

    Some of the available SID VSTIs are nice, but for the most part they lack authenticity and most importantly they rarely (this should actually ready "they don't" I am using "rarely" only because somone might have written one last night that's actually incredibly good and I missed) have a sound engine as powerful as the one TK implemented. The other obvious advantage is the physical control surface. Nothing beats fiddling with real knobs when it comes to programming sounds.

    If you stick to the CS designs you've seen around here (TK's Step C, mb6582, sammichSID, ...) there's no programming involved, if you decide to change button and knob assignments you'll have to do some configuring (ie change some tables in the source code) no real programming is needed for that, no worries. Soldering the parts is pretty much all you have to do :)

    I want the mb6582, now to look for parts :-) thanks for your help!

  2. v1 and v2 don't differ concerning the CS as much as you seem to think. As for the comparison - they don't compare well. Just look at the feature list of the mbSID v2 and compare it to the sidstation. Start with 8 SID chips vs. 1 ;)

    Thanks for the thoughts. Do you think much of the various emulations (quadra sid / plogue chip sounds / chip32)? Hmm, the sidstations quite expensive aswell considering it only has one chip...I shall dispense with that idea immediately! Perhaps I better do dome digging and some reading unless the vsts are considered good. What is this debugging process I've come across? I really don't want to program computers lol. Is soldering all I need to do?

  3. Oops, I feel worse than a dirty old man who's been rejected by a hooker ;-) (umm probably). Hmm, i've been flirting with the idea of making something but I'd have to have knobs on like the v2. Has anyone had a go on the sidstation and is it any good in comparison to a v2? I've also been looking at the plogue chipsounds vst but I suppose that's probably as popular as my request to buy a pre-made unit :-I

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