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Posts posted by midilab

  1. On 22/10/2018 at 0:36 PM, ilmenator said:

    It is great that you have come up with such a document/page!

    Please, upload that to the MIDIbox Wiki. We have seen a lot of effort lost over time because authors lost interest in MIDIbox for whatever reason, and then their website went offline, and all the fine documentation disappeared. No matter how enthusiastic you might be right now, there is a certain danger involved in offsite documentation. In short: offsite docu = bad.


    any ideas on where can i upload the documentation images? basicly those are just images simulating a lcd screen, i know that people here use some sort of lcd screen generator also for midibox seqv4 documentation. Maybe someone can point me the direction booth to standardirize(where can i generate those screens like seqv4 doc) and avoid offsite problems(a server to upload the images) on that matter.

  2. I had write a manual usage for Pattern Remix workflow for those wondering what it is all about. Documentation suggestions are welcome as well.


    I had use a midibox seqv4 photo from user galery on this doc article, and if you're are that user and feels that its not good to have your photos outside this community please drop a line so i can delete the photo from the article or at least put your credits on the photo.


  3. Hi you all!


    Doing some gear setup checking before traveling to berlin came out with this little 5 minutes jam.


    This Jam was recorded using Midibox SeqV4 using 8 tracks, Inversed Shuffle for all tracks with 16% of intensity for all of them. 1 pattern loop only.




    Gears list:

    8 Channels Virtual Analog Mixer Harrison Mixbus (Running on a miniitx PC headless and armless, controlled via MIDI used as main mixer, effects and emulations).
    MIDI Sequencer MIDIBOX Seqv4
    4 voice analog synthesizer Davesmith Tetr4
    Emulated 303 and 808 - VB303 and TS808
    2 Channel Sampler loop machine
    Controllers - UC33 and Nanocontrol

  4. Here's a small isssue that has ever been there:


    Bank Changes with the Mixer Map:

    Now the Mixer map by default only provides a dedicated program change parameter.

    Workaround to also dump a bank chage (CC#32) is to use one of the CC-Slots and assign it accordingly.

    While for sound affecting CCs it perfectly makes sense to first dump the program change and then the CC, in the case of the bank change it should be the other way around to get it working.


    My usual approach was to dump the mixer map twice, which works ok.

    The second program change was then preceeded by the bank change from the first dump and the synth switched to the correct bank+program,

    (Note: bank changes appear to have a "permanent" effect on any subsequent program changes)


    But when using the Remix Page (which is still my favourite feature from recent time), it slows down the workflow because you need to go into Mixer Map separately and dump again, instead of remaining on the Remix page.


    As said in the beginning, a small issue, but maybe theres a clever way to overcome this.


    Hi stuartm,


    I think the best way is to implement a new mixer parameter "bank change" to get everything work without overcomes...

    It will be a good enhancement to SeqV4 in my opnion!


    I know your pain to had to deal with bank changes... i have code a support for Sysex parameter inside Mixer page to overcome all the problem with program changes and bank changes. So in that way i could manage in a painless way the external gear presets and also have every detail of my work backuped inside my midibox session(if a lost the preset of that pattern inside my external gear... or even lost my gear, i could just buy another one and midibox dumps my work on the fly).

    I dump the external gear Sysex of each track to midibox that manages everything when i change patterns or remix track patterns inside Pattern Remix page.


    Best Regards,


  5. The Euclidian sequencer is very nice, very accessible, especially with that pattern display on the right !

    Regarding the Remix page: Killer !

    Just one thing I haven't wrapped my head around yet: when I do a full pattern switch (not remix), not all of the mixer map settings are sent.

    Is it somehow related to the tracks ?

    Hi, Stuartm

    I got the bug other day, i realize that just mixer data for the group 1 of tracks(1, 2, 3, 4) are being dumped.

    - Bug fixed!

    I think TK will relaase this fix in the next sev4 firmware update.

    Best Regards!

  6. @Midilab: could you please test this at your side?

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    I have tested at my side. Everything fine, but im not using wilba panel, maybe some problem related with HW Configuration?

    The famous read before post... problem solved. :)

  7. The Euclidian sequencer is very nice, very accessible, especially with that pattern display on the right !

    Regarding the Remix page: Killer !

    Just one thing I haven't wrapped my head around yet: when I do a full pattern switch (not remix), not all of the mixer map settings are sent.

    Is it somehow related to the tracks ?

    Strange... I have test at my side and everything is ok, could you please confirm that theres no track markerd to be remixed when you do the pattern change? Some times a track could be in mixed state for a lot of pattern changes until you deselect him.

    If theres some track marked to be mixed down it will appears at the bottom of rigth LCD marked with a X...

    If nothing there, could you please send me a copy of your Session directory for me to trying to reproduce this and check if there are some environment config that could be affecting the dump of mixer tracks?

    What mixer map settings are not being sent? its only for a single track? more than one track? only one parameter? or there are more than one parameter not being sent?

    Best Regards,


  8. I have think about some nice add to seqv4.

    Use Mixer to hold sysex data, so we can automate sysex dump during live sessions.

    How it will be?

    When you are inside Mixer page and select the 'new' parameter Sysex, you could just send your sysex setup and the Mixer page saves it for you, assign that sysex data to the track that have receive it.

    Internally how it works?

    We could use the /SYSEX/ dir to put all data inside like that:


    So each time we dump a Mixer data, the Mixer also dump the sysex data for that track.

    For me! quite very ultra usefull to full backup of tracks, for example backup also the Synths sysex sound data.

    What you guys think?

    And what you TK think about the implementation of that stuff?



  9. It will be preaty nice to have PRE and POST options for all FX section.

    Today all the FX are POST processed, if theres a option to easy choose between PRE and POST processing will be sooo nice!

    For me the PRE processing of effects will be preatty usefull for example to record the effects inside track.

    So when i found some EFX or a group of EFXs that fits well to the track i am working on it, i can record down the idea. without this option i always have to remember what kind of EFX params i have use for that specific track(no persistent data).

  10. Hi,

    STM32 has been replaced by LPC1769 and I don't plan to switch back.

    STM32F100RB has only 8kb RAM, only 128kb Flash and can only be clocked at 24 MHz

    It isn't supported by MIOS32 due to these limitations.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    so i think its time to go and buy a LPCExpresso...


  11. Hi all!

    I dont know the if the stm32 will be a legacy plataform in the future for midiboxes... but i have found something interesting for the DIYers.

    Something like the LPC17Expresso but for STM32 and for a really good price! U$ 10 bucks..


    Maybe i can made a new PCB project for core to just attach that evalution board... will be much more cheaper to construct the core32.



  12. huh? as long as i know, you can delay midiclocks in ableton in both directions negative/positive...is this not working for your needs? sometimes i needed to push them real hard like 50 ms or so to...at least they stay in sync.

    Yeah i know, i use it a lot, but think about, what if we could control this inside midibox? and save it by sessions... it would be preaty nice! :)

  13. Couldn't you just add a cheap PIC-based MIDIbox for each of your buddies that delays the MIDI clock data? The user interface could be very simple, just a rotary encoder to set the delay in whatever unit is convenient, and a display (3 1/2 LED numerical to make it cheap).


    Good idea! if i could not solve this problem with only midibox seq4 i will build up one like you said.

    Thanks for the idea man!

  14. @midilab

    why would you do that ?

    i had latency issues when using midiseq with cubase, but in the opposite direction... everything was too early... to manage these "audio delays" i had to implement the midibox as an "instrument" but with audio not connected. when then routing the "not connected" audiochannel to the same bus as my vsti, the delay is gone...

    maybe you could also try "custom grooves", setting them to a negative value... like tk said, this is only midi ticks not ms/us.

    sm:)e , n:k

    I have think about this because i got a live project with other 2 people, each one receiving the master clock from my midibox, and each one use ableton live for sequencing and sound generator.

    And basicly we got this problem to get everybody in sync with no strange delays for messing with the song. TWe do this nowdays manage audio delays, geting my sound engine as main reference and setup the time delay with audio delay, but we need to do this one by one, and its time consuming to do this on each PC and with no main audio monitoring reference for everybody. But, it could be done...

    Thanks for the trick, i will try it! :)

    I could do that with custom grooves, but it will be a little bit time consuming, because its track based(i need to setup each track to get groove on), and my problem since i got 2 other peoples, each one receiving the clock on a dedicated port, will be easier to be solved with delays in a port based manner.

  15. Hi,

    Unfortunately this is hard to implement - resp. if I would change the sequencer engine to cover this request, it would have a disadvantage on MIDI timing accuracy (which I find more important than such a feature)

    Background: in distance to common MIDI sequencers running on a PC, the event handler of MBSEQ doesn't schedule MIDI events based on time, but based on the MIDI clock tempo.

    This results into a higher accuracy. This also allows to change the tempo during runtime without re-scheduling MIDI events (especially important for MIDI Echo Fx)

    As a side-effect, the granularity of the scheduler interval is independent from the time. It isn't possible to delay events with uS accuracy, only with "midi tick" accuracy, which depends on the tempo, and which is higher than 1 mS (e.g. at 120 BPM with 384 ppqn, it's ca. 1.302 mS, at 140 BPM it's ca. 1.116 mS)

    For a high accuracy and stable delay compensation, I recommend the usage of audio delays!

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    Uhmmm now i can see what you mean, i have take a look at the core and it will really mess things with this request...

    Audio delay is the way i manage this things, but in the other side i have think about this feature because it will let me setup everything inside midibox, but any way, will not work the way i have think about it.

    But... it will be possible to use the bpm_tick_delay of seq_core_trk_t to get tick delays for a specific track?

    Im asking this because i use to get some cool grooves doing this shifts in time with each track? because with hardwares for example will be no way to setup audio delays.

    Thanks TK!

  16. Hi Tk,

    I got a request that i think isnt that hard to implement.

    Something that can be preatty usefull for live situations is some kinda of delay time param for the midi data on each specific port.

    Something like the "delay" we got inside ableton live to get things in time if we need to compensate some kinda of lag, or just to get a different groove shifting the time of midi data on ports.


    Utils -> Opt -> Midi delay

    Port Port

    USB1 OUT1

    -3.4 ms 2.4 ms

    if it is possible to save that config inside session data will be perfect, because sometimes you need that kinda a configuration for diferent sessions and setups.

    Thanks in advance!

  17. I'm surprised about your statement!!!

    Is version 4.050 working fine???

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    Holy shit! you're fast!

    Everything in order now with 4.050! thanks a lot for that!

    PS: i was planning to start the development of a new button to use as a footswitch pedal to use it as a kinda of midilooper control thats the idea:

    Pedal holded: rec mode on(without the rec screen)

    2x fast pedal pressing: delete the track data

    3x fast pedal pressing: copy the track data

    4x fast pedal pressing: paste the track data

    5x fast pedal pressing: undo track changes

    if i get some progressing i let you know, i think this will be a great improvment for livers loopers and its not so complicated to programming.

    Best regards!

  18. Hi Tk,

    I have realize that from version 4.048 ahead the GP LEDs - GP_DOUT_L_SR - are not working anymore.

    Im using just 1 DOUT on my midibox() for Dual Color Led, and thats my config:

    # number of first and second DOUT shift register used for GP LEDs

    GP_DOUT_L_SR 1

    GP_DOUT_R_SR 2

    # DOUTs for Dual Color option:

    GP_DOUT_L2_SR 3

    GP_DOUT_R2_SR 4

    And also i have zeroed all the interface leds pins(since im not going to need on my layout)


    # LED assignments to DOUT pins

    # SR = 0: LED disabled

    # SR = 1..16: directly forwarded to DOUT pin

    # SR = 17..24: forwarded to a 8x8 LED matrix


    # SR Pin

    LED_TRACK1 0 0

    LED_TRACK2 0 0

    LED_TRACK3 0 0



    Versions 4.047 above are working fine.

    Thanks for all your work on this project! amazing live tool!

  19. cara sinceramente não seria mais fácil combinar com o smash e pegar 10 placas dele ?

    É tenso cara galera é fogo de palha posta fala que compra chega na hora do vamos ver da pra tras !

    Só para informar, o smashTV abriu a loja dele para o Brazil(finalmente...), pedi 1 core32 kit, 1 din kit e 1 dout kit.

    Tive algums problemas na primeira entrega(que retornou a ele e o mesmo me deu refound pelo paypal)

    1- no primeiro pedido o fiz com uma conta paypal utilizada para prestar serviços de TI(ja que trabalho com isso) logo a fatura foi no nome ficticio que uso para este fims e nao meu nome pessoal. Resultado: o pessoal da alfandega considerou como uma encomenda de Pessoa Juridica e quiseram que eu pagasse as taxas altissimas destinadas a este tipo de inportacao. depois de muita luta(3 meses) consequi que eles devolvesem e pedi novamente com meu nome pessoal no paypal.

    Ai chegou normalmente, pagando os impostos devidos de pessoa fisica.

    Bem espero que todos tenham sucesso no mount de suas midibox...


    PS: Logo postarei as fotos da minha midibox seq4, como só pedi 1 din e 1 dout, tive que improvisar e fiz uma versao compacta do midibox, porem totalmente funcional.

  20. cara sinceramente não seria mais fácil combinar com o smash e pegar 10 placas dele ?

    É tenso cara galera é fogo de palha posta fala que compra chega na hora do vamos ver da pra tras !

    Porra cara, seria o ideal pegar com o smash, no meu caso estava querendo o Core32 kit completo para o seq4. Mas nao sei oque rola, tentei contactar o bichu de todas as formas(web site, forum PM e chat #midibox) e nada, sera que tao tirando os brasileiros de tempo?

    De qualquer forma seria legal se alguem consequise contactar o cara, caso consiga, estou dentro da intera para comprar!

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