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Everything posted by midilab

  1. midilab

    Upside view

    Yeah it was a little bit messing to find what buttons to use(since i have only made 1 DIN), but that final layout its preaty functional. I have only modify on thing on the code: - When Track is in Drum mode, the "Select" button show the View select page, but thats not usefull for the Drum mode, so i manage to get the Select button(when in drum mode) to show the VU metter drum parts to select what drum part to edit when in Edit mode. Im glad you like, i use your tuto as main base for the construction of my papperbox seq4! Thanks for that man!
  2. midilab

    PapperBox Seq4

    A 1 DIN and 1 DOUT prototype of midibox seq4 stm32
  3. midilab


    From the album: PapperBox Seq4

  4. midilab

    PapperBox Seq4

    From the album: PapperBox Seq4

    A lightweight version of midibox seq4 using a stm32, 1 DIN and 1 DOUT. Hehehehe not the top10 beauty of the week for midibox galery, but its stable and got a good usability even with less buttons. I plan to make a good wood case for him later, lets see how long this papper box will last from stage to stage... Already gig with this guy... lot of fun! \o
  5. First midibox finished! o/

    A minimalist version of seq4, using a Core32, 1 DIN and 1 DOUT module.

    Post pictures asap.

  6. Só para informar, o smashTV abriu a loja dele para o Brazil(finalmente...), pedi 1 core32 kit, 1 din kit e 1 dout kit. Tive algums problemas na primeira entrega(que retornou a ele e o mesmo me deu refound pelo paypal) 1- no primeiro pedido o fiz com uma conta paypal utilizada para prestar serviços de TI(ja que trabalho com isso) logo a fatura foi no nome ficticio que uso para este fims e nao meu nome pessoal. Resultado: o pessoal da alfandega considerou como uma encomenda de Pessoa Juridica e quiseram que eu pagasse as taxas altissimas destinadas a este tipo de inportacao. depois de muita luta(3 meses) consequi que eles devolvesem e pedi novamente com meu nome pessoal no paypal. Ai chegou normalmente, pagando os impostos devidos de pessoa fisica. Bem espero que todos tenham sucesso no mount de suas midibox... Abraços! PS: Logo postarei as fotos da minha midibox seq4, como só pedi 1 din e 1 dout, tive que improvisar e fiz uma versao compacta do midibox, porem totalmente funcional.
  7. Porra cara, seria o ideal pegar com o smash, no meu caso estava querendo o Core32 kit completo para o seq4. Mas nao sei oque rola, tentei contactar o bichu de todas as formas(web site, forum PM e chat #midibox) e nada, sera que tao tirando os brasileiros de tempo? De qualquer forma seria legal se alguem consequise contactar o cara, caso consiga, estou dentro da intera para comprar!
  8. Hi, Is that possible for us to have the CORE32 PCB already solded with the STM32 processor? Greetings from Brazil!
  9. Rigth now im using a MC-50MKII as main midi sequencer and a quasimidi 309 plus a access virus TI and a mac for efx processor. Running the SeqV4 on Mac emulated to start learn about midi Seq and his internal architeture. I got some ideias to code some midi efx processor so until there, just messing around.

  10. Hi, have being watching the midibox project since the begning of midibox64, now i decide to start the construction of the midibox seqV4.

    Im a computer programmer for my professional, and musician by hoobie and paixion.

    Thanks for the community to keep the project alive!

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