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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. hi guys, sorry I posted in the Fleamarket without a Sale Request here. So here it goes, I would like to sell my sammichSID, first Batch, already built and the case is not painted yet, so it is ready to go. Since I got it I NEVER (i know it is a shame) got to play and it is sitting there in my desk and I think somebody will give this a good use. I think the fair price it will be 250 USD, I am in Toronto-Canada and shipping will be extra depending on the location, Paypal only. Reach me at marco.costa at gmail.com cheers!
  2. hi guys, I am selling my sammichSID, already built and the case is not painted yet, so it is ready to go. Since I got it I NEVER (i know it is a shame) got to play and it is sitting there in my desk and I think somebody will give this a good use. I think the fair price it will be 250 USD, I am in Toronto-Canada and shipping will be extra depending on the location, Paypal only. Reach me at marco.costa at gmail.com cheers! SOLD
  3. Great Wilba, got the compound last night and will get DC tomorrow... Thanks again...
  4. Great Labelwhore...so I will get this compound then... I am sure I will make a mess, i will try not to..heheh :) :yes: Thanks again
  5. Thanks Wilba and Labelwhore I have a found this http://www.thesource.ca/estore/product.aspx?language=en-CA&catalog=Online&category=Misc_Parts&product=2761372 it is silicone base heatsink compound, but does not say if it is non-conductive or something...it will be ok to use this one? I think I received the 6582A so I think I will be good with unregulated power supply then.... Thanks!!!
  6. Hi friends, received my kit last week, thanks Wilba! I have a couple of questions, can't seem to find any non-conductive heatsink compound here in Toronto, and the regulated wallwart power supply since the ones I found were unregulated....so I have my hands in the kit but can't start building since I don't have this 2 components... Fellow canadians and friends at the forum if you know some place in Toronto let me know, or also online source will be great too. Thanks a lot Marco
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