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Posts posted by cennay

  1. I migrated from the Prophet64 world over to MIDIbox world a couple of years ago. It seems to be a natural progression once you experience the sounds you can generate with SID's and want to expand. Did you build the SID2SID mod for your MSSIAH-based C64? If so, then you can put together a MIDIbox-based Core kit and a couple of SID-module kits. Yes, building a SID synth with the MIDIbox platform is more complicated than a SID2SID, but it's the same basic principles of soldering and electronic circuit testing.

    It really doesn't take as much time as you might think. When I built my first Core and SID module, I was working two jobs, raising kids, and active at my church as a small group leader.

    Check out the Core and SID module pages in the wiki, on ucapps.de. Purchase your kits at SmashTV's web-store:


    Trust me. Once you build one Core and one SID module, you'll be hooked. There are endless creative possibilities using this platform. You may discover that you will want to expand past a simple synth to a custom control surface that only you could dream up, fits your specific needs and comfort, could never find out in the wild for sale, and costs much, much cheaper.

    people here are very kind to give advices, it is soooo charming!!!! but alas, i didn't build my c64's myself... somebody did it for me. i mean, it is very appealing to be able to build such a thing yourself, plus you guys seems to be very very able to guide someone like me, but i don't have the time at all. i play less music than i really want to already... wich is sad!

  2. Hi,

    There isn't really such a "thing" as a midibox...

    MIDIbox is a collection of DIY (do it yourself) hardware devices, there are sequencers, synths (SID and FM), control surfaces, mixers etc etc. The key is that generally people are expected to buy the individual kits for the different MIDIbox modules and build them. If you have no experience building electronic devices, there are lots of people here who will be happy to help.



    hmmmmm oki. thanks phil for clearing that. let's say i am more interrested in a synth using sids and a seuqencer... possible to have both? Thing is, i am in a movie school, i have two kids, i am 23, i run a sound studio, and i am a dj. on top of that, i make music ... so my days are waaaaay busy busy!!! you can check it at



  3. Hello everyone, musician looking for a midibox here! it will be recorded in my next album in my home studio. i already have three commodors with cynthcard and mssiah, but i am looking to expand that to better. Anyone has a midibox that he wants to be part of that project?


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